
Chapter 2: Academy of Magic in Deseon kingdom

As the morning came, Alistor woke up early to try his new uniform, it was a short-sleeved blazer that is made with common cotton, and white cotton t-shirt inside of it, and blue slacks from waist to foot. As Alistor investigates the new uniform he got, he felt a bit unsure if it was his fitting, he opened his hands and there a black flame came out then throws it onto the uniform and the uniform burned blue and there appeared a new uniform that is fit for him, it was much enhanced, but the same pattern clothing, the short-sleeved blazer was made from the silk of a big spider from the mountains and cotton from the lamb on the plains, and blue slacks made out of fiber from the finest thread there is. As he didn't know that once he reformed his new uniform, it was protected by a barrier that is so dark, it blended in with the uniform. Alistor went downstairs and saw Jax drinking his morning coffee. Jax noticed him and stands up to greet him.

"Ah, you're awake, glad to see that you're wearing your new uniform." As Jax noticed, the thread was different from the others, so he suspected that Alistor can use his abilities to some point that he can reform an object or a living thing, he thought it was dangerous but he knows that Alistor is not that kind of person. As he waved goodbye and see Alistor off from a distance, Alistor also waved goodbye.

As the bell from the Academy rings, he went in and passes the gate, he breathes slowly and went forward.

Every Student in the academy has his/her unique powers, some are very common and easy to find, and some are rare and will be treated as a high-leveled class. Classes are decided on a special box like material that has concentrated magic and was made from the royal palace, it was called "classifier", how the classifier works is that you put your hand in the box and it will reveal your name, problems, and class and what magic attribute you have. There are 7 different classes in total in the human realm, 1) Palladin, 2) Warrior, 3) Mage 4) Assassin, 5) Riders 6) Archers and 7) Priests. Once you selected a class, you will develop certain paths for the class you had, if you have chosen a mage, you can choose a path on which you develop in the future, like AOE(Area of effect) Mage, Damage Mage, Support mage, each time you get to a certain level, you will have to choose what path you will take.

As Alistor walks and looks at the surroundings with new faces everywhere, he looks at a piece of paper that was given to him by the princess, it said "Head to the inspecting room and you will start from there" and as Alistor thought "Inspecting room? Where is that?" and he looks around and asks directions, and the new faces in his surroundings were kind enough to give Alistor directions, and as he saw the sign that said, "Inspecting room" as the paper said, he went inside and saw a lined people waiting for their turn, Alistor caught on that they were lined because of the "classifier" and the teacher said that "New students must be inspected before they head to their new class". So Alistor lined-in with the rest and as the line went down, and everyone's class was classified, it was Finally Alistors turn, and he puts his hands inside the classifier and the classifier was processing his details.

The Classifier said "Name: Alistor Frexia, Blood type: B, Magic Attribute: Shadow, Class..."

As the Classifier was processing his class, Alistor was a bit excited about his class, and was going to find out what.

".....Class.....Assasin..." said the classifier.

"An assasin, not bad, we don't get those frequently, what was your name again young boy?" said the female facilitators

"Alistor...." Alistor said.

"Alistor??" The female facilitator wanted to know his last name.

"Alistor Frexia" Alistor replied to the female facilitator.

"Alistor Frexia?? are you related to Jack Fresia?" the Facilitator questioned Al.

"Yes..??" Alistor replied slowly.

"Wow!! Another Fresia Family." The female Facilitator said excitedly.

"Is there something to be excited about my last name?" Alistor questioned the female facilitator as he was confused about what was going on.

"Yes!!" She holds the hands of Alistor and continued "The Fresia Family was one of the bravest people in the kingdom, and with high status, until now."

Alistor thought "The bravest people huh?" and said "I am related to Fresia family but my Frexia has an X for an S, so my family is not widely known, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

The female facilitator said "Oh really? This is the first Frexia that has an X for an S. Well, good luck Mr.Frexia, your class will be first room down the hall to the right, I hope you find it fun here at the Academy." as she smiled and waves to Alistor.

As Alistor thanked her, he flashed back to when he was about to leave his temporary home.

"Al, I requested the princess that you will use your family name as 'Frexia' with an X," Jax said to Alistor at the door and continued "Since some of your memories are blank, we will temporarily use that name until you remember the original family name you have."

As Alistor strolls down the hall, the students gathered for something and as Alistor didn't know what was going on, he went to see what was there, and as he squeezed through the crowd, he saw the princess walking down to the classroom." With her stunning beauty, and status, all the people admired her for her work and for her magic.

As the princess walks down the hall, he saw Alistor and waved at him, Alistor felt confused that he was waved by the princess, he thought it was someone else, but it was him. As the princess pass also the crowd went with her and Alistor stands alone. As much as he wanted to explore the Academy, he had a class to attend to. So he found his room and his seat and seated quietly. Some girls was looking at him for his looks but Alistor is an Airhead when it comes to such things.

[Chapter End]

Name: Heather Van Vermillion

Age: 16

Race: human

Sex: Female

Physical Appearance:

Eye Color: Skye Blue

Hair color: White with pink edges

Skin color: peach

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 40 kg

Bust: 9 cm

Outfit: A White gown (When in the palace)


Attitude: A Kind, mature princess that works hard for her people

Hobbies: like to study magic in her free time

Dislikes: those who use their magic for bad reasons

Main Magic: Dream

ZerrisXcreators' thoughts