
The Assassin With The Brightest Star

Retired from the life of an assassin after he was given a second chance. Ruben Hilston live his life with enjoyment, drinking and eating the best. Until the night before his 19th birthday, his father told him a story... a story of his brother... the night of his birth 19 years ago. His father passed him a chest. Opening the chest...... [You have receive a gift from the consellation The Forgotten Ruler $# %$# ?&%@$%] [System has been gifted...] Pulled into the world of consellations and streaming channels, Ruben accepted his fate and journeyed to find the truth. The journey to become the brightest star... Please note that some of the ideas in the stories aren't original and are inspired from my favourite novels. I hope you enjoy reading!!! WARNING: Some chapters may contain violent scenes unsuitable for young viewers and readers.

Laz_Idio · 奇幻
19 Chs

Chapter 12

TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter may contain violent scenes unsuitable for young viewers.

Back in his room, Ruben immediately checked the newly upgraded skill.

• Observing eyes (level 2)

- Able too see the stats of other mortals and identify objects along with its description.

- Able to see the skills of other Marked

Reading the description, he was ecstatic. This means that he could prepare himself better whenever he faced other Marked.

Although he would love to beat some information out of Filsan, it wasn't the time and place.

Looking out the curtain, he saw Filsan's carriage leaving the compound.

Activating Stealth and Dash, he jumped down the balcony skilfully and ran towards the carriage.

Unseen by anyone, he hid himself at the belly of the carriage which he was able to hold on to without falling.

Hidden at the belly of the carriage, he noted the inn where Filsan was dropped off.

After the carriage left the inn, he activated Stealth which had cooled down and went home.

Back in his room, after making sure at he was alone, he stopped the Concealment.

Shapeshifter Who Loves Pranks paused his gossiping stories and sent a new chat message.

[Shapeshifter Who Loves Pranks ask if the Marked is going to do something fun]

[The Third Lotus Prince says the story Shapeshifter Who Loves Pranks was telling was just getting good]

[Father Of The South ask Shapeshifter Who Loves Pranks to continue the story]

[Archer Who Shot Down Nine Suns is eating popcorn]

[Mistress Of Animals is eating dried fruits]

Shaking his head with a smile, "I am going to break into someone's place and ask something, I might use torture, you guys want to watch?" He asked the consellations.

[Reader Of The Moon says yes]

[Lord Of The Desert nod his head]

[Shapeshifter Who Loves Pranks says torture is fun]

[Many consellation says yes]

[The Third Lotus Prince nod his head vigorously]

[Father Of The South say torture is a form of art]

[Reader Of The Moon agrees with Father Of The South]

Seeing that they wanted to, he thought that he will stop using Concealment when he visit Filsan later.

He then continued what he was going to do ignoring the channel's chat.

"Bobbit the lackey."

The space in front of him distorted and Bobbit walked out.

"How may I be of service?" Bobbit asked with a bow and the same dull expression.

"I would like to check out the stream store." He said to Bobbit.

He now had 85,350 Stream Coins which was more than the 10,000 Stream Coins Bobbit recommended to have before using the store.

As soon as he asked, a screen with a list of pictures with words below it that goes on and on if he scrolled with his hands.

He then asked Bobbit, "Is there something I can ingest that would cure all wounds?"

In a monotonous child-like voice Bobbit said, "These are the few recommended, you can look at the description of the items on the screen."

The list of things on the screen dissapeared and the image of three different bottles showed on the Stream Store's screen as soon as Bobbit spoke.

[Gorgon's Right-Side Blood - 45, 000 Stream Coins]

- Able to heal all wounds and all kinds of poison.

[Apprentices Mage's Healing Potion - 18,000 Stream Coin]

- Able to heal all superficial wounds

[Diluted Sap of the Tree of Life - 82,000]

- Able to heal all diseases and wounds

- Able to lengthen a mortal's life by 10 years if healing is not used

Ruben eyes almost popped out when he saw the last option.

He didn't think twice and bought the second item shown.

"I would like to have the Apprentice Mage's Healing Potion."

"18,000 Stream Coins have automatically been deducted from the Stream Coins you own." Bobbit said then waved his small paws.

A small bottle exactly like the one shown suddenly appeared floating in front of him.

Grabbing the bottle, he asked right after, "May I have a look at the firearms in the store?"

"The screen will show all the recommended firearms. You can make a request if you have a specific item in mind." Bobbit said.

The screen then changed to show all kinds of firearm he would expect to see in the Victorian ages back on Earth.

Not satisfied with the choices, he tried his chance and asked, "Do you have Glocks?"

Bobbit raised his eyebrow slightly, he waved his paws as he said, "They are not made or used in this world so they were not part of the recommended. The Stream Store will provide anything as long as you know the name or discription of what you are looking for."

