
The beta and her alpha

Getting to Val's house and feeling that sense of relaxation from jumping on her large plush bed was something I missed so much. I let out a big sigh, her place was so nice. She had gone to the kitchen to get the staff working on something for dinner. Waiting for her to return I went to look out the window to that beautiful garden area. Of course it was all orange and red hues signifying that it was only going to get colder from here.

A small knock came from the door, I turned to see Ash stick his head in just so slightly not looking anywhere but the floor.

"Hey Dali, can I come in?" he said quietly.

"Of course!" I said practically bouncing over to the door to meet him.

"I'm so happy your okay." he wrapped me up in a hug. "You guys really scared the crap outta me." he sighed giving me a slight squeeze before letting go.

"You were scared?" I said dramatically the corners of my mouth turning up slightly. He rolled his eyes and went to look through the many shelves of movies that were next to the TV.

"I'm serious though Dali. I was really worried, I came to visit all the time." he said in a low sad voice.

"You did?" I asked, not really sure who had visited me while I slept. Maybe the flowers were from him?

"Of course. Your one of my best friends." he said pulling out a movie. "Little shop of horrors sound good?" he asked holding the DVD up.

"Pop it in!" I said excitedly going back to sit on Val's bed.

Just as I sat down the door opened. It was Val and behind her was someone I never expected. Dustin Diaz came in quietly letting her lead him in. I could tell he was nervous to be here. I never seen him not standing directly to the right of Finn. By the way she was holding his hand I already knew where this was going.

"Guys, meet my mate Dustin." she said happily as he finally looked up first to Ash then to me.

We were both silent, not really sure what to say next. He just stood there quietly, his blue-gray eyes taking in his mates room. The smile on his face grew wide at the pink girly frill her room always held. The Dustin we'd seen and avoided at school did not seem at all like the wolf standing in front of me. And with that I walked over to them finally breaking the silence.

"Hi Dustin, I'm Daliah but you can call me Dali." I put my hand out to shake his. Although the expression he made was almost as if I had asked him to do something unspeakable.

"I know, its very nice to officially meet you." he bowed his head respectfully.

I was stunned by his behavior. Did Finn say something to him to make him think differently of me? Maybe it was that day where I defied him and survived. Either way I took it in stride and just politely smiled back. I took my seat back on her bad as he and Ash exchanged pleasantries.

"We were just about to watch a movie, a classic nonetheless!" I said, this really was one of my all time favorite movies.

We all settled in, I could tell Dustin was already so in love with Val. The way he moved to make sure she was comfortable, constantly smiling ear to ear when ever she talked to him. To my surprise he actually fit in very well with our little group. I wished I could have this with Finn. But he made it very clear where he stood, he didn't want me.

"Stop thinking like that." Fallon whimpered, the same images of the girl hanging off of his arm that day springing up in our mind.

"What about that?" I asked her replaying the kiss he placed on the girl's hand causing her to flinch.

She stayed quiet not knowing how to defend him with that. I just sighed rolling back on to the bed further.

"What's wrong Dali?" Ash said picking up on my distress. We were already more than half way done the movie.

"I think I want to go on a run." I said getting up and heading to the door.

"Here I'll come and put up your clothes after you change." he said following me out. Val just gave me an apologetic look, I could sense she knew why I wanted to go and no doubt felt guilty about it.

I didn't want her to feel that way of course, I am so happy for her! I mean as far as mates go she definitely had a good one. I can't believe we thought of him to be some type of thug. I supported them through and through I just wished my mate wasn't who he was. Fallon growled at the thought, regardless she wanted him and I could understand why.

Ash just followed beside me to the area the Omegas had set up for changing. He stood right outside waiting for me to shift. I got undressed and breathed slowly, closing my eyes. When they opened I was looking through Fallon's eyes. We walked out slowly as to not scare him, his family was like mine they never shifted either.

The fear on his face was quick, just like my moms had been. I huffed and nodded in the direction I had left my clothes. Ash let out a quick smile before heading to get them. We stretched first our font legs then our back. Fallon was ready to go, so we took off staying close to the trees of the houses. Since we were so deep into the pack lands it was safe to be a little careless when on a run.

I had seen so many others flying through these woods at all times of the day. That was one of the best parts of being apart of such a large pack, if your deep enough in the territory no one will bother a wolf they see. I jogged along the path taking it slowly, winding around thick forest brush. I could smell the fresh running water, this must be where the lake lets out. Thirsty Fallon raced down to chasing the noise.

The forest cleared slightly leading to the bank of the water. She bent to drink quickly but the sound of a stick breaking behind us caught us both off guard. We whipped around scanning for any threats. After the experience we just went though we weren't to keen on going back to the hospital. Fallon let out a low powerful warning growl.

"Chill its just us." Val said through the link, poking her snout out of the shadows. Like her, her wolf had that same blonde coloring only her wolf's fur was much darker.

Right behind her another light brown wolf stood protectively keeping watch. That must be Dustin. I looked at both of them finally relaxing knowing there is no threat. She got down playfully and started to prance around me.

We played around as Dustin kept watch, always close enough just in case something happened but not to close he interfered with with fun. We jogged around bumping into one another. At one point we took off in a race leaving a howling Dustin behind. Running though the forest like this was something I have always dreamed of! Fallon yipped in agreement.

We were hiding from Dustin when a large black wolf entered the clearing just ahead. Crouched from behind the bush we watched as Dustin went right up to him and bowed his head.

"Mate!" Fallon screamed and jumped out running towards him. He took a stance ready to attack when he realized who we were and relaxed.

