
The loot and a stuffed snail shell

As I started walking through the trees around the snail house I began to use my nature manipulation to draw the naked corpses and blood scattered around into the soil, bodies began to disappear but the iron taste of blood was still permeating through the atmosphere of the forest.

When I got to the pile of bodies in the centre I just glanced at the loot and continued on, feeding the corpses to the earth on the path of death I had produced. As the last carcass entered into the soil I turned back to the mountain of stuff the elves had piled up, thinking about what to do with most of it when I took a glance I noticed all the clothes, blankets and bedspreads stacked together I would repurpose those after checking them all, I didn't want any dark robes, I was happy with the style I had worn for a long time, a dark grey tunic vest with black trousers tied at the ankles and a belt, I didn't need anything else really, I still never wore a pair of shoes and probably never would they felt so awkward to me, I prefer the grass and stone beneath my feet. However, the kids needed spares and I could make some for them, even teach them how to do it themselves.

When I got there I had a decent look around at the jumbled mess, there was a pile of books and scrolls with bags and pouches scattered around at the side of the small hill of clothes. A small stack of sticks that looked like a campfire, but when I looked closer they were wands of varying lengths and wood types. I made my way towards the pile of books and began to look through them all briefly most were half-written personal grimoires of the dark wizards, filled with curses, hexes and poison recipes but a few caught my eye, a think black book with a large "O" of small bones on the cover, it had many ideas written inside but only a few confirmed spells this was most likely Orlandos grimoire. Another thick book that caught my eye was a compendium of rituals and there uses most were rubbish in my opinion but did give me some insight into my own creations of them, most rituals had a chant dedicated to "Mother magic" so if I incorporated that or even went further invoking a deity it might possibly improve upon it.

There was also a thin book covered in animal skin that caught my attention, it was full of sketches of animals and beasts drawn in ink with a description of them and their habits. I recognised a few, Acromantulas for one also Cornish pixies and hippogriffs.

After sorting through the books and keeping what I wanted to the side I end up with 25 books and scrolls, I threw away most of the personal grimoires they were filled with minor charms that were simple enough to learn just glancing at them one such was a warming charm I wouldn't need it I was always warm even in freezing temperatures but could be useful if I used it for making a pottery oven or something.

Moving on to the pouches I started to rummage through them and was surprised when something nicked my finger and blood seeped out just before it was healed, with shock on my face I began to look again and pulled out a fine bone needle that shined with a silvery metallic lustre, a thought crossed my mind when I realised this little bone had pierced my skin easily. 'This could be used as a tattoo needle, there should be inkpots and quills to write in the grimoires around here somewhere if I add some of my blood and magic maybe my body won't reject it and heal it completely' as I stuck it into the ground to the side and carried on searching through the pouch it came from.

It had the necessities for a wizard, some potions, herbs, a black polished surface used as a mirror for scrying, a quill and some ink. I started to pile everything in groups, arranging the stuff inside all the bags was simple enough. Some were just coin pouches that I piled up without counting, others had a hodgepodge of phials of blood, potions, poisons in them, I would study these not daring to drink any.

I found 80 quills and inks of various colours and consistency, one quill was expertly crafted from a silver shaded bone just like the needle, loads of black polished plates, the obvious travelling stuff like rations, bedrolls, flint and rope.

After collecting everything I began to collect what I would keep, the robes were searched through their pockets one by one and I found rings, crystals and other trinkets, I kept these, I could use the crystal for runestones and the rings could be melted down for materials, the trinkets we're mainly crucifix and other pointless jewellery but still could be melted down or enchanted.

I filled the empty pouches with the loot I would keep and began to burn everything else, collating all the jewellery and trinkets into a pouch and coins into another one. I then moved on to the potions and poisons and carefully placed them into pouches hoping they wouldn't break, the food and bedspreads I kept for the children after using a scouring charm I had read from one of the books I found. It was simple enough to use, just force your will with the intent of cleaning and presto after a bit of magic.

I collected all the wands as well, I wouldn't give the kids them, no, I would teach them wandless magic until they got the basics down, enforcing their will and having their magic be guided by their intent was the key to spells, with the imagination of children I wouldn't be surprised if a whole bunch of new spells are created.

I gathered all the pouches onto a cloak and tied it up, carrying it over my shoulder as I walked back to the house, I summoned my axe back to me and carried it, the sack of pouches was in the way so I couldn't hang it on the hook.

As I approached the snail shell I began to hear soft laughter and conversations as a warm flickering glow was shining through the window from the fire, it brought a smile to my face even though I knew it would be difficult to keep them in check, I was oddly satisfied with the challenges ahead.

One thing I wasn't looking forward to was sorting through even more junk from my belt pouch that was scattered on the table, who knows what Toskr had put in there, he always brought random stuff back, the only good thing I have gotten is the bottomless horn that I had never filled again, the fruit juice didn't even begin to ferment, it was as fresh as the day I put it in.

