

{A/N : Hello! Here is another chapter. Anyways, check this paragraph's comment for a map of Zarza and a picture of the names of the kingdoms and so on. It is still a work in progress, like how I still don't have names for the kingdoms in the south, but by the color and that it is in the south... I think you get which type of kingdom it is... well there is two kingdoms. Anyways, anything you don't understand or want to know, just tell me in the comments. One more thing, if you can, do please leave a review, it will help greatly, as well as motivate me even further. Thanks and I hope you all have an amazing week.}

[Third POV]

In a cave, that is partially destroyed, looking like an earthquake hit it. A single man is standing in the middle, pale skin, long black hair, as black as the night. This mans stature is impressive, standing at 218 cm, and a pair of demonic-bat like wings.

Turning around. His eyes, intensely glowing crimson red.

[Vlad POV]

'Full day to just try and control this damned transformation...' I think to myself, opening and closing my hands. I stop and transform back to my normal form. I pick up my clothes and wear them.

I then shadow teleport to my room, this time. I walk towards the table on the left of the exist and sit down, grab a bottle, unscrew it and drink from it completely.

The thing is, I don't necessarily need blood... It is just satisfying, refreshing even.

While sitting casually on the table thinking about what to do, I get a telepathic message from Hendriksen, he says "Vlad, we are all out. It has been a year." I reply, in a grinning manner and an excited one too, "Welcome back. Make sure you are all in front of the tents, I will be there."

I get up, fix my dress, dust myself of and shadow teleport in front of the boulder, facing the tents.

Arriving there, the atmosphere was... heavy. All the teens, well they are no longer kids, they give off such an amazing and veteran like presence. They are standing in an orderly fashion, one better than before. In a similar way to a militaristic stand. All of them grew, some have scars here and there, some have bulked up a little. They had a serious and more determined face. Looking ahead, daring not to look into my eyes.

I see Hendriksen, Esmeralda, Volrais, and Dragan, all of them standing in front of the now grown up teens, the soldiers. Dragan's ten captains are standing behind the group of four, they have also grown stronger.

I grin and say, raising my hands in a manner of a hug, "Welcome back. All of you.". The group of four bow their head lightly. They've become stronger, not to the point that it will make much of difference, but still stronger. As for the soldiers, they all stomp their feet's and say in unison "We are fortunate to be in your presence Lord Dracula!"

I cringe a little bit, but shrug it off, nod and say "You are all dismissed, you have two days, then all of you will go back in." They all stomp, nod and leave, as well as the captains.

I then walk towards the group of four and smile, saying "You've done well... as for the little show that they just did," I pause and look at Dragan and continue "you overdid it."

"They must learn their place Lord." says Dragan.

"Well, as I have said, you've done well, all of you." I say looking at all of them and then continue "Take a rest or do whatever you want. In two days I want them back to training." they nod and I shadow teleport to a small dungeon Esmeralda and Volrais dug out near the castle to store the 4,167 corpses. It is 40 meters deep. The dungeon, has a height of 8 meters, width of 40 meters and depth/length of 60 meters.

The bodies are safely preserved and intact. I walk around the bodies and think to myself 'I think I will just turn the 167 corpses into Hellhounds...'. By sacrificing the bodies into a specific ritual I can summon, or more like conjure permanent Hellhounds. Out of the 167, 17 of them will be used for a single conjuration of a very powerful Hellhound, my own Hellhound.

As for the rest of the corpses, unfortunately I will lose a lot, but will gain more. Instead of just turning each one of them into an undead, I will fuse five into a single more powerful undead. So in the end, I will have 800 powerful undead.

Using telekinesis I levitate 150 bodies to the end of the dungeon, where there is nothing. I then take the best 17 bodies and do the same, and put a magical shield around of them, just in case.

Walking towards the bottom of the stairs, which leads to a door. Above ground, the entrance to the dungeon outside, is a stone like cabin, guarded by four Vampire guards. Reaching the bottom of the stairs I turn around and start the ritual. I use Dark Magic, specifically Necromancy. My eyes starts to glow green, a dark green. Ethereal dark and green energy like vines surround the bodies of the dead. After a couple of seconds bodies of five start to merge, and it kept going for a couple of more seconds. The merging bodies start to screech and so much Dark Energy is coming of the merged bodies as they are forming.

