
Another one

Sitting there for a minute I could still feel he was outside, that same energy as he always had rolling off of him. Slowly he started to fade as he drove away, and finally I caught my breath. My heart was beating so fast I could barely move. Why? We had such a great night and he ended it like that, Fallon whimpered feeling slightly rejected by him but confused as to why he was jealous of Ash. Of all people.

"Honey are you alright?" mom came rushing down the stairs helping me to stand up. Her face riddled with worry.

"Yeah, just... you know its okay. I'm okay." I said not really wanting to talk about it just yet. She nodded knowing if I needed her I would come to her.

"Are you feeling okay? Any pain?" walking up the stairs I could feel her checking to make sure everything was okay physically.

"Never better mom," I said giving her a the best smile I could muster.

"That's the best you got?" I laughed at the face she made and she nodded in approval.

"Much better." she walked into her room and I did the same.

I crashed into my bed, goddess it felt good to be home. Looking around my small room I was content. The comforts of its familiarity taking over the stress of everything that happened. My thoughts danced back over the night, finally getting to be as I always wished. To let my wolf out and run with my pack. I sighed, so did Fallon as a flash of Finn's angry face in the truck took over the peaceful ones. I tried to clear my mind and let sleep claim me.~

A bang rang out and I felt the pain. The pain of my knees hitting the pavement and the burning sensation taking over my whole body. I could barely move as my body went limp. It was hard enough concentrating on breathing. A loud crash causes me to muster all of my strength to look up. What if Val was in danger? Instead I saw the guy lifeless on the SUV.

My eyes closed for a brief second only to open slightly to see that raven hair.

"Don't you die on me." the pain in his voice broke my slow beating heart.~

I sat up in my bed, a cold sweat taking over me as I relived the pain of that day. Looking over at the clock I noticed it was only four-thirty in the morning. Throwing my hands over my head and lying back down I let out an exasperated breath. No matter how bad I wanted to pretend everything was fine, it was not. I was scared for not only my life but everyone I knew. Why were there hunters here? What do the rouges have to do with any of this?

I couldn't sleep with all of these questions in my head so instead I opted to get dressed for the day. I had plenty of homework to catch up on, I still needed this scholarship after all. Getting dressed was fast taking care to make sure I looked my best, when I was satisfied it was only six I still had three hours until my first class of the day. I settled in and went through the painstaking task of sorting my assignments.

Surprisingly it did not take me very long to catch up, I was just about finished when my alarm went off telling me it was time to leave. I gathered my bag and headed to my car. The whole drive to school was quiet, I was able to distract myself with my work but now all I could think about was the pain. I was so relieved when I pulled into the lot and finally threw the car in park. Ash and Val were waiting for me at our usual bench.

"Hey guys!" I said trying my best to sound casual as I walked over to them.

"Hey!" they said in unison but neither looked up from their phones, I was just happy they didn't notice the strain in my voice.

"Lets go a different way to class today." Val said hoping up and taking me by the arm.

"Wh.. What? Why?" I said as she dragged me along, its almost like she was trying to get me out of there. Ash was close behind us but struggling to keep pace.

She would have made it too if I had been trying to walk with her but as we were about to turn the corner I saw exactly what she meant for me not to. Finn came out of the building, some new girl wrapped around his arm looking excitedly around. Dustin on his right with his phone in his hand typing fast, his other friend Sam I think it was just walked casually with them too. I stopped, grabbing the corner to keep Val from pulling me away.

"How many girls does he have, honestly" I groan to a whimpering Fallon "I told you he was evil." I finished knowing she was not in the mood to say anything back.

They just kept walking, my heart started to pound threatening to break. My knees faltered and I fell forward. Ash had gotten to us in just enough time to catch me. He stumbled back a little from the impact. I just kept looking at my mate with yet another girl. Finn looked over to see me as Ash was trying to steady me his face growing dark with anger.

"Whoa dude you okay?" Ash said as I finally had some strength.

"Yeah, lets go." I said in a small voice. I saw Finn take his arm from the girl and start to make his way over.

"Okay." Ash said guiding me around the corner still holding my elbow.

"Get your hands off of her." A growl came from behind us. I just felt something snap in me.

"You know what no." I snapped turning around to face him. "No, you don't get to walk around with different she-wolves around campus and I can't helped by a friend." I scoffed at him. His face looked guilty for a split second then returned to anger.

"You're my mate." he said through gritted teeth.

"You could have fooled me with the way you act." I went to turn and walk away but stopped. " Just reject me already." I said plainly before turning and walking away. The tears in my eyes threatening to fall but I was not going to let him see that.

Val saw my face and opened her arms wide, we walked side by side and I let the tears fall. Ash finally caught up to us and just looked at me with such sadness in his eyes. Val lead us to the closest bathroom to our classes.

"Here," she said placing a make up bag and some wipes in front of me. "Don't ever let them see your down." I nodded letting one more tear escape.

I fixed my make up and we headed to our classes. The one good thing was I was able to focus on what the professor was saying instead of how I was feeling. Each class provided a bliss but getting there was dreadful. It took every trick I have learned of avoiding him to escape the young alpha between classes. I told him to reject me, he's probably trying to do just that but I couldn't bring myself to let it happen. Fallon was whimpering in the back of my mind for most of the day.

My last class was coming to an end and I had already texted my friends letting them know I would just meet them later for coffee. I gathered my bag and was getting ready to make a mad dash to my car. Class ended and I went to the door only to stop when I felt just who was on the other side. How, had he found me? Checking the class there was only the one exit. The door he is just on the other side of.