He was the biggest wolf I have ever seen. Even though I noticed I was larger than most she-wolves I knew, he towered over me. Fallon walked cautiously over to him sniffing the air. He cocked his head to the side as he watched Val come out and nuzzle against Dustin's side. They started to walk back to the house, I suppose to have their privacy or maybe to give us some.

His eyes watched as we slowly approached I could tell he was having some internal struggle but then again so was I. Fallon on the other hand was ready to finally spend some time with him. She dropped down in a playful downward dog. He just backed up thrown off by the sudden change. Then he dropped down matching my stance.

As he reached the ground we took off running, Fallon pushing as hard as she could trying to show off in front of him. Although we were quick he was quicker. He passed us turning to stop right in front of us, we almost crashed right into him but the very last second we jumped flying through the air right over him. Then hit the ground running. We heard him protesting the trick as we choose a spot to hide in.

The fearsome black wolf came to a stop just a couple feet in front of us. I laughed in my mind watching him trying to find me. I must have developed the skill after a couple of years of this. Although this time I was the one on the to scare him. Crouching down we winded up to leap on him. With out a sound we hopped up tackling him, sending us both rolling down the small hill. The look in his eyes was almost as if I had got him. Ha, as if he would ever be scared of me.

I realized I was standing on top of him and quickly got off embarrassed. Noticing my shift in energy he got up and came to stand next to me. Finn pointed his snout back towards the Omega house was, understanding what he meant I headed in that direction. I walked along the same trail we had followed here. Fallon was elated to have finally played with our mate.

The walk back was slow, we didn't run or play we just walked back side by side. There was something so natural about being at his side like this. I wonder if it'll be different now. He had been there when I woke up in the hospital. There has to be some sort of feeling there. Fallon agreed becoming even more excited.

The back light to the house was on, guiding us to our destination. I quickly ducked into the little changing shed and got dressed, I took a little longer than expected when I couldn't find my moon necklace. When I came back out annoyed I couldn't find it, he was gone. I looked around waiting for him to come out of the other shack. Of course, ultimately he didn't. Let down I went into the house to look for my friends.

I heard them some where in the back of the house playing what sounded like a fighting video game. Ash must be happy to finally have another guy around I laughed shaking my head walking towards the noise. When I got in I saw Ash, Val in Dustin's arm sitting on one couch and Finn sitting on the small love seat to the right of them. Ash and Dustin going at it in some older game I didn't know the name of. Finn just smiled at me with that same one he had at the dinner.

"Go to him stupid." Fallon said getting annoyed with my hesitation. On that note I walked over and sat next to him on the couch.

"Hi.." I practically mouthed at him, my voice almost nonexistent.

My nerves taking over being so close to him. He smelt like the woods right after it rained or the beach on a sunny day. He watched me with that goofy grin slowly disarming me. I looked back down not wanting to be sucked in with that charm. I heard as he huffed and sat back slinging his arm behind me letting it rest on the top of the couch.

"So, " Val said turning to me noticing I was becoming a bit more nervous as each minute passed. "Now that your all healed what's the next move?" she said the seriousness in her voice causing everyone to stop, even Ash and Dustin put down the game and faced our couch.

"Me?" I said, "Go back to school?" They all laughed except Finn who was looking at me with seriousness.

"Well duh, but what about.." her voice trailed off letting me know exactly what she meant.

"We protect our people." I said simply but with a hint of that foreign voice coming into my tone. Finn's head snapped toward me looking like he had seen a ghost.

I saw Dustin start to laugh but is cut short by a quick growl from Finn. Ash just looked like he wanted to run out of the room. Val on the other hand was beaming with excitement. I could tell she would follow me to the ends of the earth. I mean what are best friends for. I stood up and headed towards the door stopping short realizing I had a very large person moving right behind me.

"Where are you going?" he demanded in a low voice.

"To my house, I just got out of the hospital and haven't gone home in a while." I sighed going to reach for him but let it fall instead.

"I'll come with you then." he said walking past me leaving me in the door way. I looked back at them confused, Dustin just half smiled and shrugged. He must be use to this by now. I just said a quick goodbye to them and briskly walked out.

I followed the young alpha outside trying my best to keep up with his large strides, we walked to a large truck parked on the gravel drive way. Gesturing to get in on the other side he hopped into the drivers seat. Pausing before I get in I felt those old nerves bubbling up inside me. Or maybe it was new nerves. Being so close to him made me feel like I never had. I sighed ignoring Fallon's happiness and got in the truck.

"Before you get the wrong idea, I'm just taking you home because you didn't drive here." he said with a kind of jealous tone.

"Oh, thanks." I said looking out the window. He didn't respond just put the truck in drive and went.

We drove in silence as he headed towards my house. Since when did he even know where I lived? I decided it was best to leave that alone, so I opted to pull out my phone to text Ash. Third wheeling was never fun for any one. The response was fast, telling me of the loving couple. I laughed at his message out loud on accident.

"Who are you texting?" he growled at me causing me to sit still and stop laughing. He didn't wait for me to answer but snatched the phone from my hands instead.

Seeing it was another guy he growled deeper, more furious than I have ever heard before. I became even more still if that was at all possible. My head started pounding and little black dots danced around my vision. Only taking a sharp breath in I realized I had been holding it in. Tossing my phone at the seat between us he put his hands back on the steering wheel. His knuckles were white he was gripping it so tight. I was so happy when we pulled up to my house, I hopped out and ran inside closing the door behind me and falling with my back pressed against it.