
Leveling up

I woke to that irritating alarm beep again. I stood up slowly stretching as I did. I had basically passed out when I got to my bed, but I was wondering what else had changed. I walked to the door opening it carefully, and peaking out. Ethan was nice, and all.

Just too clingy for me right now. I got moving quickly crossing the room into the bathroom. I pulled myself up on the counter, and looked at my reflection carefully. My little growths weren't the only thing to change. The lumps on the back of my head were now little horns.

The lumps on my spine were now more clearly defined as well. Like tiny little spikes, and now they're were similar lumps going up the back of my neck. I would have more spikes going up the back of my neck when I got bigger. Then there were the two things on my back.

I guess I would have to wait until they got a little bigger to tell what they were. I was scared of leveling up. Just as much as I wanted to level up. I jumped down from the counter, and went back to my room. Ethan was up, and about by then. He was brushing his teeth so he didn't say anything as I crossed back into my room.

Taking my human form was easier this time. I was still tired afterward, but I could move easier. Upping my stamina even by just a couple points was hugely helpful. I dressed quickly, and went into our shared area. Ethan looked kind of disappointed he hadn't gotten the chance to talk to me properly.

He was afraid of talking to people, and right now I looked like a person. Part of me wanted to turn back just to ease his need of conversation, but now wasn't the time. We needed to get to class. I got moving, and Ethan followed my lead. We got in the class, and I sat down.

Ethan sat next to me, and I tried not to nap through my classes. I kept dozing off, and being lectured for dozing off. The last class of the day though. There was a noticeable difference in how well I did in the class. I smiled I was still exhausted, but now I could actually do something in the class without being constantly winded.

Ethan seemed to see the difference as well. I wanted to get my stamina up more so I kept running laps. How much would I have to run before my stamina went up again? I wanted to hit thirty quickly. If I could get my stamina up, and managed to pull off two transformations daily that would help hugely if I got into a tight spot.

Something came flying at me from my left again. I ducked under it quickly, and straightened. Luke this time.

"What the hell man?" I snapped as I backed away from him.

"How the hell did you know that was coming?" Luke snapped, "Conrad said you were blind on the left side."

"I'm psychic," I replied sarcastically as I continued to back away.

I was just to tired to deal with him right now. Especially since I couldn't use my full strength against him. I wanted to kick his ass I really did. I met his eyes, and let that want to kick his ass into my eyes. Luke hesitated, and I used that to widen the gap between us.

Murderous intent level up. Murderous intent level 2.

You can now project murderous intent both through eye contact, and to all enemies within ten feet. Harmful intent directed through eyes is now twice as effective.

I met Luke's eyes again, and let my desire to hurt him hit full force. Luke stopped. He looked like he still wanted to hurt me, but he didn't want to come closer to me. I could feel my eyes slowly starting to get dry. I would need to blink soon.

"That's enough," Ethan yelled.

My eyes as well as the eyes of several other students snapped to him, and the glow in his eyes started fading, but he'd gotten their attention. I rushed forward, and knocked Luke off balance before making my way towards Ethan. There was no point in trying to hurt Luke right now. I'd just hurt myself again. Knocking his foot back was enough for him to have to stop, and regain his balance before trying to come after us.

"Hey," I grabbed Ethan's face looking him in the eye, and whispering, "My eyes are two different colors because I'm not human." I glanced around quickly making sure no one was close enough to overhear, "Now right now I'm the only one looking at you. Stop them from beating me up."

The glow in Ethan's eyes intensified as I continued to look him in the eye.

Hypnotism level 1

You are now able to calm allies for as long as you maintain eye contact.

I kept my eyes on his as the sound of stuff flying around behind me started. Ethan was using his telekinesis to detect his enemies while taking care of them at the same time. Silence fell as I broke eye contact, and turned around slowly as I let go of Ethan's face. Conrad, Luke, and the water guy were all badly beaten. Every loose object in the entire area was slowly floating to the ground.

Some of them had big burns on them. Others were badly damaged. I turned to look at Ethan again.

"Holy shit," I let out a laugh, "You are crazy good at using your ability."

Ethan smiled, and he didn't shy away from me as much now. He was quickly becoming my most trusted friend as well as my roommate.

"You two," the teacher yelled, "What the hell do you cadets think you're doing?"

The teacher came up, and reprimanded us both. We were assigned to clean the whole area, and to arrange for all the necessary repairs. We were given a clean worksheet to use to request the repairs, and then he left with the threat that he would make us do it all with a toothbrush if we didn't do it properly on our own.