
The Battle Cries

Eran and Theo, are two close friends that belong to the infamous mercenary group, Band of de Sun. Eran is driven by ambition for revenge, seeking retribution for his father's death, while Theo seeks to realize his dreams of power and control. The road ahead of them will not be as beautiful as they imagined. The band's loyalty tested, and tragedy ensues, forcing Eran and Theo to question their principles and reasoning. Will their friendship survive the clash of ambitions and the test of loyalty that awaits them? In a world driven by power and revenge, Eran and Theo's friendship will be put to the test. Will they find a way to reconcile their ambitions, or will their path lead them to a painful harsh reality?

sicksix · 奇幻
192 Chs

A man Speaks with His Sword

They stopped by the only old tree in the middle of the park.

"I'll be serious from the start as you requested. Are you sure, Eran?" asked Theo as he took out a thin sword from its sheath.

"A man speaks with his sword," said Eran as he took out his two daggers.

"Wow, I'm surprised, even with a suit like that you can hide your two daggers," praised Theo.

Tonight the moon was full, the park was very quiet. Its light refracted until it illuminated every corner. Without anyone knowing, without anyone seeing, this battle witnessed their strength.

Without a signal their battle began, Eran disappeared from Theo's sight, then a split second suddenly appeared in front of Theo. Eran quickly attacked with his two daggers, but Theo had no trouble parrying Eran's attacks. His daggers continued to look for gaps to penetrate Theo's defense, but Theo beautifully parried them all.

Not running out of ideas, Eran increased the speed of his attacks almost imperceptibly, it was not enough for him to penetrate Theo.

Eran jumped back, he planned to add more speed. Theo stood with his sword spread out like a stab.

With one breath Eran disappeared again, this time he was already behind Theo's body, and his plan worked. Eran grasped his two daggers tightly then did not waste the opportunity he attacked Theo's back.

But as Eran got closer Theo twisted his body, like a snake coil Theo's sword twice stabbed right at both of Eran's daggers until it was released. Before Eran could realize the situation, he fell. As he was about to stand up again, Eran was stopped by Theo's words.


Eran finally realized there was something cold stuck to his neck. If Eran hadn't followed Theo's words, the tip of his small sword would have pierced Eran's neck.

Eran was so surprised by Theo's last move, he couldn't keep up. Then Eran smiled and raised both hands.

"I lost," Eran said.

Theo smiled as he sheathed his sword and extended his hand to Eran.

"You've reached out to me twice already," Eran said as he took Theo's hand.

"That means we're meant to be together, isn't that cool."

Eran narrowed his eyes at Theo's incoherent babble.

"What kind of theory is that, it makes no sense."

They laughed and sat under an old oak tree not far away.

"So, you're officially a member of the Band of de Sun, right?" Theo asked for an explanation.

"Why would you ask that, you're the winner," Eran replied.

"I just wanted to hear your answer, just to make sure," Theo said curiously. Eran was silent for a moment and looked at the moon above him, then he turned to Theo.

"Yes, I accept your offer," Eran said firmly.

Theo who heard that immediately hugged Eran.

"Let go, let go of your damn hug, it's disgusting," protested Eran while pushing Theo's body.

"Ah, what a relief. I got carried away, don't you see my happy face now," Theo said while pointing at his face.

"I'm just worried about your other members. They must hate me."

"Never mind, no one will hate you. It's only Gorstag who's still upset with you. Eventually, you guys will become close. I bet," Theo explained.

"Taneaya hates me too, you know, the whole trip last night was just angry," Eran explained.

"She's like that, she's known to be very grumpy but behind that nature, she cares a lot, even with small things. If Taneaya is like that it means she cares about you," Theo said.

"Again you come up with absurd theories. How can she care, I'm not even close to her, I don't even know her," Eran protested.

"Taneaya is very sensitive, even with people she's just seen."

"Sounds creepy,"

"That's beside the point because we're going to be doing a lot of missions together."

