
(11) Inhale Exhale

"The balloons didn't work Chel!" She slumped down on her seat, "He popped all of it and threw them in the trash can! He actually picked up the pieces and threw it!"

"It's okay..." I muttered silently, rubbing her back.

Riley Langston is currently whining about Jay Emerson's rejection of her feelings. You see, we almost have the same situation, which is being in the unrequited part. But the difference is that Jay's pretty much aware of her feelings while Charlie's... well, oblivious.

"He said that I don't really love him, that it's just a crush!" She shook her head angrily, "But it isn't! I loved him ever since I knew the definition of the word love itself!"

They're still both 11 by the way, so I really don't blame Jay if he still doesn't want to be in a relationship.

I raised an eyebrow, "And what is love in your dictionary, Riles?"

"It is something unexplainable."

Of course.

My office door was slammed open, and a jolly-looking Jay hopped in. "Hey, Chel! Have you seen- Riley." He stopped on his tracks, before coughing awkwardly.

"Jay!" She grinned happily. She stood up steadily and ran towards him, gripping his arms with hers. "HI!"

He nodded stiffly as he pulls his arm away from his grasp. "Hey."

"Riley, give the boy some space." Charlie chuckled as he walked inside my office too.

Okay, this is not the ENTER WHENEVER YOU WANT room.

"Space?" Riley scoffed, "Look at the mirror dear brother. You should be the one doing that from your monstrous girlfriend when she scolded you for visiting her place yesterday."

"Visiting?" I asked, "I thought you said Hannah's in trouble, that it was an emergency?"

His eyes widened.

"Busteeed." Jay coughed out.

"Leave." Charlie told his sister, "Go back home."

"No one's leaving until you tell me about this certain emergency, Charlie," I said as I stood up and walked towards my door. "Now talk."

"Uh excuse me." Jay raised his hand, "Mom actually just wanted to ask if you and Charlie are going to their anniversary. And she's still waiting for an answer back home."

"Of course we are." I answered him as I open the door, "Please say hi to Emily for me."

"Sure." He nodded, leaving the room.

Riley immediately moved towards him, "Wait, Jay!"

Jay literally ran outside while I closed the door, "Sorry Riley, but I need you here for the truth."

She pouted, muttering not so colorful words about his brother.

I leaned against the wall, "So, what was the emergency?"

"There was no emergency, he probably lied, he went and visit Hannah, he went back with a frown, and due to her screams from their phone call after an hour from that, she's angry." Riley looked at me with pleading eyes, "Now can I please leave? I have a boy to catch."

"Good luck." I continued glaring at Charlie as I unlock the door for her to follow Jay.

I left the door open and went back to my desk.

He broke the silence with the usual. "Look, Vanch, I can explain."

I didn't answer him. I ignored him as I fix my things and prepared my early leave for my meeting later with Dean.


I can't believe he lied to me. I turned off my laptop and put it back in my bag.


Why would he even lie in the first place? I closed my office's lights and wait for him to go out. Once out, I locked my door and walked outside the shop.

Charlie called out, "It really was an emergency, Vanch!"

I continued walking towards my car and unlocked it.

"Oh come on! You can't pull the 'silent treatment', Vanch!"

Try me.

I opened my car door and slammed it shut. I was about to zoom away and eat my heart out with ice cream when he knocked on my window.

Pressing the window button, I watched silently as it rolled down.

"Vanch, stop acting like this."

"Like what? Charlie." I muttered nonchalantly.

"Like a jealous girlfriend!" Oh, he did not just go there.

"I'm your best friend, Charlie. But it doesn't mean that I take your lies lightly, especially when it has something to do with your work." I snapped angrily as I rolled up my window.

Blind butt.


"Stop acting like a jealous girlfriend? I scoffed angrily. Gripping the car's gear tightly, I pushed it forward. "That butt."

Like seriously, he really is a butt, especially since he has one.

"I'm just your best friend Charlie..." I muttered silently, "I've been doing a great job about that since we were born, so no need to remind me your piece of garbage that smells and looks good."

I pulled in one of the parking spaces outside the ice cream shop. I hopped out and did a short exercise to calm my nerves. What is it?

10 seconds of Inhale-exhale exercise, of course! It works, big time.

I inhaled through my nose, then exhaled through my nose.


I did that step for another 9, making sure to get rid of that butt's face while doing so.

At the number tenth, I smiled sadly, "Damn you. You didn't have to rub it in my face." I went back in my car, and with that, I cried my heart out.

I might be a little late, Dean.