
The Ascending Phoenix Sage

Once a university student, Shen Wu found himself transported to the mysterious realm of Murim after being struck by lightning. Taken in by a the Battle Sage King of the War God Sect, he soon discovered he was considered nothing more than cannon fodder with trash-grade talent. However, Shen Wu refused to succumb to despair. With an iron will burning within him, Shen Wu vowed to defy the odds. But would determination alone be enough to overcome the countless geniuses and sons of heaven standing in his way? Previously called Modern Guys Martial Ascension. Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024 submission

Dem0n_Ancestor · 玄幻
19 Chs

Head disciple Wei, yeah she's a bitch

Shen Wu's eyes snapped open as he was abruptly smacked awake by a young, beautiful woman. Startled, he scrambled to sit up, his expression a mix of confusion and irritation.

"What the fuck was that for?!" he exclaimed, rubbing the spot where her hand had made contact.

The woman shot him a disapproving glance before responding in an annoyed tone, "The Battle Sage King is waiting."

With that, she turned on her heel and left the room, leaving Shen Wu alone with his thoughts. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at her abruptness, coupled with a deep-seated confusion about his current situation.

Taking a moment to assess his surroundings, Shen Wu realized he was in an old-fashioned Chinese-style bedroom. The room exuded an air of antiquity, with wooden furnishings and intricate tapestries adorning the walls.

As he gingerly touched the bandage covering the scratch on his face, Shen Wu couldn't help but wonder who had tended to his wounds. The memory of the wolf attack flooded back to him, along with the realization that someone had patched him up while he was unconscious.

"Looks like someone patched me up... Was it that disrespectful woman?" he muttered to himself, his brow furrowing in contemplation.

Shen Wu stood up, feeling the unfamiliar fabric of his new clothing against his skin. Though slightly uncomfortable and roughly stitched together, he found them surprisingly easy to move in. With a shrug, he muttered to himself, "Oh well, at least they are easy to move in."

Walking towards the door, Shen Wu swung it open quickly, only to accidentally smack a young boy who happened to be passing by. The boy stumbled backward, and Shen Wu rushed over, concern etched on his face.

"Are you good? I didn't mean to hit you with the door," he asked, offering a hand to help the boy up. The boy grunted in response, then quickly bowed before scurrying off without a word.

Shen Wu scratched his head in confusion. "Now what the hell was that about?" he muttered to himself, bewildered by the encounter. Before he could ponder further, the beautiful woman from earlier appeared in front of him once again, her expression tinged with annoyance.

"The kid's a handyman, and you are a guest of the Battle Sage King. The kid was scared..." she explained, her tone exasperated.

Shen Wu regarded her with a straight face, unfazed by her irritation. "Yeah, I still don't know what you're on about, but whatever. Let's go find the Battle Sage King," he replied nonchalantly.

The woman pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing in frustration. "Alright, just follow me, brat."

[Fifteen Minutes later: 200ft up a mysterious peak]

With sweat trickling down his forehead and his muscles protesting with every movement, Shen Wu struggled to maintain his grip on the steep mountainside. The woman's effortless ascent seemed almost supernatural, her agile movements defying gravity as she bounded from one ledge to the next with ease.

Grimacing against the strain, Shen Wu muttered to himself, "This is bullshit... I know my stamina isn't half bad, but Jesus fucking Christ, I ain't a fucking mountain goat."

Each foothold felt like a herculean effort, and the sheer verticality of the climb left him feeling increasingly helpless. Despite his determination, the realization that he was outmatched sank in with each passing second.

With a bewildered expression, Shen Wu watched as the woman suddenly materialized to his left, her words cutting through his exhaustion like a blade.

"Why are you so slow, brat? Don't you know any footwork?" she chided, her tone laced with impatience.

Shen Wu stared at her blankly, his mind struggling to process her words. "Footwork? The fuck do you mean? This is a cliff! How am I supposed to use my feet like this?" he exclaimed, frustration bubbling up inside him.

The woman's confusion mirrored his own for a moment, but then she sighed heavily. "You have 15 minutes to get to the peak, or I'll personally push you off the mountain," she declared, her voice firm.

Before Shen Wu could even muster a response, she disappeared, leaving him alone on the treacherous mountainside. He stared up at the towering peak, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of his stomach.

"Well, I'm royally fucked," he muttered to himself.

[Fifteen Minutes later: 269ft up a mysterious peak]

As Shen Wu struggled to maintain his grip on the mountainside, his muscles trembling with exhaustion, a wave of despair washed over him. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, mingling with the dirt and grime caking his skin as he fought to cling to the unforgiving rock.

"That damn lightning bolt... if not for it, I would probably..." he began, his words trailing off as a rock he had been relying on for support suddenly gave way beneath his weight. With a startled cry, he tumbled downward, his body bouncing off jagged outcroppings as he plummeted towards the valley below.

Pain seared through him with each impact, his senses overwhelmed by the cacophony of rocks and earth crashing around him. Just as he felt himself surrendering to the void, he was abruptly halted, his fall arrested by a powerful grip.

Opening his eyes, Shen Wu found himself dangling precariously in mid-air, the woman from before holding him effortlessly with just one arm. Her expression was one of disappointment, her gaze piercing as she regarded him.

