
The Anime Maker

It might be a gift or a mistake. But it was the truth that Yuya had memories of a boy who lived in a different world. The memories of a boy who was a hardcore anime fan. And how could it not affect him? Not only for his own love of anime but also for the sake of those memories, he took upon the task of sharing those interesting pieces of work from his memories. "What if they aren't here? I can just make them!" This is the story of Yuya Kanzaki, a boy with extra memories who wants to make anime.

Me_Writer · 漫画同人
6 Chs

Chapter 2. Coffee

"Hmm… I should take a coffee as well. Yuya-san must be craving it."

Hashiba Kyouya took a coffee can and put it in the basket. After putting some other items on it, he checked them out and walked towards the sharehouse.

The sun was almost down; darkness was spreading above, but a tinge of orange could be seen in the sky. To Kyouya, these moments were truly unnatural and unbelievable.

After all, he is studying at Oonaka Arts University, that too with the famed future director - Yuya Kanzaki. It was too much for a regressor like him.

But admiration aside, he too had the aspiration to surpass them.

"I will work hard as well."

He didn't want to live the same life once again. This time, Kyouya wanted to have a more rich life.

While pondering all such things, he reached the sharehouse.

"I am back."

"Oh! Kyouya-kun. Welcome back."

Aki Shino, another member of the sharehouse, greeted Kyouya back as he entered after setting his shoes on the rack.

"Kyouya, did you bring the sauce?"

"Y-Yes. Here it is, Tsurayuki-kun."

With his turn to make dinner tonight, Rokuonji Tsurayuki told Kyouya to bring some sauce from the convenience store.

"And Kyouya, call Yuya-san for dinner."

"Alright. By the way, Shinoaki, where is Nanako?"

Kyouya found one more figure missing in the living room, and it was their fourth housemate - Nanako Kogure, a girl with a bit of gyaru style.

He couldn't help but ask about her whereabouts to Aki Shino, nicknamed Shinoaki.

"Nanako is in the bath."

"Oh! Well then, I will call Yuya-san."

Putting down the snacks and other items on the table, he walked up the stairs to call Yuya. And Kyouya didn't forget to bring the coffee he bought for him.

Knock! Knock!

Yuya was inside, a bit rough all over. His hands were continuously working on the pad without paying much attention elsewhere.

The sudden knock was indeed a bit disruptive to him. With a bit of annoyance in his voice, he called out, asking who was behind the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Kyouya."


With the memories of another world in his head, Yuya knew the identities of the ones living with him. Platinum Generation—that's what the ones he lived with were called in the future.

Aki Shino - A famous illustrator.

Nanako Kogure - A famous singer.

Rokuonji Tsurayuki - A famous light novelist.

All three are apparently famous in the future. But Hashiba Kyouya… He is a regressor. He worked for a game company that went on to become bankrupt. He resented his life and somehow came back to his college days to relive it.

Remake Our Life, a well fitting name for the story. And because of the information in his head, Yuya was very interested in Hashiba Kyouya.

No, not that his sexual orientation is different. He is very straight. But he is interested because of Hashiba Kyouya's quality - Experience.

He has the experience and is able to handle the projects. Yuya, who wants to open a studio, needs such an executive with him.

And he also woke him up during the class, so Yuya had a good impression of him.

"Come in."

"Excuse me."

Kyouya opened the door and entered the room. And Yuya's room… It wasn't clean. All the items were thrown here and there, spreading all around the room, giving it a bad look.

"Oh! I didn't clean for a while. So, why are you here, Kyouya?"

Without further delay, Yuya changed the subject as fast as he could. It's not like he likes to live dirty, but he is tied up with his current project, making him unable to find some time to clean his room.

'How much I wish to have Nanami here…'

Aoyama Nanami, a friend of his, came to clean his room before he shifted here. She is quite cute and easy to tease.

Remembering her, all Yuya wanted to shout - I want a maid!

Well, that can be discussed some other time. For now, he needs to address Kyouya about his appearance.

"I came to call you down. The dinner is ready. And here."


This is Max Coffee, Yuya's favorite drink that helps him stay awake all night. Hashiba Kyouya… He felt like a god to Yuya at the moment.

"Thanks a lot, Kyouya."

"Hehehe… It's nothing."

Yuya's praise made him a bit embarrassed. What did he do? He just bought a can of coffee. It is nothing to be praised for.

"Will you come down, Yuya-san?"

"Yeah. I will come after finishing this panel."

Now, Kyouya's interest was lit. Panel… It means Yuya was making an animation. And Kyouya obviously wanted to see it.

His eyes were fervent with curiosity, but he was a bit embarrassed to ask Yuya to show it to him. It would be a bit rude to do so.

But Yuya isn't emotionally challenged. Rather, his EQ is quite high. With a glance, he understood what Kyouya wanted.

"Want to see?"

"Can I?"

"Of course. Come here."

With excitement, Kyouya walked near him and peeked through Yuya's shoulders to look at the panels made by him.

The drawings were simple but had a bit of a unique method of colouring to them. Unlike normal animation, the one in front of him used soft and pastel colours, giving it a melancholic and nostalgic feeling.

"Yuya-san, you have used a different type of colouring."

"Yeah. I felt this type of colouring was best suited for the story I wrote."


"Yes. I will submit it to the upcoming Indie Arts Festival."


'Submission to the Indie Arts Festival? Don't tell me, is it that animation film?!'

"What happened to you, Kyouya? Are you alright?"

Why is he surprised? Yuya was a bit startled at the sudden shout. Kyouya shouted near his ear, making him hear it in several folds.

But he was interested in finding the reason behind it.

"I am alright."

"Then, why did you make that shout?"

"Oh! That's… I was a bit surprised at your participation. That's it. That's why I was a bit shocked."

'Do you think of me as a fool?'

Kyouya was clearly mixing words and avoiding giving an answer, but Yuya let it go. After all, he also escaped from talking about the room mess, right?

"Alright. That's it. I believe you."

Sigh! Kyouya released a breath of relief. If Yuya pressed on, he was afraid of being caught up in hiding something from him. Though it is unknown to him that Yuya is already aware of it.

"Well then, let's go downstairs for dinner."

"Let's go. I need a break as well."

So, without more words, both came down and were joined by others to have dinner.