
White Fang Pt. 2 & Arrival in Mistral

As Whitley cums inside of Sienna yet again, the tired deposed White Fang Leader panting noisily and mewling pathetically all the while, he smiles. This latest release leaves Sienna at her wit's end, causing her to slump forward and give him a nice view of the entire chamber and the debauchery taking place within it. As he enjoys the tight clenching feel of Sienna's weak exhausted cunt a bit longer, he lets his gaze sweep across, taking in some of the… choicer White Fang he intends to utilize properly.

There's the assassin, Yuma. A bat faunus, Yuma was one of the White Fang's foremost Assassins, an unparalleled killer who would undoubtedly have followed Adam Taurus down his path of ever-heightening terrorism, if not for his death at the Battle of Beacon. Likewise, Yuma would probably have already tried to strike by now if it wasn't for Whitley's glyphs keeping the entire situation under control.

After all, the bat faunus already had a startling lack of true respect for Sienna, Whitley could feel it through their connection. His true loyalties lay with the Fox Brothers, Fennec and Corsac Albain, these days. Those two were the ones among Sienna's Lieutenants who were most likely to rise up against her soon and attempt to depose her as High Leader of the White Fang.

They too would have happily followed Adam Taurus if his gambit in Vale had worked and he'd lived to return here to Menagerie. Instead, with his death, they'd begun making plans to make his will into reality, even from beyond the grave. Needless to say, Whitley had nipped that in the bud. That wasn't to say he'd destroyed their personalities altogether; he wasn't looking to make such unique individuals into mindless drones.

But he also couldn't abide by them plotting behind his back like they'd plotted behind Sienna's. In the end, he'd dialed down their ambitions and their hatred for humans and dialed up their honor. Not so much as to make them COMPLETELY different people, however. The Fox Brothers were still begrudging in their actions, currently having sex with a pair of their White Fang subordinates as the orgy progresses throughout the entire chamber.

They were reluctant to accept Whitley as their leader, but as far as they were concerned, and Yuma as well, he was the new High Leader of the White Fang, and thus they were duty bound to give him a chance. Of course, Whitley had no intention of disappointing. The best part about all of this was, with his involvement, both the White Fang and Menagerie would get everything they always wanted.

He would ensure that Menagerie got a CCT tower of their own, that they became recognized as a Fifth Kingdom. At the same time, he would help the new White Fang he would be building separate itself from the old White Fang. They would be going back to their roots and assisting Menagerie in the defense of the Faunus Kingdom.

All that they had to do at the end of the day, was the same thing everyone else would ultimately have to do… submit to Whitley's rule, and become his loyal subjects. Frankly, the young Schnee didn't see anything wrong with this. He wasn't discriminatory like his father before him. All of the people of Remnant belonged beneath him, not just the Faunus. Everyone would be equal… in service to his goals.

With that in mind, Whitley pushes Sienna off of his lap, letting the beaten and broken Tiger Faunus flop bonelessly to the floor. Covered in sweat, face down ass up, her pussy drools with his cum as Whitley stands and steps past her. Blake and Kali are eager to prowl after him, the two cat faunus still quite needy when he'd only given them a good fingering so far.

As Whitley moves along, wading through the fucking Faunus without a care in the world, knowing for sure that none of them can harm him, he grabs Kali by one of her tits and pushes her towards Yuma. The bat faunus is currently finishing up fucking one of the faunus that Ghira had brought with him, and without a word, Whitley directs Kali to finish the job and drain Yuma of every drop of seed he has. If the bat faunus is going to be joining Whitley's inner circle at some point, then he should know what sort of rewards one might get for doing so.

Meanwhile, Whitley comes up on a cute young deer Faunus who's glaring at him balefully. With her mask removed, her blue eyes are quite visible, as are her freckles. Her orange hair makes her stand out in the crowd, as do the tiny little antlers atop her head.

"Well, hello there my dear. And what's your name?"

"S-Shut up! Whatever you've done, human… it won't work!"

Ah, so this was one of the scant few he hadn't glyphed yet. Well, she didn't seem threatening initially, but it seems in spite of her cute, adorable appearance, she has some bark to her. He can't risk dissidence in the ranks, to be frank, and he has no desire to leave her hatred for him festering so that he can find out if there's any bite behind her bark at some point down the road.

With a sigh, Whitley crouches down and quick as a whip, grabs the deer Faunus by the back of the neck, holding her in place as he applies a glyph there. In a moment, he has control of her… control he uses to change her hatred into a mixture of fear… and arousal.

