

Savannah's flames gave us much needed breathing room, and killed quite a few spiders, but it also gave our position away. We could hear half a dozen more guards heading our way.

"You should call it Calen," the knife guy spoke up, "I agree with the girl we won't be able to keep this up much longer. If we keep fighting we won't have the strength to get our asses out of here."

Two armored guards approached us much faster then I would have liked. Calen, and the knife guy chose to chain their attacks together. Putting an unbelievable amount of speed into the knife guys blades so they could pierce the guards armor with no intent of getting the weapons back. We weren't planning on staying to fight anymore so there was no more reason to preserve our strength. We were all focused on the fight so none of us noticed until Calen had already been stabbed.

The blade went in his back just to the left of his spine, and came out his front. Cutting through his two lower ribs on his lower left side. Vernon smirked as he backed off only to be teleported away by one of his ability users. Seemed like he needed to touch someone to teleport them as he went to clap his hands together. I ripped his hands apart using my telekinesis, and threw him into the spiders.

Stopping him from making contact with anything else with his palms or fingers as he was torn apart by the spiders. Screaming in agony until he died. Calen tried to stay on his feet, and help despite taking a sword to the back. The scree of a much bigger spider startled us all. I stopped holding back, and began obliterating everything that so much as looked at us funny.

I didn't have enough strength to last longer then a few hours like this. As the first beams of light stretched over the horizon I knew I wouldn't have to. Wyatt was coming, and he was pissed.


Pacing around the warehouse the rest of the night, and an entire day. When night fell I knew they were where they were trying to get. All that angry pacing had worn me down more then I cared to admit. I wasn't exhausted. Just a little worn out.

I couldn't be worn out in any way shape or form when I went to join the fight so I laid down, and tried to get a few hours of sleep in. My wings twitched for a while until I managed to doze off. It was a very light sleep. People walking by was enough to bring me back to awareness. It wasn't all that difficult to fall back into that light sleep when they did, but that didn't make it any less annoying.

I felt it when the contract that bound Ethan to me broke around midnight. Almost as if I'd been poked with needles behind my eyes. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep now as I uncoiled myself, and began stretching leisurely. Trying to work the stiffness out of my limbs since I'd been incredibly tense the whole night. I could feel the slight pull of Ethan's rage as he tried not to give away Vernon's whole charade just yet.

I didn't know what exactly was going on on their end. What I could tell so far was that my bonded handed been hurt yet, and they were a long ways away from me. I just sat calmly inside the warehouse as if nothing had happened. They thought the contract Ethan had was making me obey Ethan. The truth was actually the opposite.

Every single time they tried to make a contract where I was the subservient one the contract would break in an hour maybe two. The last one we tried putting Ethan under contract just to see if it actually worked, and it did. I couldn't be put under contract, but the contract worked when I put Ethan under contract. The contract they thought was keeping me under control this entire time was little more then a joke. I felt it when Ethan gave me the signal.

Drawing my power for a second caused our connection to thicken slightly, and one clear image came through. Vernon with his sword in Calen's back. Sure Calen hadn't done much to get in my good graces so far, but the whole point of this mission was to keep him alive. If he died I'd lose my reward. All the restrictions I'd placed on myself would mean absolutely nothing.

It would mean I'd wasted all this time. That irritation combined with my hatred for Vernon made a potent combo. Pure wrath seemed to flow through my veins as I burst through the roof of the warehouse with a roar of blind rage. Clouds filled the air above the settlement with lightning crackling within in response to my mana lashing out. I looked the direction my bonded were in, and watched as space distorted.

Waiting for the portal to form, and stabilize as rain came pouring down. Rain was flung off the tips of my wings with each wing beat. My connection to the elements around me allowed me to feel the changes that I caused with my little rampage. The portal snapped into existence the instant it stabilized. I brought my wings down hard, and shot through the portal.

Locking my neck straight as I headbutted a spider tried to rush at me through the portal. I only needed to focus on the portal as long as I was crossing through it so it didn't close on me. I slammed my hands down on two others. Using them as brakes for on the speed I'd put on. Crushing them both to death in an instant.

I felt the portal collapse behind me as lightning ran down my entire exterior. Arching off of me, and killing all the little ones that had run up on me. The little ones weren't that strong. The big ones were more of a problem. The lightning covering me wasn't enough to kill them.