"I was ordered to just retrieve you... Why does the Battle Sage King show so much interest in someone who any odd uncle could obliterate?" she mused aloud, her tone laced with confusion.

Before Shen Wu could formulate a response, he was suddenly launched into the air with incredible force, the wind whipping past him as he soared through the sky. Panic gripped him as he realized the sheer height from which he had been launched, the ground rushing up to meet him with terrifying speed.

Before Shen Wu could brace himself for impact, the woman swooped in once again, catching him effortlessly before he could crash onto the unforgiving ground below. With shaky relief, Shen Wu managed to utter a trembling "thanks" before being unceremoniously dropped back onto solid earth.

As he dusted himself off and regained his bearings, the woman took a few steps forward, her commanding presence leaving no room for argument. "We're on Sage Peak. Behave yourself and stay close... unless you want die," she warned, her voice brooking no defiance.

Shen Wu straightened up, his sarcasm seeping through his shaky facade. "Of course, ma'am. I'd never do anything else," he quipped, saluting her mockingly.

For a brief moment, the woman's gaze bore into him with an intensity that made Shen Wu feel as though his heart was being squeezed by a hand. The sensation passed as quickly as it had come, and the woman turned away, walking off with purpose.

"Don't be funny with me, brat. Now follow me," she commanded over her shoulder, her words leaving no room for argument.

With a surge of anger boiling within him, Shen Wu clenched his teeth but knew he had no other choice. With a resigned sigh, he fell into step behind the woman.

As they walked, Shen Wu's curiosity and frustration simmered beneath the surface, but his determination to survive in this unfamiliar world kept him in check. Eventually, they reached a colossal torii gate that towered over them, a plaque bearing the words 'Sage Peak'.

The woman, fell to her knees and bowed solemnly, her gaze stern as she commanded Shen Wu to do the same. Without hesitation, he complied, thoughts racing through his mind as he reasoned that obeying seemed wise, considering the apparent reverence shown to whoever resided beyond the gate.

"It's better if I listen," he thought, "as whoever can make this asshole of a woman kneel must be Godlike."

In a calm and respectful tone, the woman addressed whoever lay beyond the gate. "Third Head Disciple Wei pays respect to the Sages," she intoned.

Shen Wu's confusion mounted at the mention of "third head disciple," but before he could dwell on it, a thunderous voice boomed from beyond the torii gate, calling out, "Come on in, little Wei."

With that, Wei rose to her feet and gestured for Shen Wu to follow suit. "Come on, brat," she commanded, her tone betraying none of the sternness from before.

Though irked by being called a brat once again, Shen Wu swallowed his pride and followed Wei through the gate.

[Three minutes later: Sage Peaks Watefall]

As Shen Wu marveled at the breathtaking beauty of the waterfall and pond, a sense of awe washed over him. The serene atmosphere felt like a welcome respite from the trials he had endured to reach this point.

"Dayum, what a place," he muttered to himself, a hint of wonder in his voice. "Perhaps it was worth almost dying trying to get up the mountain."

Before he could fully immerse himself in the tranquil surroundings, however, his moment of reflection was abruptly interrupted by a sharp blow to the back of his head. With a startled yelp, Shen Wu whirled around to face Wei, his irritation bubbling to the surface.

"What the actual fuck is your problem?!" he shouted, his voice echoing off the rocky walls of the waterfall.

Wei's expression remained impassive as she pointed towards a group of old men seated by the pond, their laughter ringing out in the peaceful surroundings. Shen Wu followed her gaze and felt a surge of recognition flood through him as he spotted the two old men he had encountered earlier.

Without a second thought, he dashed towards them, his heart pounding with a mixture of relief and excitement. As he approached, the old men looked up, their faces breaking into smiles of recognition as they welcomed him.

With a grin, Shen Wu greeted the old men, his voice filled with warmth and humor. "If it isn't the old bastards from before! Did you encounter more wolves after I passed out?"

The two old men chuckled at his remark, while the Battle Sage King himself erupted into laughter. Shen Wu's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the jovial figure before him. Unable to contain his curiosity, he ventured to ask, "So, umm... are you that Battle Sage King? I couldn't see your face properly before."

The Battle Sage King's laughter subsided, replaced by a hearty chuckle as he confirmed Shen Wu's suspicions. "Indeed, it's me, yer brat," he replied, his voice rumbling with amusement.

Shen Wu nodded, absorbing the revelation with a mixture of astonishment and respect. Before he could delve further into the conversation, however, he remembered the reason for his summons.

"Apparently, you wanted to see me, according to that monstrous woman," Shen Wu remarked, gesturing towards Wei, who stood at a distance, her gaze burning with intensity.

As if sensing the tension, Wei's glare intensified, her lips pursed in a silent display of frustration. Shen Wu couldn't resist a mischievous grin as he hid behind the Battle Sage King, extending his middle finger towards Wei in a defiant gesture.

The Battle Sage King's booming laughter filled the air once more, as Shen Wu's antics visibly irritated Wei, who could only seethe in silence.

The Battle Sage King's jovial expression softened as he turned towards Shen Wu, his gaze piercing.

"Anyways, brat, be my disciple," he declared, his voice carrying a weight of authority tempered with kindness.

Shen Wu's brows furrowed in confusion at the unexpected proposition. "Disciple?", Shen Wu thought to himself "the fuck is this old bastard on about now?".