
Chapter 15: Weathering the Storm

Dirge POV

The patter of rain on the roof awoke him, and he reached for the blanket, only to have it yanked away from him.

The smell of a shifter laced with an elf filled his nose. It was Thessalia’s unmistakable blend. He stretched and brushed up against the same warm body that he’d wrestled with in the training area.

How had he ended up sleeping beside Thessalia? Had they decided to explore being fated mates? His memory was hazy.

Patch’s snore, like a whipping wind, made his eyes fly open. What was Patch doing in his bedroom? And why did his bedroom suddenly look like a cave?

A cave!

Now he knew where he was, and why he’d had the good fortune to spend the night sleeping next to Thessalia’s sunshine-warm body. 

He remembered the quest and the journey to Mount Alder and getting trapped by the storm of the century up on the high plateau. 

He remembered Thessi getting injured.