

The daggers drank my power in as they charged up to explode. I cut off the stream of lightning, and leapt back when the two daggers started feeding off each other. The explosion blew the frozen corpse apart a few scant moments after I cleared the blast zone. I flicked my tail as I looked at the blown open corpse. I was glad that the core was in the chest area or blowing the damn thing open would have done more harm then good.

I walked over to the corpse, and yanked the core out. Tossing the core to Ethan so he could carry it. After that it didn't take long for me to fly back to the front line. They'd actually taken the time to create a gravel landing pad for me in the few hours I'd been gone. I'd been gone most of the day, but less then twenty hours.

I flared my wings, and landed on the cool gravel. The way they looked at me when Ethan tossed the three head sized cores at them. I flicked my tail. I laid down slowly. The gravel was much more inviting then muck.

The gravel wouldn't stick to me like the muck did. I allowed my muscles to slowly uncoil. It wasn't that I was letting my guard down. I was still strung as tight as a tightrope. I just didn't look it anymore.

Ethan jumped off my back, and landed on the well packed gravel. It made me wonder briefly how they got it packed down so tight. I shrugged the thought off. There were literally hundreds of crazy abilities that did all sorts of crazy things. One of them must have been able to pack the gravel down.

I sighed heavily, and ignored the movements of the people running around to prepare for another possible fight. I could feel the energy of the cores moving away from where I was quickly. I guessed that they were taking the cores back to the guild. I flicked my wings out. Allowing the wind to fill my membranes.

The snap of the membranes when they filled caused several of the humans around me to flinch. I chuckled in amusement. I found this comical. That wyvern had been able to speak before I turned him into an ice sculpture. I flicked my tail casually.

They'd cleared a large amount of space for me to relax in so I didn't have to worry about my tail hitting anything. I was a bit worried about the wyverns intelligence. If that one was related to the alpha wyvern. It made me wonder what exactly he'd done to them. I needed information.

If I didn't know what I was running into I wouldn't be able to prepare for it properly. I drew my talons through the gravel slowly. Over, and over again. Creating thick lines in the gravel. I needed to formulate some sort of plan to get back into the guild without being noticed.

I flicked my tail as I debated on what I could do. Sure I could send one of my bonded, but they would have made quite the impression by now. Mages were rare, and Ethan was glued to me. That meant the best option for infiltration was me. I was the only one that could change my face.

The problem was that I wasn't patient enough to do a thorough investigation. I was way too impulsive for this kind of thing. I needed to talk to Regala. She had to have an idea of something I could do. I glanced over to Ethan.

I laid my head down slowly. My wing going over my head. Hiding it from sight. Ethan knew what I was planning. He sat down on my tail after it wrapped most the way around my curled figure.

Somewhere around the middle so that his legs would be at a comfortable angle. It wasn't hard for me to sleep. I hoped I would go to my inner world this time. When I opened my eyes I was in my inner world. Regala's feet had completely faded away.

If I didn't need her knowledge I would avoid this place entirely. It was never pleasant to watch someone die. Even if they were already technically dead.

"Stop feeling sorry for me little one," Regala smirked at me, "You look as if you want something."

"Is there a way to temporarily tone down my anger issues for a little while?" I asked.

"That would be nice," Savannah chuckled behind me.

I turned to smirk at her. She'd entered my inner world easily without disturbing my mind in any way.

"Two dragon blooded now?" Regala raised a brow, "One formed in trust, and another forged in battle. How interesting." she smirked, "There is a way to temporarily curb your impulses, and anger. It requires you to completely immerse yourself in the personality of one of your bonded, and allow your own personality to be submissive to that foreign personality."

"What?" I cocked my head completely baffled by what she was saying.

"It requires dragon blooded bonded," Regala looked directly at Savannah, "And Ethan's submissive personality won't do."

"You mean Ethan's confidence is from submitting to Wyatt's personality," Savannah blurted out, "He's not acting more like Wyatt on purpose."

"He's actively trying to be more like Wyatt," Regala nodded, "Yes. From what I can tell he's picking, and choosing what traits he wants to suppress. Treating his own trauma in the process."

"Ethan's his own psychologist," I covered my snout as I suppressed a laugh.

"Considering the mental damage in his memories it's to be expected," Regala gave me a look, like a visual scolding, "I doubt he even realizes he's doing it." She smirked at me, "Savannah's personality is better for what you desire. Female mannerisms are a far cry from male mannerisms in most species. You'd have to take on a female body to avoid arousing suspicion if you do take on her personality."