
A wolf’s 21st

Every campus has that one guy, the guy everyone avoids because of the energy he admits. For our campus it's Finn Tate, the Alpha of the local pack's first son. The energy that flows from him is that of the one true Alpha, the one that is foretold to lead the packs finally uniting. It's supposed to be a story of peace but when you're around him you just want to bow your head and run away. Well that's just me I suppose.

My family was just a low status family, not even in the Omega status. My parents own a catering business, only a few times have the Alpha and his Luna let us cater one of their events, and to be honest it almost seems as though it was out of pity or the sense to include all pack members somehow. Even when I was serving their family the main courses I wanted to run from Finn, he's always made me squirm ever since we moved to this pack 2 years ago. My family moved from one of the southern packs after it fell to an attack from hunters. Alpha Henry and Luna Serena always seemed nice. I could never figure out why he scared me so much, even his younger brother always seemed high in spirits.

Even though we were in the same pack and went to the same school I avoided him like the plague. Maybe it was due to the stories that roamed campus about him doing the executions for the pack since he was a kid because he liked it. Or how he had an endless slew of different females on his arm. They were there every time I saw him before I ducked into a room or different hallway to avoid his alpha presence. Whatever it was I stayed clear of his radar and I wasn't the only one. Most of the people who had classes with him barely sat near him, well that was besides his two friends that were always with him. This is one of the main reasons I dreaded going to the campus.

How ever not today, today is finally my 21st birthday! Today is the day I finally have the chance to meet my mate. I've waited for this day for my whole life, as have many other she-wolves did. I mean who doesn't want unconditional mutual love. So today I have to look my best. I stared at my reflection in my bathroom mirror. I saw my auburn curls spilling out in all directions, my deep brown eyes staring back in excitement for the day. I quickly fixed my curls so they sat less messy and more put together, and threw on my makeup making sure to give the perfect wing to each eye. I quickly got dressed and headed down stairs for breakfast.

"Toast is in the toaster hunny." my mom said without turning from the coffee pot she was setting up to brew.

"Thanks mom" I paused waiting for my happy birthday, I could feel my face start to fall.

"SURPRISE!" My mom and dad both scream, my mom jumping around to reveal a small package and my dad jump from behind me with a plate of my favorite pancakes they served.

It took me a moment to register before I burst into laughter.

"You really think we would forget our baby girl's birthday?" she scoffed at the idea heading over to give me my present. I carefully unwrapped the small box and opened it to find a small crescent moon bejeweled with moonstones and topaz my birthstone. I gasped looking at how beautiful it was.

"For you to aid you in your search for your mate." my mom said as she wiped a small tear that escaped from her eye.

"You guys are the best!" I shouted as I wrapped them up in my arms. As I pulled away I peaked over my mom's shoulder at the pancakes. She noticed and laughed before letting go of our hug.

" You better eat them before you're late for school." she grabbed the toast and started putting butter on it. I smiled and sat down digging into the strawberry pancakes with delight.

" Oh Daliah, do remember to do the dishes, your mom and I have an event tonight and won't be home for dinner." my dad gave me a sympathetic look but I just smiled back with a mouthful of pancakes, and saluted him army style. He laughed heading to the back room.

" We really are sorry dear, but I promise your favorite will be waiting for you when you get home." she said as she walked over and kissed my head. "Happy Birthday Daliah, knock'em dead kiddo." she laughed a little as she went back upstairs with her breakfast.

I quickly ate my food and rushed to warm up my old Nissan before the quick drive to the campus. I didn't wait too long before pulling out of the driveway. I was too excited to get to school, today is going to be amazing" I thought to myself and I felt my wolf perk up a little. This was new, my wolf never talked to me and rarely stirred. Neither do my family's wolves, we always figured this was because of our status. But hearing her stir like this only a few times before, I was excited. Maybe she would talk to me, maybe she would tell me her name and we can shift and run like our friends have done so many times. I giddily drove down the road to school. I couldn't help smile as I pulled into my parking spot and my best friends stood there with balloons and a large teddy bear.

"You guys shouldn't have!" I exclaimed as I hoped out of the car running over to embrace my best friends. I pulled back looking at the piercing blue eyes of Valerie, sandy blonde hair flowing straight over her shoulders and down her back. Then over to the dark green eyes of Ashton, with his shaggy brown hair tousled to the side just slightly. Both of them taller than me by more than a few inches.

"Happy Birthday Daliah!" They both sang in unison.

"You really are the best friends a girl could have!' I take the balloons and teddy into my arms. " I shall name him Roosevelt." I declared as I turned to place them carefully into the back seat of my car. I heard them giggling as I struggled with the balloons.

"Shesh Dali, I think the balloons might have won that round." Valerie said holding in snickers. Ashton just shook his head and started to the first class we luckily all shared.

We both hurried just a little to catch up with his long strides. We walked to class in relative silence, Val giggling a few times here and there while poking me.

"Oh Val can you put this on me?" I asked holding the necklace my mom and dad got me. Her jaw dropped when she saw it.

"Of course! This is gorgeous! Did you parents get it for you?" she sang as she examined it before placing it on my neck.

"Yes, thank you!" I said as she fixed my curls back into place. "What do you think, Ash?"

He eyed it for a second before a bright smile grew on his face.

