
The Prophecy Unveiled

Amidst the hush of ancient grove,

Where secrets whispered, shadows wove,

A prophecy, profound and deep,

In nature's cradle, secrets keep.

The oak, its gnarled and aged frame,

Guardian of the sacred name,

Spoke first in words, a truth untold,

A tale of power, of ages old.

With leaves that rustle, secrets sing,

In murmured verses, echoes cling,

Their cryptic message, long concealed,

A destiny in them revealed.

"Listen close, brave seeker true,

For I hold answers, worlds anew,

The alchemy of life and lore,

In my whispers, you'll explore."

The prophecy, a riddle vast,

In whispered winds, it's been cast,

A promise of what could unfold,

A tale of silver, a tale of gold

The oak's message, at the core,

We embark upon a quest untamed,

In search of truths, yet unnamed.

This part is a poetic one.

Jacob_Blumercreators' thoughts