Upon his death Oden was offered a chance by Primus to be reborn as a cybertronian. He will not having any devil fruit or power from One piece. He will not be unstoppable at least not for now. He will be an Autobot
Cybertron, Kano: Showdown's secret facility
Following the three bots out of the cell Oden was astonished by what he saw. Looking around him he saw a large futuristic facility. He made his way to the railing looking down and saw many stories of different workshops and stores, at the very bottom he saw a large mining area.
"What is this place?"
Oden questioned Showdown with astonishment written all over his face. Seeing this Showdown couldn't help but laugh.
"This is my personal facility. Here is where all the business is conducted."
While talking they made their way down the corridor as Showdown continued explaining while pointing out places.
"This place practically has everything a bot might need. Over there we have a paint job centre, there is a weapon's system installation area, and there is our training area. Whatever you may want, we have it."
While listening Oden was looking all over the place like a hyperactive child, mesmerised at what he saw.
"This is amazing. How could you afford all this?"
Oden asked Showdown as he stopped to look all over the place.
"Hey kid this way."
Hearing Showdown's voice Oden realized that he fell behind the group. Making his way towards them he entered a massive office. As they entered, Showdown turned towards his subordinates and instructed them.
"You can guard outside. I have no more use for you at the moment."
Following their leaders instructions the two promptly answered together in unison
"Yes sir."
After this they made their way outside and began to guard the doors.
After they left, Showdown sat down behind a large metal desk , then gestured for Oden to sit in front of him.
"So how were you able to afford all this?"
Oden once again questioned. Wondering how a person who was just mining in that dump a moment ago could afford such a large facility. Seeing the kid's quizzical expression, Showdown began to explain.
"Well this huge body that you see is not for nothing. I used to be a gladiator in the pits of Kaon years ago. I was very strong and skilled. I was able to work my way up the ranks until I was able to hold the title of champion of the pit for years until I retired. While there I was able to gain wealth and connections which I used to build this place from the ground up."
"If that is the case then why were you mining at the centre yesterday?"
Oden couldn't help but ask.
"Well part of the business I conduct is information gathering. I was there yesterday to meet with a contact and I was ready to leave until this brat came out of nowhere and interrupted me."
Oden rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, he realized that he caused Showdown some trouble yesterday.
'I guess I did deserve that beat down.'
Coming out of his thoughts he continued his questioning.
"So what exactly are you gonna have me do in this organization of yours."
Showdown grinned as they were getting to the part that he wanted to discuss.
"Your role is simple for now. One of the biggest ways I make money is by betting on fights. I have my men find promising prospects from the streets like you and have them fight in the arena, I then use my pub for betting on the fights which gains me a lot of money."
Hearing this, Oden grinned. One of why he wanted Primus to reincarnate him as a low class citizen was to fight strong people without any backlash.
"So you're saying that you're sending me in the pits to win back your title then."
Showdown couldn't help but laugh out loud.
"Your confident kid, hold onto that cause you're gonna need it if you're gonna be working for me. With that being said though let me tell you the benefits you get from this."
"Ok get on with it then."
'This cocky little freen, he's lucky that I have high hopes for him.'
"As was said, the slums isn't a nice place to live in. It is a bot eat bot world there. First thing that I will provide you with is a place to stay as well as a weekly supply of energon. As you work your way up the ranks of the organization and the pits your accomodations get better. You will have a place where you can be repaired free for your first couple of fights but as soon as you get a substantial pay from the pits you will have to pay for your own repairs. You will be able to choose your first set of weapons for free, as well as get a first time free weapon system installation after that it will be out of your own pockets. You will have access to the training facility but after two months you will have to pay a fee. I get a 15 % cut out of your first few fights, though it will increase a bit based on your ranking. To gain extra money you can apply to become a part of the organization's guild where there are different missions with different payments. If you want to know more you can head down to the guild area. That's it. If there is anything else you need to know you can find out at the organization's information centre, where you will also be equipped with a hollow map of the facility."
Hearing all this, Oden couldn't help but grin.
"Looking at that stupid grin on your face I can assume that you are going to join."
"Haaahaha of course I will join I can fight people and have these great benefits count me in."
Showdown began to grin. He then pressed a button on the desk and told someone to pick up Oden. After a while a femme came to carry Oden to the information centre. When he was about to leave the office, Showdown called to him.
"Oh and Oden try not to cause trouble for yourself."
Hearing this Oden grinned and exited the office.