
The Age of Lords: A Scholar's Journey

In a world on the brink of collapse, Ethan is thrust into the "Age of Lords," where survival is dictated by mastering territories and harnessing magic. With only basic skills and minimal advantages, he must navigate this perilous new reality to secure his place and thrive. Ethan's exceptional learning ability becomes his greatest asset in this challenging environment. As he adapts and acquires crucial knowledge, he begins to turn the tide in his favor, striving to build a strong foundation for success in the demanding "Age of Lords."

Infinity_Snake · 奇幻
26 Chs

The Trials of Transformation and Triumph: Ethan's Journey in the Age of Lords

The next morning, Ethan woke with a slight headache, the remnants of a restless night. This marked the third day since he had started his journey in "Age of Lords," indicating that half of the seven-day novice protection period had elapsed. Last night had been particularly intense.

Ethan had expended a significant amount of magic power to perform a critical transformation on one of his spirits. This operation had drained 41 magic points, which was a substantial portion of his reserves.

He had managed to combine 11 points of his own mana with an additional 10 points provided by the azure blue headband he had acquired. Despite the daily regeneration of 10 magic points each morning, the process had left him physically and mentally exhausted.

The transformation had been completed only after the bone growth and flesh-and-blood movement in the temporary operating room had finally ceased.

Ethan had spent the night anxiously awaiting the results of the transformation. The lack of direct control over the outcome had been a significant stressor.

The success of the transformation depended on a combination of factors, including his own magical ability and the inherent qualities of the spirit being transformed.

There was a 50% chance of success attributed to his efforts, with the remaining 50% reliant on the spirit's own attributes and resilience.

The sudden notification that appeared before him was both a relief and a surprise. The alert indicated that the transformation had been successful. Ethan received further information about the spirit's new status, which revealed the stark differences between ordinary and enhanced spirits.

The notification detailed that his spirit had evolved into a Tier 1 Champion, a designation that required a combination of extensive combat experience, rigorous training, and considerable resources. This was a significant achievement, as becoming a champion required overcoming many challenges and demonstrating exceptional growth.

The newly transformed spirit emerged from the makeshift operating room, a towering figure with a formidable presence. Ethan took in the sight of the spirit, which now stood as a testament to the success of his magical transformation.

The spirit, now classified as a Champion, exhibited attributes and skills that were markedly improved:

**Army Name:** Spirit Monster

**Army Tier:**

Tier 1 Champion

**HP:** 15/15

**Magic Value:** 20/20

**Attack Power:** 15

**Defense Power:** 10

The spirit had gained several new abilities:

**Lucky Garden:** +1 Luck

**Magic Physique:**

+10 Attack, +5 Defense, +5 Health

**Magic Intelligence:**

+20 Magic Value

**Loyalty and Taming:**

Morale never falls

**Blood Battle:**

Each time HP decreases by 1 point, attack power increases by 1 point

**Magic Repulsion:**

Maximum life value reduced by 5 points per day

This transformation had not only enhanced the spirit's combat capabilities but also endowed it with unique skills. The spirit's new attributes made it a powerful ally.

However, the transformation had come with a cost. The spirit's life force was rapidly depleting, with only three days remaining before it would expire. This was a direct consequence of the magical backlash from the transformation.

Despite the impending doom, the spirit's reaction was surprisingly positive. "Master, you have succeeded. Even though I have only three days left, I will make sure to sweep away all enemies, starting with the three wolves."

The spirit's willingness to face its fate with such resolve was a testament to its loyalty and bravery.

Ethan, although appreciative of the spirit's dedication, could not ignore the somber reality of the situation. He understood that the spirit's short lifespan was a significant drawback, even though its immediate power was a considerable asset.

Ethan's thoughts turned to the practical steps he needed to take. He had already invested two days in research and development. With the time remaining, he had to maximize his progress and ensure that his forces were prepared for future challenges.

Ethan knew that dwelling on the past was futile; instead, he needed to focus on the present and make the most of his available resources.

"Very well," Ethan said, trying to remain composed. "Bring food for the day. We need to focus on a successful hunt to boost our morale."

The urgency of the situation drove Ethan to act quickly. He had to ensure that his forces were well-prepared and that they had the resources they needed. As he prepared to set out, he realized that he needed to balance his research with practical action.

Although he was eager to study the magic scroll and learn the "Magic Eye" spell, he had to prioritize his immediate objectives.

The Champion Spirit, with its enhanced attributes, was a valuable asset. Ethan decided to take the Champion Spirit and three additional spirits on a hunting expedition. The remaining six spirits would stay behind to tend to the farmland and manage resources.

"Let's head out with the three spirits," Ethan instructed. "The rest of you will stay here to plant the seeds and work on the land. The standard armor will be used to carry water. After planting, take some rest."

Ethan's decision to delegate responsibilities was driven by his recognition of his own limitations. He was not an expert in management or combat, so he relied on the spirits to handle these tasks.

The Champion Spirit's formidable presence made it a valuable asset for the upcoming hunt. Ethan's primary goal was to gather resources, gain experience, and explore the surrounding areas.

The Champion Spirit led the team with confidence. Its enhanced attributes made it a formidable force, capable of handling the challenges that lay ahead.

Ethan, though not a combatant himself, felt secure with the Champion Spirit and the other spirits by his side. The journey was filled with anticipation, and Ethan was determined to make the most of it.

As the team ventured into the wilderness, Ethan utilized the time to study the magic scroll. The "Magic Eye" spell, recorded on the scroll, was a level 1 magic that enhanced vision for 10 minutes.

Ethan hoped to learn the spell and incorporate it into his repertoire. Although he knew the process would be slow, he was committed to making progress.

The Champion Spirit's leadership and the luck from the spirits promised a successful expedition.

Ethan was focused on gathering resources, gaining experience, and preparing for future challenges. The combination of strategic planning, resource management, and practical experience would be crucial to his success.

The journey proved to be both challenging and rewarding. The Champion Spirit demonstrated its prowess in combat, and the team successfully gathered valuable resources.

Ethan was pleased with the results of the expedition, though he remained mindful of the limited time remaining for the Champion Spirit.

Returning to the territory, Ethan resumed his focus on resource management and development. The six spirits had worked diligently to plant the seeds and manage the farmland.

Ethan's attention shifted to planning for the future, ensuring that his forces were well-prepared for the trials ahead.

As the days progressed, Ethan continued to balance his research with practical action. He remained committed to maximizing his progress and preparing for the challenges that lay ahead. The combination of strategic planning, resource management, and practical experience would ultimately determine his success in "Age of Lords."

The journey was far from over, and Ethan knew that he had to remain vigilant and adaptable. Each step taken brought him closer to his goals, and he was determined to make the most of his remaining time in the novice protection period.