Excited on the inside, Ruben could see all the glocks he knew from Earth and some that he didn't recognise.

He looked at the price of the one he was interested in having.

[Glock 20 - 84,000 Stream Coins]

- uses 10mm bullet and 15 bullets loaded in the magazine.

Ruben was unsurprised to see the glocks cost trice as much as the firearms recommended previously.

Looking at the price, Ruben thought that he could convert his exp.

He asked, "Can I have a look at the suppressor and magazine for the glock 20?"

Bobbit waved his paws and two new images appeared next to the gun.

[Glock 20 Suppressor - 16,000 Stream Coins]

- Able to reduce 98% of the sound produced by a Glock 20.

[Glock 20 Magazine - 7,000 Stream Coins]

- loaded with 15, 10mm normal bullets

Thinking that he will show one 10mm bullet to the weaponsmith and have them made, he got the Glock 20, the Suppressor and one magazine after converting 400,000 exp into 40,000 Stream Points.

He was left with 350 Stream Coins and 793,750 exp after the exchange.

Taking all the items floating in front of him, he told Bobbit, "That'll be all, thank you Bobbit."

Bowing slightly, Bobbit said his goodbyes, "Hope you are satisfied with the service. May your star shine brighter."

He then left through the distorted space.

As soon as he was alone, he looked at the items he got and grinned.

Ignoring the consellations asking him of the gun, he picked up the glock and skilfully tested everything out.

With the Suppressor attached, he fire at the tree infront of his balcony.

The Suppressor Ruben very much, the only sound that came out was a soft, pew.

Using the Observing Eye, he checked his gun.

• Glock 20 with Suppressor (14/15)

- 300 damage per shot (normal bullets)

- 98% reduction of the sound produced when used

After storing everything into the space ring, he told the consellations he will be return to the channel tonight when he leaves for Filsan's place then used Concealment.

He decided that it would be better to stay in the inn tonight as it was not far from where Filsan was staying and would be more convenient for him.

After informing Charles who was busy in the office that he would be away for a night or two, he left.

As soon as he entered the bar, all the regulars and locals swamped him.

They kept asking him of the reason he was away and many even said that they thought he had died.

Drinking and chatting along with them, he drank more than he usually would.

He then asked for a room upstairs and left drunk when it was near midnight with some customers still drinking in the bar.

As soon as the door behind him closed, Ruben stood up straight and his eyes cleared.

Although it seemed like he was so drunk that he would immediately fall without the help of the wall when he walked, he was actually alright.

Ruben would stop when he reached his limits and act drunk but after his rebirth, he found that he has yet to reache his limits.

He was honestly surprised that his body was even better than his previous life.

After a quick wash, Ruben changed into a dark ladder pants, black long sleeve shirt, black gloves and black boots he kept in the space ring.

Sitting on the bed, he waited until it was the middle of the night when everyone was asleep. The assassin's hour.

After waiting for a while, he stopped the Concealment skill, letting the consellations in the channel watch him at work.

Even if it was a quick and easy job, as an assassin, he is always prepared and armed.

Arming himself with 6 throwing knives, 2 curved daggers, 2 daggers, 2 revolver and the glock, he left his room through the window stealthily after using Disguise.

Effortlessly, Ruben weaved along the streets towards Filsan's inn without anyone noticing him.

[Lord Of The Desert is impressed]

[Reader Of The Moon nod his head]

[Reader Of The Moon say the Marked must be an excellent assassin]

[Shapeshifter Who Loves Pranks tells the Marked to hurry to the torturing part]

Seeing the inn, he climbed the pipes and along the walls, holding the windows to support himself.

Since he didn't know which room Filsan was staying at, he had to check through the windows one by one and entered the windows to check if the curtain was blocking his view.

After checking almost more than half the rooms, he finally found Hilsan asleep when he entered to check a room with the curtains closed.

Hitting a pressure point on Filsan to keep him from waking up, he carried him out the inn and towards the basement of an empty building nearby he knew of.

Sealing the only entrance to the basement to make sure that no noise would escape later, he tied Filsan to a chair in the middle of the room after stripping him to his undergarments.

He then hit Filsan on a pressure point to wake him up.

Waking up, Filsan focus his eyes and realised that he was tied up in an unfamiliar surrounding naked.

Quickly struggling to get out of his bindings, he found the ropes getting tighter instead.

He suddenly heard a person he couldn't even sense with all the training he had as a royal investigator talk.

"One of the first thing I learnt in my trade was tying up a person."

Filsan turn to see a young man leading on the wall, arm crossed looking at him from the corner of the room.

He found the face familiar, but couldn't seem to remember anyone.