"Now, now, precious. Is that any way to talk to your new leader? Your name. Now."

Shivering in terror now, while also being entirely aroused by his intimidating persona, the red head whimpers.

"D-Deery, s-sir… my name is D-Deery…"

Really? A deer faunus named 'Deery'? Whitley almost wants to make a comment about her parents not being the smartest or the most creative lot, but he bites his tongue and settles for rolling his eyes. Straightening up out of the crouch, Whitley strokes his cock, still bared and right in Deery's face as he grins down at the trembling blue-eyed deer Faunus.

"Well, Deery… why don't you show me your fealty."

In the end, the change he made to her emotions does the trick. She's too afraid of him to say no, and on top of that, she's curious, intrigued even by her own arousal. She's never felt this way about a human before, Whitley knows that. But then to be fair, she's never seen a human defeat Sienna Khan in single combat before. He's not just another human, nor is he just the hated Schnee. He's an Apex Predator, something beyond human and faunus, and he knows she knows that now, deep down inside.

Moving forward, Deery takes his cock in her mouth and begins to dutifully suck at it. She's entirely inexperienced, but there's a certain pleasure to that, and as Whitley enjoys her pathetic attempts at fellatio, he reaches down and grabs hold of one of her antlers, using it to drag her back and forth along his shaft. At the same time, his eyes continue to move across the room. Eventually, he finds the last two White Fang he knows by name, having gotten the intel from Blake, Ghira, and Kali during their planning sessions.


The cat faunus, who hasn't left his side this whole time, perks up at the mention of her name, leaning in close and practically rubbing up against him, slutty little fuck toy that she is.

"Yes, Master?"

"I see your friend Ilia over there, looking rather put out. She keeps sneaking glances at you. She seems almost… betrayed. Perhaps you should go over there and prepare her for my arrival, hm?"

Blake's gaze follows Whitley, with Ilia Amitola freezing up at seeing their gaze upon her. The chameleon Faunus hastily tries to fade into the wall again like she was before, but now that they know she's there, well, there's no escaping it. Blake brightens and begins to prance over, with Whitley watching the cat faunus go with a wide grin.

As Blake reaches Ilia, he doesn't hear what the two say to each other, but he certainly sees Blake pin the other faunus against the wall and begin kissing the ever living daylights out of her. From what Blake told him about her, Ilia is a true believer, and would have likely followed Adam into terrorism as well, given half the chance. However, what she doesn't share in common with the rest of Adam's sycophants within the White Fang is something truly special… she's in love with Blake Belladonna.

It's obvious from the way Blake is able to easily overpower and dominate Ilia into a mewling mess that she read of the chameleon faunus was completely right. The old Blake hadn't wanted to lead Ilia on, hadn't wanted to make her think something could happen when it couldn't. Because the old Blake was undeniably straight and didn't view other women as sexually attractive to her.

The new Blake, the Blake that Whitley had built for his own purposes, would do whatever her Master wanted of her. Including seducing and fucking the brains out of one Ilia Amitola in order to finally and fully convert the incredibly useful chameleon faunus to Whitley's cause. Needless to say, Whitley had great plans for Ilia, a number of missions that an infiltration specialist such as her could undertake for him already coming to mind.

But he would get to her in a moment. Still forcing the White Fang known as Deery to suck his cock, Whitley slides his gaze over to the other female faunus he's had his attention drawn to and snaps his fingers in her direction, using the glyph on her to command her attention.

"Trifa! Come here!"

The spider faunus, a White Fang Enforcer who's first loyalty had been to the Albain brothers, disengages from the faunus she's been fucking and moves over to him. There's some mild reluctance in her movements, and she looks down at Deery with some pity as the deer Faunus is forced to suck his cock despite being clearly inexperienced.

However, she doesn't resist him when he pulls her in for a deep, tongue-filled kiss, and in fact once he has his free hand on her ass and his mouth on her mouth, she melts into the one-armed embrace rather easily, moaning into his mouth as she finds herself running her hands up and down his front. Smirking in the midst of kissing the spider faunus, Whitley spends a moment enjoying Deery's mouth on his cock and Trifa's mouth with his tongue. Then, he pulls back from both of them for a moment.

"Which one of you shall I fuck first, hm?"

