
The Rise of the Fallen.

"Area secured, Energy reserves fourteen percent, lifting alpha protocol, waking host."

The monotonous voice continued chiming announcing its actions "Administering Zolpidem, preparing electrostim." here was a soft hum followed by a buzz, the body convulsing as a burst of energy was forced through the network of nanomachines within it. the body sat upwards with a shout and groan "Fuck Me Eva...Why?" a raspy male voice cried from under the helmet, before the residual pain kicked in forcing him to double over once more. the monotonous voice replied flatly "Welcome back Commander, I would like to advise the most severe of your wounds are taken care of however you're still severely injured, currently malnourished and dehydrated...Oh, you have company to your 3, I strongly advise you get yourself to the survival crate. Administer two stim's and consume 3 nutri blocks."

The figure shook his head as he processed the information looking around briefly before his gaze fell to the creature a few feet away from him. from what he could see, it was curled up, it's back was facing him and there appeared to be several large lacerations still seeping fresh blood. he rolled away from it and stood up, quickly moving himself into part of the damaged pod, digging through the wreckage and pulling up decently sized knife the figure moved his attention snapping back to the foreign creature now roughly fifteen feet away from him.

As he verified the creature was immobile he magnetized the knife to his left arm and began moving the rubble to access a hatch. He began prying it open eventually taking the knife and wedging it for leverage. With a groan of metal and scraping the hatch opened granting to access the satchel's within. He removed the first package and immediately opened the cover, pulling out a smaller box marked with a red cross. He opened it and pulled out a small pistol shaped device, he held it against his neck, and the helmet let out a soft hiss as it opened, parting and shrinking down to the shoulders exposing the head and neck. His white hair fell free covering to his nose briefly before he used his free hand to clear his vision. he pressed the device against his bare flesh and pulled the trigger, grunting as the blue fluid quickly drained from it. He repeated the process again then placed the "stimgun' back into the case.

He then pulled out the second satchel and opened it, quickly removing a wrapped bar. He opened it and began eating the dry yet soft bar. Digging deeper into the case he removed another pouch and tore it open quickly drinking the contents to assist with the consumption of the nutrition bar. he repeated the process a few times until he had followed the AI voices instructions.

Again he pulled another case from the hatch and opened it. he looked over the contents briefly, a .45 caliber pistol with 3 magazines and a scoped 6.5 creedmoor rifle with 2 magazines. "Guess they only packed level two gear here" he said as he took the pistol and loaded it, he pulled the slide back and chambered a round. he held the pistol in his left hand and began approaching the furred creature the AI voice chimed up "Advise target acquisition assistance is offline, power reserves at twelve percent." - "Fuck Eva I know how to aim." was his crass reply as he neared the creature, aiming at it as he used his foot to nudge it softly.

The creature whimpered laying in a slowly growing pool of blood, the flickering lights of the destroyed pod barely illuminating the blood soaked white fur and torn clothing, rather scraps of cloth that remained "It's big...Eva can you tell what it is?" - "Creature has distinct genetics of a Gray Wolf, but there are mutations. its life signs are very weak"- Dante holstered the pistol to his side, using the suit's magnetic systems to lock it to his hip as he knelt down rolling the creature onto it's back. from the mounds on its chest he realized it was a female. He used its the remnants of it creatures own clothing to bind it then walked back to the medical box, he took the stimgun and loaded a fresh cartridge into it and went back to the wolf woman and injected her with it.

Dante watched as the wounds on it's body quickly began clotting he moved away once more drawing his pistol as he distanced himself and looked around, finally spotting two bodies near the nose if his craft "Eva identify." - "Kote contaminated creatures, dispatched. No aerial contamination emergency beam used." Dante looked over the hairless creatures the looked to be pigs, reminiscent of Orcs from the movies he once saw long ago. He observed the new creatures bodies until he was distracted by whining and cries of pain, the wolf woman in the distance began to move he looked towards it. Dante could only see what he believed to be terror on the creatures face her ears flattened back as she tried to free herself unsuccessfully. She gave up moving and lay there, her blue eyes locking with Dante's own violet and green. he holstered the pistol and sat down never breaking eye contact as he watched her.

A few tense minutes passed and he finally decided to try and communicate "Shhh..shhhh I..its okay i wont hurt you" he said in a hushed voice. His voice was much softer after having drank water and he no longer sounded like a frog "Can you understand me?" he asked watching the wolf's ears perk and twitch slightly, her blue eyes still showing terror before her gaze softened slightly and she nodded, that was when he heard a voice >"I can."<,this voice was in his head which made him snap around all directions before locking eyes with the she-wolf once more>"Yes, th-That was me...Are you the heaven fallen?"< Dante sat there, staring blankly for a moment confused did she just use Telepathy!?