As I opened the door the room fell silent as numerous eyes veered around to me full of mistrust, they quickly let out a sigh and went back to eating and chatting away with one another. Zodry was the first to speak as he hopped over to me

"Master is back, the master is back! Come master let Zodry take that for you!" He basically sang it, his voice was so cheerful that I spied a few smiles on the faces of the children. Aileen was watching me carefully for some reason I couldn't quite figure out.

"Here you go Zodry you can put upstairs for now" I smiled at him handing the cloak sack over and made my way to the table to begin sorting out the mystery of Toskrs loot, Aileen stood up to follow as a few of the children pointed out had magic observed closely, I wondered if they had been talking while I was out when she asked me something with a confident tone for a 10-year-old.

"Mister Fenrisúlfr will you teach me magic?"

"Oh, and what do you want to learn about it, Aileen?" I replied with a smile

"Everything it's pointless learning half of something" countering with a raised brow she looked at me like I was stupid.

"But Aileen I don't know everything about magic. Magic is a mysterious energy that is inside us and nature that we use for spells, new spells are created all the time and most wizards and witches keep them a secret" I informed her calmly.

"Oh, so you can't teach us?" She implored dejectedly with moist eyes.

"I never said that now did I? I just said I don't know everything, I can teach you the basics of how magic works but from there it's a journey of your own, I learned everything by myself and am still learning" I clarified as her eyes magnified with joy, I could feel the magic in the room stir slightly from the kids eavesdropping.

"Will you please teach us?" One shouted that was sat on the floor with a huge smile on his face. He was one of the magically gifted in the room there were 2 boys and 8 girls with magic, the rest were non-magical or muggles, I didn't really want to leave them out but I wasn't Fenrir Greyback I wouldn't turn kids into werewolves for my own gain.

I won't lie the thought did cross my mind but kids with a bite who don't have control over their shift would be a handful and I wasn't going to clean up after them no I would think of something else but first I needed to plan our trip back to Dublin, I don't want Clio to worry too much.

"I'll teach those with magic the basics and give advice while you practise, keep it in mind, I've never taught before so just ask any questions you have and I'll try to answer them as best I can," I said to the smiling boy but the faces of the other kids started to get to me.

"As for those without magic, I might be able to teach you some skills I've picked up but honestly I don't know what to teach you" some smiles spread across the room but one dark-haired boy had a scowl on his face as he stared at me.

"You what's your name?" I inquired pointing at him, with an audible gulp he responded with resolve

"Patrick mister" scowl still on his face.

"So Patrick what's with the face?" I raised a question and he just frowned even more.

"You can't teach us shit! What can you really teach anyone?! I don't need your help!" He began shouting turning red in the face as he stood up with rage burning inside him.

"Boy! If you don't want my help I won't give it, but don't think you can speak to me like that!" I felt my eyes heat up as house rattled with my voice, the children shook looking at me and I saw red reflecting in their eyes, I shouldn't have gotten that angry at a kid who's been through a tough time but I rescued and fed him. I thought I'd earned a little respect, taking a deep breath forcing myself to calm down.

"Well anyway if you don't want help don't ask for it, these kids asked for me to teach them and that's what I'll do if you want to learn something from me just ask" I was still looking at him as he trembled and sat back down slowly.

'Hmm maybe I'm not in as much control as I thought, or maybe it's just I haven't had enough interaction with kids, the only kids I've ever known are Brandr and Frida and they died years ago, I wonder if they are in Valhalla feasting.' I thought as I couldn't look at him any more, his shuddering form just took all my energy out of me.

With a sigh I called, "Zodry, Trippy bring the bedrolls from upstairs and some animal skins I have collected, and give them to the kids" with a pop they were off to complete their task, "okay everyone I know it's cramped but get some rest we will set off in the morning after breakfast, Toskr watch over them will you, I'll be back in a bit" I shouted as I turned to walk out the door.

When I got outside I started to strip down and put my stuff in the window frame when I heard the door open slightly, turning around I saw Aileen looking at me quizzically.

"Mister Fenrisúlfr are you mad at us?" She asked but there wasn't fear or sadness in her voice it was calm and steady.

"No Aileen I'm not mad, I just need some fresh air, it's stuffy in there go get some rest," I answered turning back around.

"Ermm Mister Fenrisúlfr are you a Faoladh? Your eyes turned red in there" she still had a steady voice not concerned at all, must be because of the Irish take on werewolves as protectors of children and lost men, I honestly didn't know what to tell her though so I stayed tight-lipped thinking.

"Mister Fenrisúlfr I don't mind, you saved us so don't think your a bad person" I heard as little arms wrapped around me tightly.

should I do a time skip or do you guys want me to go into the teaching?

Elzikcreators' thoughts