
Mr. Twiggles

"No, anything else but this," he said hiding the shark plushy behind his back.

The faint spark in Yi Chen's heart extinguished. When he was pulled into this tiny closet by Zi Han he had thought that he had misunderstood him. How can someone run off after accepting a confession? Hence he had a little hope and his mood had slightly improved.

But now he was back in the same ice-cold cellar with his heart freezing over. "Is it because she gave it to you?" he asked his head lowered to conceal the nervousness spilling over his face.

Zi Han chuckled hearing this. What gave it to him. He had obviously paid twice the amount for this plushy and he didn't regret it either. Sure, it still smelled like her perfume but it could be washed. There was no big deal.

"No, it's because I like it and I paid twice the amount for it. Ask for anything else," replied Zi Han squeezing the little guy behind him as though afraid of getting robbed.