After a while, 800 Undead Knights stand in front of me, eyes glowing green and full body armor, each with a sword and shield. They are all 190 cm tall. {A/N : Check this paragraph's comment for the pictures.}

I wanted to test something so I made one of them come to me. Coming closer to me I grab his head and try to use Mutation Inducement. Surprisingly and fortunately, it works. So I change him, giving him extra strength, a boost you could say. His armor changes, as well as his weapon and shield. I call for seven more and change all of them, they grow to about 205 cm. I gave them all access to their souls, not emotions and feelings, but memories, experience and etc. They are now, somewhat intelligent. {A/N : Check this paragraph's comment for the pictures of the special Undead.}

I order for another one to come and decided to give him more, such as freedom... well not really. They are all completely and absolutely loyal to me, and only to me. But this one I used more on him. Gave him more power and gave him the power of Undead Manipulation and Necromancy. But, he is only able to summon cannon fodder. This one grows to 215 cm, different armor and weapon as well. {A/N : Check this paragraph's comment for the picture.}

I look at him and ask him "Can you speak?". There is now six of them in total, all special, although the this one is more special.

"Yes... Master..." he speaks in a grim and hoarse like voice.

"Good. You're name will be..." I say and pause, thinking of a name... I then say "Vrauzhul."

He just nods... Yeah, makes sense, they have no emotions or feelings.

"Well, Vrauzhul. You are the commander of this army, the eight behind you will follow your command. Each one of them will command a 100 and you will command 91." I say and he nods.

"You will now stand down and wait for when I call upon you." I say and he turns towards all of them... then suddenly it is like all of them shutdown, they are still glowing green, but barely. It is dim.

I shrug and vanish to the end of the room, towards the 150 bodies to start the next ritual. For this part it is somewhat tricky. The only way to make hellhounds, is to bring energies from a realm/dimension of Hell. I grow a claw from my right index finger and cut my left palm, blood starts to leave my palm and goes to each body, then using Dark Magic I start the ritual. Fiery red circles start appearing under each of the body, the circle is demonic in nature, it has demonic symbols. Little by little the bodies start to distort and in their place stand the Hellhounds, their height is about 110 cm and they are 145 cm in length. They all look at me and I command them to sleep, so they lie down and sleep. {A/N : Check this paragraph's comment for the picture.}

Waking towards the 17 bodies, I shut off the magical shield and start the same ritual. Same thing happens as before as a huge singular demonic magical circle appears under the 17 bodies. They start to merge. After a while stands a Hellhound. Larger, fiercer, and more powerful than the rest. He is 170 cm in height and 210 cm in length. {A/N : Check this paragraph's comment for the picture.}

He comes closer to me and snuggles his head on my arm, I scratch his head and play with him and ask "Do you understand when I speak?". He stops, looks at me and nods.

"Good. You will be coming with me, Morraik." I say and he growls... happily...

I shadow teleport me and Morraik to my room. I walk towards the table, sit down and grab a bottle, pour myself a drink, while Morraik lies next to me, on the ground.

This has been going on for a couple of hours, of me drinking and reading. When suddenly I get a telepathic message from Volrais "Sir, I have finished forging the night creatures." I immediately shadow teleport to Volrais's fort. Hendriksen and Esmeralda too have a small fort not far from the castle, well... for Henriksen and Esmeralda they have one, which they share... for obvious reasons. Anyways, teleporting inside the fort, specifically his laboratory hall.

Arriving there I see Volrais standing in front of a big altar. I approach him and say "Well done. I can sense them outside. There are a lot."

He nods and says "Thank you. There are 2,000 in total. That is all the bodies we could muster to turn into night creatures. But... I am sure after the successful battle we will be able to get even more." I nod happily. Volrais mentions for me to follow him. As we are walking towards his library I say "After the battle we indeed will have more. A lot more."

As we reach the library he pulls the chair out of the side of the table and waits for me to sit and then sits opposite of me and pours me a drink. I then say "So 2,000 Night Creatures, 2,500 Vampires, 1,684 enhanced soldiers... soon. And 800 Undead Knights as well as 150 Hell Hounds and 40 drakes and 18 wyverns. In total 7,192. Not bad, we will survive. We are still out numbered, but our forces will be stronger." Volrais nods and says "No matter what. We will win, I know." I nod at him.

"I have another job for you. Pick anyone who can help you, I want you to craft Black Steel armors and weapons for the army, the Vampires specifically." Black Steel is as stronger than steel and has similar effects as silver, except the effects are opposite. It can negate Light Magic to a degree, it is very durable, isn't very heavy, and especially attuned to dark magic. Perfect for vampires.

He nods and says "It will be done.", I then say "Good." standing up, I pause and continue by saying "One more thing. Have you though about the offer?" he looks at me and says "I... Have. I need a little bit more time. Maybe after the war I can give you an answer?" I shrug and say "Up to you."

"Well then, see you later and stay sharp." I say, grinning and shadow teleporting to my laboratory and started mixing up a perfect concoction for the soldiers. I will give it to them before they go in for another year.