Deery is still scared, but also horribly aroused by this point, panting noisily as she rubs her inner thighs together. It's obvious that the once hate-filled White Fang girl is desperate for her leader's cock now… but she doesn't know how to say it. Trifa, on the other hand, is very aroused as well, and since Whitley dragged her away from her previous fuck before she could reach orgasm, she's in need of a good dicking as well. He can see the way she stares down at his cock and then to Deery…

The exact moment that the freckled, red head of a deer faunus manages to gather the courage to open her mouth and no doubt beg him to fuck her first, Trifa strikes, applying a spat of spider web to the other faunus' mouth and silencing her on the spot. As Deery's blue eyes go wide and she squeals through the covering, Trifa steps in front of her, blocking Whitley's view of the deer faunus while also running her hands up and down her body suggestively.

"I'm right here, boss man…"

Chuckling, Whitley grabs Trifa by the hair and spins her around, forcing her to look Deery in the eye as he bends her over on the spot and takes her in a standing fuck right then and there. Trifa is forced to acknowledge the faunus she betrayed while Deery is forced to watch the faunus who betrayed her get fucked long and hard in her place, watching as Trifa's face contorts in pleasure and ecstasy.

Whitley slams home into the spider faunus' cunt again and again, already looking forward to making use of her webbing in so many different ways. Not only did it make her a perfect Hunt & Capture Specialist to team up with say, Yuma for certain missions, but she was also going to be oh so fun to have around during orgies with his other women. On demand bondage at a moment's notice? Count him in~

After driving Trifa to multiple orgasms and finally cumming inside of her however, Whitley finishes with her and moves onto Deery. The poor deer faunus has fallen back on her haunches and begun fingering her cunt most frantically, moaning through Trifa's webbing as she does so, watching the entire exchange between him and her comrade with very expressive eyes. With her entire lower face beneath the nose covered up, her eyes are more vibrant and visible then ever, and Whitley greatly enjoys staring into them as he finally fucks Deery.

Unlike Trifa, the young firebrand of a White Fang proves to be a virgin. As he takes Deery's virginity, Whitley can't help but laugh at the absurdity of the moment. Here he is in the heart of the White Fang's power, claiming the purity of a deer faunus named 'Deery' of all things. And to think, these were his father's greatest enemies. These were the people who were such a thorn in Jacques Schnee's side all these years.

As far as Whitley was concerned, his father deserved to fail and fall as he had, even beyond the fact that Whitley has engineered his death. Whitley would lead their family and corporation into a brighter future then his father could ever have hoped for. More than that, he would lead the entirety of Remnant into a brighter future.

It doesn't take long for Deery's tight virgin cunt to extract another load from him, with Whitley groaning as he fills her womb with his seed. The deer faunus is just exotic enough that Whitley will pull her into his inner circle despite her complete lack of influence within the White Fang, or any actual skills beyond your average White Fang grunt. There's just something about those cute little antlers of hers that makes him want to fuck her some more.

For now though, he leaves her and Trifa behind, the two of them creampied, as he heads over to where Blake has been preparing Ilia for him. Upon his approach, the chameleon faunus freezes up, whimpering while Blake drags three fingers out of Ilia's cunt and brings them up to her friend's lips to force her to clean them off.

"His cock is even bigger than my fingers, Ilia. You're going to love it~"

"B-But I've never been with a man before, Blake, I told you…"

Giggling, Blake swings them around so that she's the one with her back to the wall, guiding Ilia down to her breast, which in turn forces the chameleon faunus to jut her hips out and involuntarily offer up her glistening slit to his cock.

"Don't worry about it~ just relax, you'll enjoy it once you get a chance to!"

Well, he wouldn't want Blake to be a liar. Using the glyph already on Ilia, Whitley amps up her arousal, her NEED to have a cock inside of her. Then, teasing her pussy lips with his cockhead for a few moments, he listens to her moan into Blake's nipple, sucking at it rather lewdly. Finally, he thrusts into the gorgeous chameleon faunus from behind, causing her to arch her back and tilt her head up, squealing as she orgasms immediately around his cock.

Like she said, she was a virgin, but him tearing through her hymen doesn't even matter here, not with her pussy clenching and squeezing down around his dick from the explosive climaxes that wrack her body. The pleasure clearly overwhelms her, which was of course the point, and Blake coos down at her friend as Whitley takes Ilia to plow town, greatly enjoying slamming into her juicy tight cunt again and again from behind. She's like a combination of Trifa and Deery, the best of both worlds, and he simply can't get enough of it.