"Struggling is pointless, you can scream for help as well but I guarantee no one will hear you"

Getting slightly worried of the situation he was in, Filsan threatened, "Do you know what happens if you're found kidnapping a royal investigator?"

[The Third Lotus Prince is eating popcorn]

[Shapeshifter Who Loves Pranks is eating popcorn]

[Shapeshifter Who Loves Pranks ask the Marked to start with the torture]

[Reader Of The Moon is eating popcorn]

[Mistress Of Animals is eating nuts]

[Father Of The South is eating popcorn]

[Archer Who Shot Down Nine Suns is eating mooncakes]

Walking towards Filsan and shaking his head when he was the saw the channel chat he said, "So what?"

Getting slightly panicked but kept calm with the trainings he has received, Filsan tried, "I've seen your face, don't think you can escape."

"Okay, let's stop with you asking questions, it's my turn." Ruben put his hands out with his palm facing Filsan as a sign to stop.

He coincidentally used his right hand.

Seeing the star on Ruben's gloves, Filsan said immediately, "You are a Marked!"

Ignoring his remarks Ruben said, "Tell me about Theodore Hilston."

Filsan's eyes opened wide with shock and shut his mouth.

Seeing his reaction, he took out a needle from the space ring and lowered himself towards Filsan's right hand.

[Shapeshifter Who Loves Pranks says its starting]

He then inserted the needle between the nail and flesh of the thumb.

Filsan screamed as soon as the needle stabbed him.

Ruben stopped when the needle was halfway in, then said again, "Tell me about Theodore Hilson."

Breathing heavily and starting to perspire, Filsan kept his mouth shut.

Looking at Filsan's face and seeing his intention to keep quiet, Ruben repeated the process on another finger which Filson screamed in pain again.

"Tell me about Theodore Hilston."

Filson was starting to lose his mind from the pain, he was close to breaking.

Reading on resisting torture and actually experiencing it was completely different.

As a royal inspector, they were taught in both torturing and being tortured but as a young inspector he never expected himself to be in the receiving end one day.

Seeing Filsan starting to break but continued to keep his mouth shut he moved to the middle finger.

He then said again after sticking in the needle, "Tell me about Theodore Hilston."

Breathing heavily soaked in sweat, Filsan finally spoke in a weak voice, "I don't know."

Seeing that Filsan spoke, Ruben asked, "If you don't know, why are you investigating something about him?"

Knowing that the other person knows at least some basic information with no way for him to lie he said, "I don't know but the higher is looking for something he took."

Glad that he was getting somewhere with the topic he continued, "What did he take?"

"I don't know. I wasn't informed."

"What can you tell me about the item he took"

"All I know is the higher ups have been looking for it for 19 years. From what I could tell, he took something extremely important to the higher ups."

Hearing what Filsan said, Ruben immediately thought of himself and the chest.

Unsure why he did, but he asked after hearing him said it happened 19 years ago, "Is the item an object or a living being?"

"I don't know... honestly, I doubt the higher up knows as well." Filsan laughed softly like it was a pathetic joke.

"Although I don't have a high position, I've heard some things... I often hear the older royal investigators complained, how were they suppose to look for something if they weren't told what it was." Filsan said

"What do you mean?" Ruben asked.

"All I know is that some royal investigator has been tasked to look for what Theodore Hilston took even before I started working as a royal investigator. The only clue the people tasked with looking for it was given was that it was taken by Theodore Hilston, nothing else. Why would the higher up want something so desperately but only give a single clue? So, many guessed that even the higher up don't know what they are looking for."

Listening to the explanation, Ruben nod his head and thought for a while.

[Shapeshifter Who Loves Pranks ask you to torture that mortal more]

[The Third Lotus Prince is eating popcorn]

[The Third Lotus Prince is slightly curious want that item is]

"Tell me everything you know about what happened 19 years ago." Ruben said.

"From what I read in the files, after taking the item, Theodore Hilston dissapeared. It was later found that he was at his brother's place right after he dissapeared and passed away there. It's written that his cause of dead was unknown. The Hilston household seemed tight-lipped of that matter. No information of the night Theodore Hilston appeared could be found.

The higher ups thought that they might have the item and did a huge investigation on that family but found later that they weren't involved nor know of anything."

Ruben knew that only the old butler Frank and his parents were there that night.

He guessed that they kept everything under wraps because of him.

They didn't want anyone to know he was adopted as Theodore asked.

Hi, I hope you're satisfied with the story so far. I'm an amateur writer and alot of the ideas in the story were inspired my some of my favourite light novels.

Please vote a power stone if you like it, it's alright if you don't.

Thank you all readers!!!!!!

Leave a comment if you have any thoughts on the story.

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