
Shopping Spree #25

Author's note: holy shit, you guys really came through with the power stones yesterday.

I can't really tell you all how happy I felt when I woke up and found out the story had shot up to the 13th rank from the original 21st, so I won't and I'll give you a double release today XD

I can't really do double releases as often as I'd like, since I'm trying to reach 20 chapters ahead of the site on pat reon.

There's basically a bunch of pat rons overpaying for the number of chapters they have currently I have, so any more double releases will have to wait until then, but there definitely be many.

The next chapter will be out exactly one minute after this one, so just refresh the page or something and it'll pop up if you don't find it.

Anyway here's the first chapter for the day! Enjoy!


I smiled as I felt the breeze hit my face. I was riding my brand new BMW R-18 bike on the outskirts of Gotham past the Trigate bridge with no particular purpose in mind other than enjoying myself after I finished my training for the day.

Although I didn't hear from Selina for the past week, she agreed to give me the job I wanted in her club. It was in name only, and I didn't have to show up and work, nor did I get any pay, but it was a convenient excuse to give anyone wondering where a teenager like me got the money.

So I finally started spending the money I had gathering dust in my inventory.

I didn't really want to buy a bike at first, but I saw it in a showroom when I got out to buy some decent clothes and immediately fell in love at first glance.

Sure, it cost me most of my funds, and now I have to worry about the ridiculous gas prices, but I didn't care. I wanted the damned thing, and I bought it, as simple as that.

I could have easily stolen it with no one the wiser since I could fit it inside my inventory, but the money was doing no good just sitting there in my pockets, and I'll soon have a steady source of income. Besides, it was a bargain, so why the hell not?

And I also stole another similar bike to act as a secondary ride when I'm doing anything shady or illegal, so it balanced the loss.

I bought a decent suit and several sets of casual clothes too because I don't want to keep dressing like the homeless pigeon lady from Home Alone; not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'll have to keep up appearances in some situations.

Other than my shopping spree, there was my training.

My fighter class had finally reached level 10 today, and I took Acrobat as my next class. The class change and level increase had given me 12 points, which I equally distributed between my Mind and Body attribute, raising them both to 37, which left me with 30 free stat points.

I still had my doubts about the system, its creator, and their intentions, but there are other, more immediate threats that I have to deal with right now, so I could only get over such doubts.

And I would have used the remaining points, but I wanted to save them since I finally got my third class and will soon unlock the archetype thingy, whatever it was.

Though I had no idea what it was, it could have something to do with unlocking the Spirit attribute, so I wanted to save some points if it was something I needed to improve for whatever reason.

I'd also kept my habit of dropping food at the warehouse for the homeless people there whenever I could, and it served no other object other than to make me feel better about myself.

'Speaking of homeless people... I should get those sandwiches to the warehouse before it gets late...' I smiled as I made a sharp turn, causing my bike's tires to screech in protest.

You wouldn't believe how easy it is to pull stunts like this with above human reflexes and processing power. Watching several videos online made it even easier, thanks to my photographic reflexes, also known as that word that my brain refuses to process.

'Better put the helmet on... don't wanna get a ticket...' I equipped the helmet through my inventory as I rolled the throttle, speeding my way back to Gotham's East End.



On a roof near the Gotham City Police Department

"Bruce..." Selina, fully dressed in her custom, greeted with a nod as she turned to one of the roof's dark corners, watching as the caped crusader stepped out of the shadows.

"The USB stick. Where did you get it?" Batman asked, getting straight to the point and avoiding small talk. It wasn't anything to Selina, but she had her ways of getting him to talk.

"Why do you ask? Did you not like my gift?" Selina asked, raising an eyebrow as she slowly approached the caped crusader with a sway in her step and a charming smile tugging on her lips.

"The stick had blueprints for a kryptonite-based weapon and the plans to use it, and it was heavily coded..." Batman replied, unphased by Selina's flirty attitude as he watched her put a hand on his shoulder and walk to his side.

"Well? Gon on, don't keep a girl waiting," Selina said as she removed her hand from Batman's shoulder but not without dragging her finger over his bicep first.

She had immediately contacted Batman after Gray left her nightclub and couldn't wait to get rid of it and hand it over to the vigilante on the condition he shared his findings with her since she still didn't trust the young thief enough not to doubt his intentions.

Selina needed a way to get rid of the USB stick and know its content as soon as possible, and Gotham's broody, dark protector, was the perfect man for the job, so she left it to him.

"Intergang intended to use the weapon to distract Superman and the League while they break into STAR Labs," Batman explained, still unphased by Selina's provocative actions while watching her go still in thought.

"This isn't your MO Selina," Batman stated, his tone even more dry, snapping Selina out of her thought-induced pause. "Someone gave it to you, and I need to know who if he's in my city," he concluded, crossing his arms as he watched Selina take a step back, smiling in amusement.

"Is that jealousy I detect in your tone, Bruce? He's just a friend..." Selina asked, letting out a purr as she smiled at the dark knight, earning a blank look for her efforts. She knew it wasn't jealousy that moved Batman to ask such a question, but she couldn't resist the urge to tease.

"In any case, they're not someone the big, scary Bat needs to concern himself with," Selina added, rolling her eyes behind her mask at Batman's lack of reaction. "But enough of that. How are things going with your boy wonder?" Selina asked, changing the subject, and Batman understood he wouldn't be able to get an answer out of her.

"I hear he's going on a rampage in the sewers..." she added, turning away for a second to gaze at the cityscape. She didn't get an answer prompting her to turn around, only to find no trace of Batman.

"This is getting old, Bruce..." Selina muttered, rolling her eyes as she left.


I hit the brakes as I stopped in front of the warehouse's fence gate, getting off the bike and walking towards it with the sandwiches bag in my hand.

"Oh, so you're the fellow who keeps leaving these sandwiches here," came a voice from behind the fence, prompting me to look up as I left the bag near the gate.

I saw a caucasian middle-aged man in tattered heavy clothes, smiling as he looked at me with a warm expression. He was Patrick, the same guy who offered to help me when I passed by the warehouse that time.

"Hey, Patrick," I said, smiling as I took off my helmet, revealing my face to the man whose smile widened when he saw my face.

"Heh, looks like you weren't being prideful when you said you didn't need the help back then," Patrick said with a chuckle as he nodded at me and made for the bag.

"Those bags you keep bringing are a big help, but you don't have to keep doing it, you know?" Patrick said as he picked up the bag and sighed, giving me a troubled look which I returned with a confused look.

"Look, I—we really appreciate the help and what you're trying to do here..." he added, shaking his head with a self depreciating smile. "But you should really stop. It's not your duty to take of us old hobos here even if we tried to help you," he added, gesturing to the side with a fingerless glove-clad hand.

"A young man like you shouldn't carry that kind of luggage," Patrick concluded with a sigh, a downcast expression surfacing on his face.

"It's not really a burden since I'm only doing it when I have time and money to spare," I said, shrugging my shoulders as I climbed into the bike and put on the helmet. "Besides, it's just something I do to feel better about myself, and it's completely selfish, so you don't get a say in it," I added, waving to the side in dismissal.

Patrick sighed at my words but said nothing as he turned around and made for the warehouse, causing me to smile under my helmet as I took off, speeding towards my apartment.


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