
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · 漫画同人
72 Chs

Solidarity and Reassurance

In the early morning light, Luffy and Shorta sat together, sharing a hearty breakfast and enjoying each other's company. Luffy glanced over at Shorta, a curious gleam in his eyes as he broached the topic.

Luffy: So, any plans for the future? Thinking about settling down or something?

Shorta, still mulling over the unexpected encounter with Ruby the previous night, found himself at a loss for words momentarily. He met Luffy's gaze, his expression reflecting his uncertainty.

Shorta: Uh, not really sure, mate. Just taking things as they come, you know?

Luffy nodded understandingly, sensing his friend's hesitation. He leaned in, offering a reassuring smile and some words of encouragement.

Luffy: Hey, that's alright. Just take your time and follow your gut. You'll find your way, no doubt about it. And hey, if you ever need a sounding board or some advice, I'm right here for you, buddy.

Shorta's face lit up with gratitude at Luffy's offer of support, feeling reassured by his friend's unwavering presence by his side.

As Ruby stirred from her sleep, she was greeted by a pounding headache, a harsh reminder of the events of the previous night. Rubbing her temples, she struggled to piece together the fragments of her memory.

Ruby: I... I was drunk last night, and then...

Suddenly, the events of the evening flooded back to her, and Ruby's cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment.

Ruby: Oh no, I can't believe I confessed to Shorta... What must he think of me now?

Despite her mortification, Ruby couldn't help but feel a twinge of admiration for Shorta's decency. Despite the circumstances, he had shown her nothing but kindness and respect.

Ruby: He could have taken advantage of me, but he didn't... Maybe he's not as bad as I thought.

But even as she reflected on Shorta's actions, Ruby couldn't shake the embarrassment of her drunken confession, feeling a blush rise to her cheeks at the memory.

In the tranquil setting of the park, amidst the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds, Luffy and Shorta stood facing each other, their expressions determined and focused. As seasoned commandos, they knew the importance of honing their combat skills, even in moments of leisure.

Luffy cracked his knuckles, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

Luffy: Ready to go, Shorta?

Shorta nodded, a flicker of excitement in his eyes.

Shorta: Bring it on, Luffy!

With that, they both sprang into action, their movements fluid and precise. Luffy unleashed his Light Breathing techniques, weaving effortlessly between strikes and dodges, while Shorta countered with his Flame Breathing, unleashing bursts of fiery energy with each movement.

Their sparring session was a sight to behold, a dance of strength and skill beneath the canopy of trees. They traded blows with lightning speed, each move calculated and executed with precision.

Despite their competitive spirits, there was an underlying sense of camaraderie between them, a mutual respect born from years of training side by side. They pushed each other to their limits, striving to become stronger with each exchange.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the park, Luffy and Shorta finally called a truce, panting slightly but grinning ear to ear.

Luffy: Not bad, Shorta. You're getting faster.

Shorta grinned, wiping sweat from his brow.

Shorta: Thanks, Luffy. You're not too shabby yourself.

With a mutual nod of respect, they both knew that this friendly spar was just another step on their journey to becoming the best commandos they could be. And as they walked away from the park, their bond stronger than ever, they knew that they would always have each other's backs, both on and off the battlefield.

Daniel observed Luffy and Shorta's sparring session with a sense of nostalgia and determination. As he watched them, he couldn't help but feel reassured that some things remained unchanged in the story, despite the twists and turns it had taken.

Lost in his thoughts, Daniel wandered the streets, deep in contemplation. Suddenly, he spotted an informant approaching him, and he greeted them with a nod.

Daniel: Ah, you're here. Do you have any updates for me?

The informant handed Daniel a file, containing crucial information about the remaining children from Ichigo and Luffy's orphanage, who were being held captive in an Umbrella facility in Paris.

Daniel examined the file intently, his mind racing with plans and strategies. Determination burned in his eyes as he realized what needed to be done.

Daniel: If this information is accurate, I can't waste any time. I must rescue these children.

With a decisive nod, Daniel dismissed the informant, who quickly departed. Daniel sat in a nearby cafe, poring over the details of the hideout in Paris. After carefully considering his options, he made a firm decision.

Daniel: I need to inform Ichigo and Luffy about this, but there's no time to waste. I'll head to Paris first, then notify them.

Before Daniel could leave, he strategically placed the file in Ichigo's room, knowing that Ichigo would discover it upon returning. As Ichigo emerged from the shower and noticed the note and file, his curiosity was piqued.

Ichigo: What's this?

Reading the note, Ichigo's expression shifted from confusion to shock as he absorbed the news about his long-lost brothers. Without even bothering to put on a shirt, he rushed out of his room to find Luffy.

Luffy, taken aback by Ichigo's half-naked appearance, couldn't help but comment.

Luffy: Ichigo, where's your shirt?

Ignoring the question, Ichigo enveloped Luffy in a tight embrace, tears streaming down his face.

Ichigo: We're not alone, Luffy. Our brothers, some of them, are still alive.

Luffy, equally moved by the revelation, accepted the file from Ichigo, his hands trembling as he flipped through its contents.

Ichigo: We can save them, Luffy.

Filled with determination, Luffy agreed wholeheartedly.

Luffy: Let's go to Paris and free our brothers.

As they discussed their plans, Raveal arrived on the scene, her gaze drawn to Ichigo's well-built physique. Blushing at the sight, she couldn't help but comment.

Raveal: Um, Ichigo, maybe you should put on a shirt?

Ichigo, overjoyed by the news of his brothers' survival, pulled Raveal into a heartfelt embrace, surprising her with his sudden display of affection.

Ichigo: I'm so happy, Raveal. My brothers are alive, and I can save them.

Tears of joy filled Raveal's eyes as she looked at the transformed Ichigo, reminiscent of the happy-go-lucky man she had once fallen for.

Raveal: That's wonderful, Ichigo. You don't have to be consumed by vengeance anymore. For your brothers, you have to be better.

Ichigo, filled with determination and gratitude, assured Raveal of his commitment.

Ichigo: I will be. And the same goes for you, Luffy.

Luffy nodded in agreement, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

Luffy: Yeah, but Aqua went alone because of the urgency. We need to find a way to reach Paris quickly. He can't handle it alone.

Ichigo nodded in understanding, realizing that Aqua had anticipated their actions and left two flight tickets for them.

After exchanging a tender moment with Raveal, Ichigo and Luffy retreated to their rooms to prepare for their journey. Before departing, Ichigo approached Raveal.

Ichigo: Raveal, I know my words hurt you, but I promise I won't seek revenge anymore. Will you be there to support me?

Raveal, her heart brimming with determination and love, expressed her unwavering commitment to Ichigo.

Raveal: I won't lose you again, Ichigo. And for your brothers, we'll step up as their guardians, a family united by love and loyalty. While I may not possess the same warmth as Hana-San, I promise to be the steadfast protector they need.

Her words resonated deeply with Ichigo, who gazed at her with newfound admiration and gratitude.

Ichigo: Thank you, Raveal. Knowing you're by my side gives me the strength to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

With a final kiss, Ichigo left for the airport, leaving Raveal filled with hope for the future and grateful for the kind-hearted man Ichigo had become.