
Chapter 48

{"Do you know a woman named Carmilla?"}

{"Ha...Carmilla had an offspring? Then that just means that she had long died, right?"}

My eyebrow furrowed in confusion. I wondered why my memory was showing the witch's words. Yet more than what she was saying, I was even more bothered at how her eyes almost displayed anxiety and grief.

{"I don't know why fate has let us meet, but I surely don't want to be associated with a traitor's daughter."}

That word again, 'Traitor's daughter'. Just what did my mom do for her to be bad-mouthed like this by other witches? Still bewildered, my hand carefully tried to reach the stranger in front of me. I knew it was all just was a memory, so why is the witch suddenly saying things I've never heard before?

{"What will you do when you realize the consequences you had to take because of your foolish mother?"}
