
The American Pageant (16th Edition)

Hey everyone, I'm a student here in the US and I'm attempting to share the chapters on The American Pageant to help anyone who has APUSH next year and or those who had just forgotten theirs at home and need to get the information from the book and or if anyone just wants to get a good look on the American histories. I'm currently going through chapter 5-12 in class so I'm going to to try and get there before the end of October 2022, but I make no promises but I'll try to upload the chapters up here as quickly as I can when I can find the time to during my lively schedule. The purpose of doing this is solely to help those study and review since I know going through that hard ass textbook can be annoying and doing it like this might just help studying better. But I don't know? So imma test that theory out, ya get it? Plus this is also for my own studying so I'm seriously not trying to screw anyone over, so if you could do me a favor, don't report me if you get and are like, well instead of doing that, those students should just go buy an online version of it you selfish prick. And to you I say, well not all of us have money like that. So please, just let me have this till I finish APUSH this year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The American Pageant is: Written by David M. Kennedy & Lizabeth Cohen. This is the updated Ap® addition version. Sixteenth Edition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Also I can't afford being sued or anything so if you're the collage or whatever who's throwing fingers at me for doing this, just contact me throughout any means and I'll just book it. Please... I can't afford a lawsuit, I just got my life documents legalized.

TurtleMaster6319 · 历史
27 Chs

The Plantation Colonies

Certain distinctive features were shared by England's southern mainland colonies: Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Broad acred, these outposts of empire were all in some degree devoted to exporting commercial agricultural products.

Profitable staple crops were the rule, notably tobacco and rice, though to a lesser extent in small-farm North Carolina. Slavery was found in all the plantation colonies, though only after 1750 in reform-minded Georgia.

Immense acreage in the hands of a favored few fostered a strong aristocratic atmosphere, except in North Carolina and to some extent in debtor-tinged Georgia.

The wide scattering of plantations and farms, often along stately rivers, retarded the growth of cities and made the estab lishment of churches and schools both difficult and expensive.

In 1671 the governor of Virginia actually thanked God that no free schools or printing presses existed in his colony.

All the plantation colonies permitted some religious toleration. The tax-supported Church of England became the dominant faith, though it was the weakest in all of the nonconformist North Carolina.

These colonies were in some degree expansionary. "Soil butchery" by excessive tobacco growing drove settlers westward, and the long, lazy rivers invited penetration of the continent-and continuing con frontation with Native Americans.

Pg. 37

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