
Ravens and Friendly challenge

He looked at me with interest, like what I just said amused him.

"Aye lad we are! But what business would a man as you have with them Saxon dogs?" He replied standing up from his wooden chair that creaked in relief of his weight. Looking closely he was as tall as me with a sharp set of eyes, a bent nose with a scar running across the bridge. He had a bald head with tattoos running down the side most notably Ravens and a symbol of the Valknut, 3 triangles interlaced in a pattern with no beginning or end. He was stocky with broad shoulders, wearing a leather chest piece with his arms exposed. 2 axes hung from his hips and a seax strapped to his right thigh.

'Looking at this man he favours his right hand, focuses on brute force seems to be well versed in combat, I can't tell if he's friend or foe at the moment he isn't giving many signals to read from' were the thoughts that ran through my mind as he walked towards me with heavy steps.

I held my ground as I kept my head high looking him in the eye with no fear, even if a fight broke out I had confidence in getting away if I could not win against them all, a quick glance of the room I counted at least 50 men and there might be 10 more huts with this Ravens party in. A raiding party usually had at least 10 ships with about 30 to 50 men and women, on each, it would be difficult to fight a few hundred people at once.

"There's a man I'm looking for in Wessex, he is said to wield magic, a sorcerer if you will, magic different from the seers and I wish to find out if it's true!" I boomed with conviction with no room for interference from him or any of his men. I continued as they looked at me in shock, "I will, however, aid in any battle we encounter when we first dock but after our ways shall part," with a promise I left him to contemplate what id just announced.

A few of his men began to snicker but it soon turned into full-blown laughter. The leader of the pack of raiders didn't seem to agree with them as he shouted in annoyance there was a vein bulging from his forehead as he went red in the face. "silence, you ingrates! Have you never seen magic before?! Let me tell you now! I've seen a man spew fire from a stick and make boulders float with a flick of his hand! And that man was in Northumbria!" He slammed his jug of ale down onto a table as he passed, striding towards me.

"Ah, so the rumours are true! There's a sorcerer on that island!" I let out in mock joy, I already knew there was but I didn't want to give myself away to these strangers.

"Aye lad it is, I wasn't too sure at the time but I recall it like it just happened! That man had a different air about him like he was veiled in mystery" he spoke seeming to calm down as the rabble of laughter went silent, looking at me he carried on " but why would you want to meet a man like that?" His tone had changed more relaxed than before.

"It was the Seer he had told me of a man I needed to meet said the journey would start in Wessex, and I wish to see the lands my brethren had claimed once" I confessed with a sly smile on my face.

"Ah the Saxon lands are quite beautiful, but if you wish to come with us you need to show your worth!" He declared with a hearty laugh.

"No problem, who shall be my opponent and where are we fighting?" I asked, I knew there would be a catch no one wants dead weight weighing them down, especially when travelling into an enemy kingdom.

"Hahaha to be so confident so young! What's your name? I am Brynjar Olafsson! This group of idiots are the Ravens theirs a few other houses with the party you'll probably meet them later." He introduced himself with open arms in a welcoming gesture with a smile that seemed to mean he was up to something.

"Vali! You've got a challenger! Get your arse out hear" he yelled out, the group drinking inside looked at me with pity.

'This Vali must be a great warrior if they're giving me that look' I thought as I looked around trying to spot my opponent. That's when a giant hulk of a man stood up and strode towards us.

"Ah I've been bored, hope you can entertain me" his throaty voice was thick with excitement as he looked at me with grey eyes.

"The names Fenrisúlfr you must be Vali, let's have a good bout," I said holding out my hand for him to shake. When he grabbed it he squeezed it wasn't painful or anything but I was trapped in his grip.

"Fenrisúlfr? Like the wolf? Hmm," I gave attention to what I caught Brynjar mumbling as I peeked at him from the corner of my eye.

"Aye, it is I Vali! How are we doing this? Weapons? Unarmed?" He probed still trying to crush my hand.

