
The Almighty Derek (18+)

Derek was deprived of love as a child never really had it as an adult with his siblings after his 2 year old relationship ended because his girlfriend chose his rival over him. so when he met Hazel his supposed assistant, sparks starts flying Will Derek nurture this feelings or try to smother it?? and how will Hazel handle Derek's temperament and paranoia?? Read to find out!!!!!!

Ebere_Juliet · 奇幻
17 Chs

Chapter 8: Thinking of you

Derek stood from the couch picked his shoes and made his way to the bedroom, as much as he loved teasing Elizabeth he loved a neat and tidy house so he knows to clean up after himself

He entered his room and looked at his massive bed neatly made with silk beddings call out to him , he dropped his shoes, undressed himself and stepped into the shower, turned on the water and let it run over him , after the shower he towelled his body dry and fished out his boxers from the drawer, threw it on and dropped on the bed. As he started to drift off, his mind lazily wondered to the little seductress who was moaning his name and writhing under him, he never stopped thinking of her throughout the week and it was starting to drive him a little crazy. since Anabelle left him he decided that love was not for him, he had thought she was the one and when he saw her on the newspaper holding hand and smiling with Boris he lost it, he made up his mind to only have sex with women and nothing else because he could never trust one again but since the day he saw Hazel with her Brown eyes, short blonde hair and the way her hips swayed as she walked, something told him to trust her he didn't know if it was admiration or lust. she looked fragile but there was something vicious about her, Derek smiled to himself making up his mind to find out what she had to offer, few minutes later he felt his eyes get heavy and slowly close with sleep, he let the much needed sleep engulf him.

Hazel woke up that Saturday morning feeling restless and had dark circles under her eyes, it was difficult for her to sleep these few days because it's either she's thinking of that hot chunk of a man or she's thinking about how her rent is going to expire soon and she'd end up on the streets, her parents weren't that well to do after her father's business went downhill so she chose not to bother them, they had enough on their plate anyway, she shook her head to somehow clear these sad thoughts in her head.

it's been over a week since she went to the arrows hotel and suites for the interview turned one night stand and she hasn't heard from them, she thought about going back there because she was desperate to get a job but instead she saw an opening for a manager at the restaurant 40mins away from her apartment and chose to apply

her phone started vibrating on the night stand, she looked at it and saw an unknown number, she decided to take the call anyway " Good morning miss Hazel Rizzo, this is Ava from the arrows hotel and suites, your appointment letter has been sent to you please read through it and let us know if it would be okay for you to resume on Monday and do have a Lovely day" Ava finished " uhm.... thank you so much" Hazel muttered, she couldn't believe what she was hearing, she did not expect them to call her in for the job after everything that happened. "You're welcome" Ava said before ending the call. Hazel didn't know how to feel about this, as much as she needed a job she didn't really want to work there after the incident, as she was still staring at her phone an email notification popped on the screen, she opened it and it was the restaurant she submitted her CV telling her that she has been employed and she's to resume work on Monday, she dropped he phone on the desk and jumped while screaming like she was about to drown, her neighbors could file a noise complaint, she didn't really care because it's not every Saturday that she gets to choose between two jobs, she nearly fell off the bed as she was jumping "I need to call May" she picked her phone again and dialed May, she picked on the second ring, " gurlll guess what?" she screamed into her phone "okay calm down would you? l say you got a hot mess of a man to fall in love with you in 2 days hmmm?" Hazel rolled her eyes at her friend for always having the most weird ass imagination running through her head, "I know you're rolling your eyes at me right now so I guess I got it wrong, what is it?" May said while laughing, Hazel chuckled, " I just got employed by the two places I applied, at the same time can you believe it?" she finished " oh my God!" May shouted " give me a minute let me process this, you mean that Arrows hotel and suites called you and the restaurant also did?!" May asked obviously happy for her friend "I'm so happy for you, which one are you going to choose?" May asked " I have not really thought about it I'm just happy that I even got one, but I don't really know, what do you think I should do?" there was silence on the phone for a while both of them thinking, "I think it is left for you to decide so let me leave you to it, I trust that any one you choose would be the best option for you" may said, they exchanged their goodbyes and ended the call. Hazel dropped her phone and dropped on the bed like a sack, "uhhhh! what do I do now" she groaned into her palms, she sat up again feeling confused, on one hand the pay for Derek's hotel is quite huge but she didn't think she would be able to face him and his proud smirk or his beautiful but cranky face, being around that man was pure temptation she didn't think she would be able or if she is even willing to overcome that temptation so it is best to work at the restaurant for the sake of her sanity and peace of mind. "I will send them a Mail on Monday and let them know I won't be accepting their offer" she decided.

Since there's very high percent chance that she will no longer be kicked out of her apartment, she decided to clean it up, she made her bed, washed her clothes and arranged her small kitchen, feeling satisfied and energetic she went to freshen up and make herself brunch. her plans that afternoon was to go see her parents in the evening, it's been so long she saw them tho her mother always nagged her to find a man or she'd die lonely, she missed her, her father was the quiet type but his eyes says much, his love for she and her mother was well known but there's little a man without his source of income could provide and that made him change his behavior towards them. He started drinking and smoking. Her mother was very patient because she knew that, that wasn't the man she married, it was the situation that changed him, sighed heavily for life could be really unfair sometimes.