
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · 漫画同人
72 Chs

Divide and Conquer

As the airplane soared over Umbrella Cooperation's vast empire, Naruto, Ichigo, and Luffy peered down at the sprawling landscape below, their expressions steely with determination.

Naruto: "Alright, team. We're landing on the north side to clear out the island. Stay focused and watch each other's backs."

Ichigo: "Got it. Let's show them what we're made of."

Luffy: "Yeah! We'll take 'em down!"

As the trio prepared to descend, they looked back at their comrades onboard.

Naruto: "Kota, Shorta, Izumi, you'll handle the west side. Sasuke, Zoro, Sanji, take the east. Aqua, Aizen, Madara, you're on the south. Clear out those zombies and meet us when you're done."

Kota: "Understood, Dad. We won't let you down."

Sasuke: "We'll make sure to secure the east side."

Aqua: "We'll take care of the south. Don't worry, we've got this."

Madara: "Looks like we're teaming up once again, Aizen."

Aizen: "Indeed. It seems fate has brought us together for another battle. But this time, we fight on the same side."

Madara: "Hmph. It's an unusual alliance, but if it means putting an end to Umbrella Cooperation's tyranny, then so be it."

Aizen: "Agreed. Let's show them the power of our combined forces."

Madara: "Just don't get in my way, Aizen. I have my own agenda."

Aizen: "Likewise, Madara. Let's make this quick and efficient."

With a nod of understanding, Madara and Aizen prepared to embark on their mission, their minds focused on the task at hand as they set out to confront the enemy.

With their plans set, the team geared up and prepared to leap from the airplane, each ready to face the challenges ahead and put an end to Umbrella Cooperation's reign of terror.

As Kota, Shorta, and Izumi landed in the West Area, they found themselves surrounded by a horde of zombies, their glowing eyes reflecting the eerie moonlight.

Kota: "Well, this isn't exactly the warm welcome I was hoping for."

Shorta: "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us. Let's show these undead what we're made of!"

Izumi: "Agreed. Remember our training, stay focused, and watch each other's backs."

The trio wasted no time in springing into action, their breathing techniques flaring to life as they unleashed a barrage of attacks against the encroaching zombies.

Kota: *Sun Breathing, First Form: Dawn Blaze!* "Feel the warmth of the sun, you abominations!"

Shorta: *Flame Breathing, Third Form: Inferno Cyclone!* "Let's turn up the heat!"

Izumi: *Mist Breathing, Second Form: Veil of Shadows!* "Disappear into the mist!"

With each strike, zombies fell before them, their bodies engulfed in flames, shredded by blades, or shrouded in darkness.

Kota: "Stay sharp! They keep coming!"

Shorta: "Then we'll just have to keep fighting! Don't let up!"

Izumi: "We can't let them overwhelm us! Stay focused and push forward!"

As the battle raged on, a towering monstrosity emerged from the depths of the West Area, its grotesque form sending a shiver down Kota, Shorta, and Izumi's spines.

Kota: "By the sun, what is that thing?!"

Shorta: "I don't know, but we can't let it stop us! We have to take it down!"

Izumi: "Stay calm and focus on our breathing techniques. Together, we can overcome anything!"

With renewed determination, the trio launched a coordinated assault on the giant monster, their attacks raining down upon its massive form.

Kota: *Sun Breathing, Seventh Form: Solar Flare!* "Feel the full power of the sun's rays!"

Shorta: *Flame Breathing, Fifth Form: Inferno Nova!* "Let's turn this creature to ash!"

Izumi: *Mist Breathing, Fourth Form: Phantom Tempest!* "Surround it in darkness!"

Their combined efforts inflicted heavy damage on the monster, but it retaliated with ferocious strength, its massive limbs lashing out with devastating force.

Kota: "It's too strong! We need to find its weak spot!"

Shorta: "Keep attacking! We'll wear it down!"

Izumi: "Look for any openings! We have to exploit them!"

Despite their best efforts, the monster proved to be a formidable adversary, its resilience testing the limits of their strength and endurance. But through sheer determination and unwavering resolve, Kota, Shorta, and Izumi continued to fight, refusing to back down in the face of overwhelming odds.

And finally, after a grueling battle, they managed to find and exploit the monster's weak spot, delivering the decisive blow that brought it crashing to the ground in defeat.

Kota: "We did it! That was one tough opponent."

Shorta: "Yeah, but we managed to take it down. Teamwork really does make the dream work!"

Izumi: "Let's not get too comfortable. There could be more of these things lurking around. We need to stay alert."

Kota: "Agreed. Let's keep moving forward. We have a mission to complete."

With their victory against the giant monster, Kota, Shorta, and Izumi knew that their journey was far from over. As they pressed on through the West Area, they remained vigilant, prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their mission to clear the island of the Umbrella Cooperation's monstrous creations.