
Hideout (1)

Meg lead Talia through numerous twists and turns before the last tunnel narrowed and curved to become an opening between two rocks.

Once Meg and Talia stepped out with Damon between them, they found themselves in the dark lush forest.

"Good that you are out…", Kai called in an urgent whisper while making his way toward them. "Stay low. We don't want to risk being seen."

After giving Meg a quick kiss, Kai got on his knee, and they hoisted Damon for Kai to carry piggyback style.

Talia turned to see from where they emerged. The opening between two rocks looked natural, and if she didn't know that was the entrance to a network of underground tunnels and dwellings, she would just walk by it without noticing it.

She wondered how many such entry points exist. Many, probably.