Return to the world of the Crestas and the Evenhide Pack! The ruling Cresta shifter family has just celebrated another bonding, but the romance and intrigue aren't over. Stunning and powerful witch Ravyn Rolfe, mother of the most powerful Luna in the Shifter Federation, is still heartbroken...grieving widower Alpha Jude Faolan needs her to find him a mate...Could Ravyn be his fated mate, and will the dark forces destroy their happiness?
Ravyn POV
Several days after the fateful ritual, Ravyn floated in the same river where she and Jude enjoyed a peaceful moment on the way to Silverpaw territory. This time, she'd be entering the pack lands as the Silverpaw Luna.
Jude floated beside her, his handsome face a mix of serenity and deep thoughtfulness. The kind of thoughtfulness that suggested he still wrestled with something. Most likely, his unexpected acceleration of magical power. Even after being bonded for quite some time, he shouldn't have this level of power. Dane's and Lilia's combined power helped stop the war with the Crimsontails when Cyran was not himself. However, they channeled their power through a crystal. Jude didn't have any crystal or magic aid.
Dane, Jiro, Patch, Dirge, and Naomi developed their magical ability slowly, learning to work the crystals. They did have magic through the bond, but weren't overpowered right away.
"You really have no idea how you channeled enough power to soak a cursed bonfire?" she asked.
Gliding beside her, he brushed her hand, then held tight. "They know for sure that it's cursed?"
Ravyn stared up at the lacy clouds in the sky. "No, but what else could have made the fire behave that way? It was contained. There was nothing that would have made it rage out of control. Nothing we did, anyway. They ruled out any tampering. The white sage that the wise women threw in the fire wasn't the cause."
Jude was dogged. "What about Kelara? She sees everything."
Sighing, Ravyn said, "She felt dark energy around the fire. Sensed dark intentions as well. She tried to pierce through the concealment, but their energy was far too strong."
"Who is THEY?" Jude felt a chill that didn't come from the water.
"Kelara wasn't sure. She thought it had the earmarks of the Dark Hand, but–"
"The notorious secret society she's been talking about? They wouldn't dare put one toe here," Jude scoffed. "Everyone knows you don't intrude on the shifter lands."
Ravyn shrugged. "She also thought it was the Dark Goddess interfering, trying to thwart Hades from getting closure."
"Exactly!" Jude grimaced. "But no one detected that energy at the time."
Ravyn splashed the water with her other hand. "NO. We were all scurrying around … and marveling at your impressive feat of magic."
Jude stared up into the sky. "I told you, I have no idea how it happened. It was like lightning surging through my body. Suddenly, I just had to hit that fire with everything I possessed. None of the witches and wizards could explain it. Could they?
Ravyn thought back to the aftermath of the near-disaster.
* * * * *
Lilia and Edna scanned Jude, with Garnet and Cyran assisting and all the wise women holding the space for them to make their discoveries. Lilia and Edna, normally amicable, seemed to have some friction over Jude's new abilities.
"Lilia, there is no possibility that Jude could have become so overpowered just through the bond," Edna argued. "Dane still struggles with maintaining his power and not letting it scatter all over."
Lilia huffed. "Dane does very well."
"Not at magic," Edna pointed out. "Jiro is far more adept. Because his mind is disciplined. Patch has the same problem." She said this about her son-in-law with exasperated affection.
Conceding the point, Lilia grimaced. "So, we have TWO mysteries on our hands. One, who interfered with the ritual? Even though we probably did set Hades free, someone tried to prevent that from happening. And two, how did Jude become overpowered all of a sudden?"
Garnet held her moonstone staff, gazing into it, and evidently not finding the answers. "As for the ritual, Naomi, Nana Brigid, and others are questioning people in the pack, especially the families of Hades' former cult members. Naomi's family members have sworn up and down that they didn't do it. I believe them."
Edna shook her head. "I've heard people blame Mage Pascalline, which is ridiculous. Just because she's from the human court is no reason to be nasty."
In disbelief, Garnet growled, "That's just idle talk. Mage Pascalline helped Hades. You might as well say Talon and Kelara and little William did it."
Cyran flashed his teeth in a defiant grin. "Let them spew that nonsense if they want. Everyone in this pack has fallen in love with Kelara, Talon, and William. They're Crimsontails now and they'll be staying here for part of the time when they're not at their human estate if I have anything to say about it."
Garnet was grim. "In any case, we don't know who's responsible for either the near-disaster or the miracle. Our people aren't so concerned with the latter, but they want accountability for the former. This could have backfired badly."
Jiro shuffled in, looking weary. "I just spoke to the entire pack about that. I let everyone know, in no uncertain terms, that not only could the fire have raged out of control, but it could have unleashed the Dark Goddess."
Ravyn shuddered. "I never took you for an exaggerator, Jiro."
"I'm not. What I am is eager for some normalcy," Jiro grumbled. "We need calm right now."
Garnet put a hand on her mate's shoulder. "After the ball in Silverpaw territory, we're back to boring for many moons."
* * * * *
In the present, Ravyn gazed into Jude's silver-fox face. A face she loved.
And she noticed something else. Maybe it was the light, but it silvered his hair. "Jude … your hair."
He brushed it out of his eyes. "I know, it was drooping."
"No … I mean your hair looks like it's turned silver prematurely."
Jude shook his head. "It must be the sun in your eyes, Ravyn. I admit I've had salt and pepper hair for years now. My children said the Moon Goddess kissed it."
Ravyn narrowed her eyes, but she really couldn't get an accurate picture of the hue of Jude's locks. "Plus, this river water has a lot of minerals in it."
"Exactly. We'll see when my hair dries." He pulled her into his arms and swam with her to the riverbank, pulling them both up close to where a wagon awaited. An onyx deer stood grazing, hitched to the wagon.
Jude lowered Ravyn onto her back, and she felt the wave of lust and desire. "We have to make it to the border soon." He trailed kisses along her collarbone. "We should get going."
Ravyn moaned, feeling more sensitive now that she was pregnant. "You're right. So, stop distracting me. We need to go."
Jude smiled and suckled at her breast, wringing gasps from her. "We should go so we can make it to Graywolf City before nightfall."
Clutching his head, Ravyn held it to her breast. "Yes, everyone's been waiting. Bram, Mali, and Eamon went on ahead already. They want to welcome us in grand style. Oooooh … you are a wicked man."
"Once we reach Faolan Castle, it'll be a whirlwind," Jude said huskily. "We've been gone for so long. And you're the new pack Luna coming home in triumph. Everyone will want to show you the castle and pull out all the stops."
As his lips blazed a trail and wrote a tale of passion on her skin, Ravyn surrendered. "We'd better send a message that we'll be there by moonrise."
What do you think is behind Jude's new powers? And is his hair really as silver as on the cover?
Creation is hard, cheer me up!