Eventually, all things come to an end though. Ilia's tight virgin cunt eventually brings him to his own release, and Whitley fills her with his seed, pumping a hot thick load right into her womb. He's going to breed her, just like he's planning on breeding Trifa and Deery and Sienna as well. Then, after they've given birth to his children, perhaps he'll have Trifa and Yuma breed next.

The Albain Brothers, he has special intentions for. He thinks that, with their hatred of humans dialed down appropriately, they'll hit it off great with the Malachite Twins. He's got plans to introduce them to Miltia and Melanie as soon as possible.

It's so much fun, moving around all of his toys like pieces on a board. It's so very enjoyable, getting to watch them interact with one another, always for the betterment of his plans, always for the furthering of his ultimate goals. With this, Whitley has conquered the White Fang and Menagerie. And he's going to give them a better life as a result, each and every one of them. They should be thanking him from the bottom of their hearts, and to be fair, he suspects many will. But he'll never forget the sort of shenanigans they got up to outside of his control.

It's just simple facts… everyone does better when they're led by him. Everyone prospers when they're working towards HIS goals, towards the completion of HIS plans. It's for the best that they submit to his authority, each and every one.


After making sure things in Menagerie are secured, as well as sending out the orders to begin the construction of Menagerie's CCT tower, Whitley casts off for his next destination. Menagerie was a fun little working vacation of sorts, but Whitley can't afford to stay in one place for too long, not when it's necessary that he keep on the move, spreading his influence far and wide.

Unfortunately, when he arrives at his next destination, that of Mistral, he finds that things have gone tits up far beyond what he could have expected. There, he reunites with the rest of Team RWBY, alongside teams JNPR, SSSN, ABRN, and his eldest sister, Winter. The moment he comes into view, everyone begins trying to talk at once.

"Sir, they-!"

"Whitley, I-!"

"Master, the Zauberspiegle-!"

"We thought it best to stay in spite of-!"

Ultimately, it's impossible for him to properly comprehend what the hell they're trying to explain to him with everyone aiming to be the one to tell him what happened. It seems he's ran into one of the downsides of complete control… his subordinates, it would appear, have failed him in the worst way.

From their constant attempts to talk over each other, he manages to understand only that the Zauberspiegle, his private yacht that he'd led to Winter for the purposes of the Mistral Operations, was apparently damaged somehow. Also, SSSN and ABRN stayed behind in spite of Headmaster Lionheart ordering everyone to evacuate Haven. WHY that happened, Whitley can't begin to understand because no one is actually giving anyone else a chance to talk without being talked over!


With that single command, Whitley silences the whole lot of them. All of his slaves, all of his toys, all of his pets fall completely silent. From the White Fang he's brought along, to the human hunter teams he's co-opted at this point, to even his sisters. As Whitley swipes his gaze across them all, everyone looks down at their feet, appropriately ashamed by their behavior.

For a moment, Whitley considers getting to the bottom of things immediately. To that end, he looks to his eldest sister and watches Winter straighten up.

"Winter… is there ANYTHING I can do to fix shit right this moment?"

"No, sir. The situation is not quite that delicate."

Letting out a long breath, Whitley nods.

"Alright then… first things first, I've missed you all very much, so we're going to have some fun. Of course, this should have been a celebration… but I suppose we'll have to celebrate what we can celebrate… and punish what needs to be punished."

Swiping his gaze over to Teams RWBY (minus Blake) and JNPR, Whitley frowns at them all.

"You seven will NOT be allowed to partake, since it seems you've damaged my yacht. Am I correct?"

They hang their heads and mutter 'yes' under their breaths, and Whitley nods, watching as they all move to the wall. After a moment, Whitley smirks as an evil idea comes to him.

"Trifa! Secure our prisoners~"

A moment later, Team RWBY and JNPR are tied up in spider webs, unable to even sneakily touch themselves as they're bound to the wall. With that punishment taken care of, Whitley turns to SSSN and ABRN.

"Right, you lot… you did well to stick it out. Lionheart might be Headmaster, but I am your Master, aren't I?"

"Yes sir!"

The chorus from all eight of them brings a smile to Whitley's lips. With a nod to the White Fang and other assorted Faunus he's brought with him, he speaks to the male members of the two teams.

