
Awards are a Big Deal!

Artists don't like to admit it but this is probably one of the biggest

proverbial thorns in the sides of so many of them. Many artists

pretend not to care about these accolades or any form of

acknowledgement for their music but when one looks at their

reactions on social media when their names are omitted from

award nominations it becomes apparent that awards matter.

Everyone wants to be recognised for the good work they have

done and that said awards events create the illusion of creating

a platform were fairness and objectivity will prevail. Artists

routinely fall into the trap of believing that awards organisers

have the ability to discern who truly deserves this year's honours,

a crystal ball if you will that helps them to accurately determine

the best of the best. This naïve outlook couldn't be further from

the truth. There are so many grey areas when it comes to awards

recipient determination that one can easily conclude that there is

no way the system will ever be pleasing to all.

Most awards require that would be nominees submit their

projects for consideration openly acknowledging the fact that if

for some reason the "best" artist does not submit their music for

consideration then regardless of the facts then the "best' artist

will be ignored and not be considered for an award. Think about

this for a second, artists who have nothing to do with adjudicating

artistic excellence must submit their project themselves in order

to be judged. Quite literally lambs handing themselves to the

slaughterhouse. Think about this again, artists must under their

own determination say "I deserve an award' then on a single night be judged not worthy, no wonder so many artists who don't

win end up pissed.

That is the long and short of awards events. There will always be

fewer winners than losers. The issue I have here with the awards

process is why make artists submit their music when we all know

the bulk of them will be rejected and only one elevated to the title

"best of". Why do awards continue to subject artists to this

humiliating process of "so you think you are the best, well guess

what – you are not?"