"Oh My Gosh, it's fab!" he gushed sarcastically. I stuck out my tongue as he laughed at his imitation girl talk. I pulled my tongue back in my mouth as we walked into our class. The class went by smoothly and quickly, this just only added to my excitement for the day. My wolf stirred at the thought. Two times in one day, I couldn't help but let my smile grow wide at the thought as I walked to the library for my free period before my next class for the day. I practically skipped there, not noticing the world around me until I felt it. Felt him, or his presence at least. On instinct I turned and ran to the building which was closest. I hurried in the doors and hid behind a post in the main lobby. The walls here were fully glass from head to toe, it was the only cover I had to take. I slowly peaked out to see him, his jet black hair walking outside with some blonde bimbo on his arm. My wolf stirred again, this time anger was a clear emotion, why was she angry? She never talks to me and now she wants to be mad. I shook my head trying to get rid of the anger that was starting to reside in me. That's when I noticed he stopped walking. I quickly ducked back behind the column my heart raced in my chest. I could still feel his energy from even inside the building but something was different. It was somehow lighter than before. Soon it started to fade, he must be walking away. I sighed and slowly peeked out to see if he was gone, sure enough he was. I let out another haggard breath and went back on my way to the library. On the way I decided to not let the young alpha ruin my mood. My wolf growled loudly in my mind. I stopped dead in my tracks at the top of the stairs startled to have actually heard her.

"Hello?" I thought quietly unsure if she would talk to me.

"Hello Daliah, I am so pleased to finally be able to reach you. I am Fallon." She thought happily back to me.

"Fallon, it is a pleasure to finally hear you." I pulled open the doors and headed in. "Why now?" I was scared she might disappear again.

"I honestly don't know, it is like I've been asleep until just this morning." she whimpered. My heart ached to hear her cry like that, but I could feel her growing in strength.

"Then it's you and me, finally awake together. But I need to study for now" I could feel the love between us growing. She huffed in response and went back to where she resided in me. I knew today was going to be amazing. I sat down at one of the many tables and began to study. The period passed pretty fast and without another run in with the young alpha.

Finally the end of the day came and I skipped back to my car knowing Ash and Val would be there waiting. I ran up to them almost too excited to contain myself.

"You guys, guess what happened today." I put my hands behind my back playing innocent to them. They looked at me quickly before shouting at the same time.

"Have you met your mate?" their eyes grew wide with anticipation.

"Better," I brought them in close, laying on the drama. "My wolf talked to me, her name is Fallon!" I smiled big as their jaws dropped and I stood back.

"That's amazing Dali!" Ashton beamed as he took me into a big bear hug.

"OMG Dali, what a wonderful birthday gift from the Moon Goddess!" Val squealed as she joined in on the hug. We sat for a minute before letting go.

"So what is the plan for the night?" Ash said looking from me to Val.

"I be honest guys horror flicks and the leftovers from the company?" I said sincerely.

"It's your 21st birthday, on a Friday and you want to stay home?" Val looked at me in disgust. "You must be crazy if you think that's going to happen. Luckily for you I've been planning something at my moms club. Aren't I the best?" she smiled at herself as she walked to get into my passenger side. "Ash, meet us there at 9 'o'clock sharp. mkay." She smiled and got in texting on her phone. I gave him a sorrowful smile and he just laughed and waved goodbye walking to his car. I turned and got into the car looking over to Val.

"Where to?" I asked turning the car on.

"My house of course, we have dresses to choose!" she turned to me smiling knowing that she is about to get to make me over. I groaned and headed out to her place.

She lived a little closer into the pack territory than we did, her father was an Omega for Alpha Henry. Sometimes its hard to forget that she comes from a higher ranked family as she never treated me or Ash as less than. Her house was gorgeous, a small manor that held the three omegas that were kept for our pack. It was a grand colonial style house that was not as big as the pack house but definitely bigger than mine. We slowly pulled to the front doors as a few staff members came out to attend to us.

"I'll never get used to this." I mumbled as I handed the key to my dated car to the valley.

"Oh stop it, who knows who your mate is. Maybe you will." she looked up from her phone just to throw me a quick wink before gracefully climbing the front steps. She's always been so graceful, I guess that's what happens when you have a higher status or stronger wolf. I sulked a little thinking of my own clumsy steps, only to notice I too was gliding up the stairs just as graceful as Val. I was shocked to see I even missed the top step which always got me when I visited.

"Hey you made it today! Must be Fallon." She beamed at the thought and so did I. Fallon yipped in agreement startling me.

"She must agree! See I told you, you were going to be a late bloomer." she smiled and led me to her room. I guess she could notice, her and her wolf Isa have been talking since they were 14 like most other wolves. It was only really mine and a few others that did not have contact with our wolves. We walked past her large bed and straight into her walk in closet. She went straight to the back pulling out different styles of outfits. I rolled my eyes and figured I should shoot my parents a quick text in case I stay out late. After sending the message Val emerged from the back with an evil grin slowly spreading on her face. Hours later Val was finally finishing up on herself after giving me the works. She had me in a form fitting black dress that hung almost half way down my calf. My hair pinned in a cute up do and my makeup almost like a classic movie stars with the red lips to complete. She was in a light tan dress with sequence, and thigh high white boots. She looked like something out of a fashion magazine. She walked over and looked at us both in the mirror pleased with herself. I have to admit I felt beautiful like this. Fallon pranced in my head making me smile that she approved.

"Let's go eat some food before we go out." Val said walking towards the door, I followed her not sure when the next time I'll get to eat with Val's master plan.