"Unarmed would be best don't want too many wounds before we set off" I implied as I tightened my grasp on his hand, a pained look crossed his face for a brief moment, but it took on a savage look as soon as it came.

He soon let go of my hand and gestured for me to step out of the doorway, I complied with him as he stepped through. When I caught the full view of him in the light he looked huge, he was broad and muscular with scars all across his arms and face, his left hand was missing the ends of his ring and pinky fingers. His grey eyes looked like they'd seen death on numerous occasions like each death witnessed washed away the colour inside them.

We stood just outside off the wooden building on the road between others just like it. Brynjar had followed us with a few others in toe, they crowded around making a ring in the road. Passersby seemed to notice and approached wanting to watch the show. Without much entertainment these sort of events we're welcomed with pleasure there wasn't much to do apart from fighting, fucking and eating.

"Alright, this isn't a battle to the death! Just give us a good show will ya!" Brynjar shouted with the passion for battle most Viking men had.

In the centre of the circling crowd, Vali and I watched each other closely with vigilance in our eyes as we took steps around the perimeter. That's when he made a move.

With a step forward he shot out a jab with his right, it seemed slow to me as I slightly bent to the side and sent a left uppercut to his abdomen, it was a quick punch without much force but it did knock some wind out of him. He followed up with a wild left hook that I ducked under, taking a back step I swung my right leg towards his front foot but he avoided it by bending his knee, bringing it to his chest. His smile kept growing with each strike I threw, he was enjoying the match a little too much.

"Ah, this is what I'm talking about! You aren't too bad young un!" He exclaimed in happiness, my face wasn't showing anything much different I was smiling, it has been a while since I fought anyone hand to hand. With Ubbe we usually went with the stick or spear, keeping our focus on the basics you cant neglect your foundation.

Vali's strikes started to come quicker and in succession; jabs, hooks, kicks and elbows all flowed from one to the other. He was a good combatant, but his speed left much to be desired, I avoided or blocked most blows, he did catch me with a spinning elbow to the chest that pushed me back a step though. I wasn't using all my strength, I didn't want to accidentally kill him with a punch to the ribs or temple, it wasn't a fight to the death.

A good few minutes into the fight he was slightly huffing for breath, I was bouncing around him throwing jabs and straights, he blocked most with his forearms that had begun to grow red with the number of strikes he'd taken, the ones he couldn't block didn't land anywhere fatal usually his shoulder or bicep, it just went to show how well he could avoid damage to important areas.

As the crowd clapped and shouted enjoying the show Vali was grinning like a fool, taking another step he suddenly grabbed me by the right arm with both hands attempting to throw me over his shoulder. I wasn't about to go down so I elbowed him in the back of the skull making him stumble forward losing his grip, I followed up with a kick to the back of his knee knocking him off balance and grabbed him by the neck compacting my clasp till he went red in the face.

"Alright! That's enough! Fenrisúlfr wins!" Brynjar shouted causing me to let go, I walked around Vali and patted him on the shoulder "if you were a bit faster id probably have been on the ground" I chuckled.

"You're good lad! Those strikes flowed like water! I bet your father's proud!" He confessed standing up looking at me favourably, I looked at him with a toothy grin.

"I actually don't know my father I was raised by a couple in Birka on a farm a man named Ubbe taught me everything I know, you could say he is my father but he's more like an older brother" I chuckled I never really thought about or cared who my real parents were, I must have had them I wasn't born from a wolf.

"Ah that's unfortunate lad but I am sure he's proud" he smiled apologetically with a soft tone.

"Haha don't worry about it Vali! I'm happy with the family I have! They're great people" answering back with a laugh, Brynjar made his way over to us with quick steps.

"Fenrisúlfr! You've proven you have the qualities to join our ætt! We set off in 3 days!" He announced as the crowd began to disperse into the flow of the port town.

Sailing to England in the next chapter

btw an ætt is a gang of raiders

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