"Have your pick of the girls, enjoy whoever you want. As for you, Arslan…"

The chocolate-colored leader of Team ABRN happily drops to her knees before him and lolls out her tongue in clear desire for a very particular reward. Whitley is inclined to give it to her, pulling out his cock and letting her eagerly begin deep-throating his member.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

Reese, the other female member of Team ABRN, eagerly moves to his side when he beckons her over as well, and Whitley kisses her even as her team leader chokes herself on his dick, taking him all the way down her pretty little throat. Finally, there's Winter. Whitley knows that his big sister probably had a part to play in both the failures AND successes of the day. Winter wasn't the kind of woman to let any situation go without some involvement in some way.

She's also the most professional here though, as well as the most highly trained. Which is why Whitley isn't punishing her just yet. He beckons her over as well and allows Winter to lean into his other side as he alternates between kissing her and Reese. After a little while though, Whitley sends his big sister off to be fucked by a the Albain brothers, knowing they'll enjoy spit-roasting the haughty Schnee between them.

This allows Whitley to focus solely on rewarding Arslan and Reese personally for their service. After painting Arslan's face with his cum, he picks Reese up off the ground, causing the punk chick to yelp and then squeal in delight as he slams her down on his cock. Showing off his physical strength, Whitley bounces her up and down his length right then and there in the middle of the space, with her holding onto him for dear life.

Not to be left out, Arslan takes that experienced tongue of hers and puts it to good use, swirling it around his back and sliding it along the place where his cock and Reese's pussy are currently connected. There's not an ounce of jealousy in the Team Leader, she knows her time is coming soon, and she's all too happy for Reese to get fucked by their mutual master.

Sure enough, Whitley soon creampies Reese on the spot, filling her with his seed. Then, as he lays her down on the ground to rest, he moves on to Arslan. The dark-skinned huntress is all too eager to get fucked, and Whitley takes her on her side, lifting one of her legs over his shoulder as he plows into her hard and fast, while at the same time reaching out to grab and grope her tits. Arslan's moans fill the room, though they're fighting for supremacy with all of the other people fucking around them. Not to mention the pitiful muffled noises coming from those of his toys that he's currently having to punish.

He'll give RWBY and JNPR a chance to redeem themselves, of course. After all, RWBY were some of his first pets, outside of his household servants. And JNPR… well, Pyrrha is likely to be his official wife one day soon. But that does not make them above all rules. It does not mean they can't fail him and earn a punishment. Whitley only wants them to learn to be better, wants to see them excel in accomplishing his goals for him without him always having to be there to hold their hands.

He doesn't think that's too much to ask, not really. Fucking Arslan, taking her long and hard… it gives him a chance to calm down and cool off. After his complete and total success over in Menagerie, arriving in Mistral to find things in total disarray with everyone trying to talk over one another… it pissed Whitley off, he had to admit. Finding out that his personal yacht was damaged in what he could only imagine was a startling display of incompetence angered him even further.

But this was fine. In fact, it was perfectly salvageable. He still needed to know all of the details, but it sounded like the Headmaster of Haven was guilty of dereliction of duty, and that Mistral itself was in dire need of some assistance. Assistance that Whitley could happily provide with his Menagerie reinforcements and the full weight and power of the SDC behind him.

Mistral, by the end of the day, would belong to him just as Menagerie now did, just as Vale nominally did. And one by one, the dominoes would fall.

Cumming inside of Arslan, Whitley pulls out of her and with a snap of his fingers, summons Winter back to her side. His sister, always the neat freak, has already taken care of both of the Albain brothers. Despite THEM being the ones spit roasting HER, they're the ones exhausted right now, while Winter is as pristine as ever, having already cleaned up their cum.

As she joins him once more, his eldest sister climbs into his lap at his urging and impales herself on his cock with a wanton moan. As she bounces up and down on his dick, Whitley marvels at how different she and their mother is. Winter Schnee is growing older and older and maturing into a fine woman, and even a mother of her own now. But where Willow Schnee is all curves, Winter is a combination of her natural born curves and a chiseled body made from a life of military service.

Her beautiful breasts bounce in his face, while her chiseled abs flex and tense as she rides him. All in all, Winter might just be Whitley's favorite family member at the moment, if he had to make a choice. All the same though, as she rides him and he enjoys her tits, Whitley looks up into her eyes and gives a simple command.

"Brief me. I want a full report."

Without missing a beat, Winter begins to do exactly that, with Whitley using his sister's body as his own personal fuck toy while learning all about the situation in Mistral and Haven from her pretty lips. Once he knows exactly what's going on, Whitley can make a more informed decision on how to move forward.


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