I knew he could feel I was here but was just waiting for me to come out the doors. Going through them was the very last thing I wanted to do. The room was nearly empty, just the professor and I left. I backed up to the desk and pretended I was looking for something in my bag. Not really caring what was the issue the teacher just smiled and waved as he exited. Maybe he would go away, I hoped he would.

"You really weren't going to come out?" Finn said opening the door and strolling up to me.

"I'm looking for something." I grumbled still pretending. "What can I help you with young alpha?" he flinched at the coldness in my voice.

"Yes you can." he moved closer to me reaching out to trail a finger down my arm. I froze, the warmth from his touch. It was the most blissful thing, I looked up to see a sly grin on his face.

"W..What can I do?" I asked shakily.

"Don't fall into guy's arms so easily." he said his voice sweet as honey. I snapped out of it getting angry.

"Than do me a favor?" I asked batting my eyes and moving closer. My voice was smooth, I was surprised to hear it but also I could feel Fallon coming to the surface due to him being so close. Using that same resolve I reached up cupping his shocked face. My palm tingling from the warm of touching him.

"What i.. is that?" he looked nervous but was entranced by me.

I stood up on my toes and pulled him so his ear was right next to my lips.

"Don't have another woman under your arm." I growled lowly into his ear. Quickly I grabbed my bag and headed for the door. I glanced at him over my shoulder only to see him still standing there still slouched.

I ran to my car, luckily most classes were over for the day so no one was really here to watch me run across campus a little to fast. How dare he be mad at me and still parading around here like he had no mate. Fallon just growled she was not in a talking mood. I hopped in my car and started it, with the weather getting colder the old thing needed a few minutes to warm up and function properly.

I sighed impatiently waiting for it to get to the point of where it needed to be so I could avoid seeing him again. This proved to be of no avail since the moment I looked up from the meter he was walking towards my car, his face was unrecognizable but the energy he was emitting was not something I wanted to be subjected to. I cursed under my breath and put the car into reverse.

I only pulled out of the space slightly when he was suddenly at my passenger door getting in. Why hadn't I locked that? I looked up at him in awe that he could move that fast being so tall. I had stopped the car shocked that he would even get into my beater.

"Are you going to drive?" he asked looking over at me, the energy was still radiating off of him but he was trying to sound calm.

"What?" I asked him confused.

"Well you seemed like you had to be somewhere fast so I thought I would come with you." he said nonchalantly. A wave of the energy crashing into me, making scared almost like it use to.

"Well I.. uh.. I have plans with my.. friends." I said shrinking into my seat slightly.

"Okay lets go." he waved his in a onward motion. "Dustin is with Val any way." finishing he pulled out his phone and started to text.

"Oh okay." shocked I pulled out the spot and headed for Val's house.

I mind linked her to let her know we were coming but apparently Dustin had already told her. The drive there was awkward but some where in the middle he finally calmed down. He is giving me whiplash with these mood swings. As we got out he looked at me and smiled a little.

"Oh and Daliah.." he paused looking at me mischievously before continuing "the girl from earlier, well she's here." his lips twitched trying to contain his laughter. My face distorted, why would she be here? He laughed and took a few long strides into the Omega house.

Why would Val not tell me? I walked up the stairs slowly, I could hear they were all in the main living room.

"Val would never." Fallon said and I knew she was right.

Walking into the large room everyone was spaced out over the few couches that were there. Dustin and Val curled up on one of the smaller ones, Finn and the girl on another. Fallon growled angrily seeing them so close. Ash wasn't here but I feel like Finn had something to do with that. I chose one of the comfy chairs and sat down.

"Oh great your here!" Val squeaked getting up from laying on her mate. "I would like you to meet someone." she waved over towards the girl.

The girl peeked over to me, her pale gray eyes looked over at me questioningly behind her long platinum blonde hair. I tried my best not to scowl at how pretty she was, especially with her looking right at me. Instead I put on a polite encouraging smile.

"This is Emma Tate, she is going to be coming to campus next year." Val said cheerfully.

Did she just say Tate? As in.. My head snapped up to see a grin on Finn's face as I realized who she was. He looked like he was going to burst at the seams from holding in his laughs. Embarrassment took over me, I could feel my face getting red from it.

"Its very nice to meet you Emma, I'm Daliah but you can call me Dali." I said sweetly trying to hide my red cheeks. This caused Finn to finally let out his laughter, he was enjoying watching me squirm.

"Likewise young Luna." she said smiling bright at me bowing her head slightly. I felt my jaw drop, this just made Finn laugh even harder. He told her we were mates? Wasn't he trying to find me and reject me all morning. Looking over to him he had finally relaxed mock wiping a tear away.

"I needed that." he sighed looking at everyone who was confused as to what was so funny. Except Val who just shook her head. "any way, there are a few things I would like to discuss while were all here." he continued, pausing only to make sure he had our attentions.

"After the attack at the bar we have not been able to get much information from the hunters we captured. It is most likely that this will not be their last attempt." his grave tone caused everyone to sit on the edge of their seats waiting to hear what's next.

"So what's the next step?" I whispered remembering the burn from the silver. He got up and came to sit on the edge of the chair's arm. Just being close to him I could feel myself getting a little stronger.

"We find them." looking down at me protectively, he stated matter-of-factly.