Eran stood up from his seat to pick up his two daggers lying on the grass.

"Eran, I want to know how you became such a skilled Hassassin. Where did you learn from?" Theo asked curiously.

"Ah, that's an old story. I learned from someone who lived in the southern forest, among the ruins of the Sinners," Eran replied as he collected his dagger and returned to sit beside Theo.

Theo was surprised. "Near the ruins of Sinners? That place is very dangerous, how can you survive there?"

"Yes, that place does have various dangers, but that's where I found the person who taught me everything about Hassassin."

Theo was amazed. "You learned from a master? What's his name?"

Eran was silent for a moment. "His name is not important. What matters is what I learned from him."

"Your answer doesn't match my question. Is there something you're hiding?"

Eran sighed. "My master is someone who has a complicated and dangerous past. I don't want to involve you or our group with things that could endanger us."

Theo understood. "Alright alright, I respect your privacy. But still, I'm very impressed with your abilities."

"You're overreacting,"

"That's the reality. Oh, well since you're already a member of Band de Sun, can I ask you a lot of questions?"

"Your request is beyond reason, usually people would say 'few questions' but that's you, so ask all you want, I'll answer if appropriate," Eran protested, as Theo's smile grew.

"When did you start learning from your master?"

Eran thought for a moment while counting on his fingers.

"Umm...about when I was 10 years old."

Theo was surprised. "You learned to be a Hassassin at 10 years old? That's very young to start training like that."

Eran nodded. "Yes, it does sound unusual, but the situation forced me to become strong early on."

Theo seemed to find a common thread, but he felt bad about asking this. "Eran, were you there during the Sinners tragedy?"

"Yes, I'm one of those who survived the tragedy," Eran replied.

Theo said with a bad feeling, "Eran, I feel sorry to hear about your past. And forgive me if my question sounds sensitive, but are you from the Heirs of de Sinners Clan?"

Eran was silent for a moment, quite a long time, then nodded slowly. "Yes, Theo. I'm from the Heirs of de Sinners clan family."

Theo was speechless, and he could not hide his feelings of regret and recalled the story of the tragedy with sadness, they were silent for a long time. "I didn't know that you had experienced such a tragedy. I feel very sad and grieved for what you have gone through."

Eran tried to smile. "Thank you, Theo. Even though it's a painful past, I'm trying to move on and not let it get in my way."

"You're really tough, Eran. I can't imagine how heavy a burden you carry."

Eran looked into the distance. "The past is a part of me, but now I want to find new meaning for my life."

"Do you still have a grudge against the empire?" asked Theo.

"If I said no it would sound naive. Yes, I still hold that grudge tightly, until one day I can avenge what happened to my entire clan," said Eran with an indescribable look.

"If I were you, I would think the same as you," then continued, "I would even mobilize all my bodies to achieve my revenge."

"Do you now regret putting me in your band?" asked Eran.

"Of course not! My band will never look at where you come from or what race you belong to, all become one."

"I believe that," said Eran.

Theo said with a trembling voice. "When that happened. I hated the emperor's decision to wipe out the Clan de Sinners. Even though I was Light's heir, I couldn't justify it. To me, it was a disgrace to the empire, showing unpardonable inhumanity."

Eran listened carefully to Theo's statement.

With a pounding heart, Theo said, "I don't know, Eran. Maybe that anger is the fire that fuels my determination to make a difference. I want justice and peace for all, without such violence and carnage."

Theo took a deep breath, then continued, "I can't imagine that atrocity, so many lives lost in an instant, not only the de Sinners soldiers but also innocent civilians. It was not a just or humane act, Eran."

Eran was still listening seriously.

Theo continued, "The Empire should prioritize peace and unity, not slaughtering other groups. I've always felt that there are other ways to resolve conflicts, without having to sacrifice so many lives."

Theo was silent for a moment, then he bowed his head.
