
I'm earlier then I expected

So yeah death just snapped me away. My first thought was saying 'don't feel too good' but enough of the pop culture references

I woke up in a cave, laying next to a few wolf cubs I don't remember being in the womb or anything like that. And I know I'm a human baby my guess is around 8 months old I can support my own head at least. I tried to move and it seems I can crawl, so that's a bonus.

'So I'm being raised by a pack of wolves, not of the supernatural variety mind you just a regular wolf pack wasn't expecting this, to be honest, I thought I'd have regular parents'

You want to know what's weird I actually kind of like this. Yeah I know it's a weird situation. Then it hit me I never specified the time I wanted to be reborn. 'Oh shit, I could be on actual Pangaea like millions of years before any civilization I know about. Ok, calm down! Just breathe and you'll figure it out" sighing I just got here no point panicking if I die again I'll just ask death if he'll send me to meet the gods.

So first things first get my bearings.

So I crawled out of the cave it was night time but I'm under the northern lights so I'm guessing I'm somewhere in Sweden or around there at least.

As I crawled out of the cave I just sat next to a bigger wolf and looked at it, this wolf was old if I'm to guess right. He's an elder staying with the young. His fur was a mix of grey and brown. I'm not sure how I know it's a him it just kind of feels that way? Anyway so I'm in Scandinavia somewhere ah this is going to take a while to figure out hopefully I see someone soon.

As I sat there admiring the beauty of the auroras a group of 3 wolves was approaching dragging what seemed to be a moose of what I can see in this mix of light and dark. 'Oh yeah, how am I supposed to eat a raw moose? Won't I get sick or something? Or will my wishes circumvent that? I am an immortal alpha werewolf, ah whatever I'm hungry anyway ' the wolf pups came running out and dived into the moose.

So yeah I'm gonna have to fight pups for my meals ugh but wolves grow fast so they'll leave me soon and go exploring with the pack. So I shot forward as fast as I could not actually crawling more like running on all four limbs. 'hmm must be because of my improved constitution" as I dived at the moose trying to chomp on it without a snout is kinda hard but at least my teeth actually pierced the skin. Raw moose wasn't too bad wasn't expecting that either.

This continued on for a few months I'm guessing I'm a year old by now but who knows I'm basically a human-wolf there were stories of kids raised by animals I'd heard in my past life but I never expected to be living it.

As time passed I still haven't seen anyone at all, maybe because we're in a cave in the woods. So I've been going over everything I remember from my past life I remember all the videos I watched on bushcraft and survival and stuff the books I'd read and all the TV and movies I'd ever seen I also remember pretty much everything that has nothing to do with who I was. I don't even have a name and there's no one else to talk to so the most sound I've made is grunt at the elder wolf the pups had already grown and began exploring so I hardly saw them anymore. The Luna would bring a moose for me and old bones as I'd started calling the elder wolf.

After my first year here, I've been following the moon's cycle to determine time counting the 13 full moons, so yeah it's been a year. I'm nearly 2 if I'm to guess but who knows. So yeah it's been a year and I've finally seen someone and the guy is right in front of me right now looking at me and the elder wolf. 'please don't kill old bones he's been keeping me safe' was all I could think about. Looking at the man to make a guess he's a Viking how I came to that is the axe in his hand it was basically a bearded axe. And he's wearing basic Viking attire a tunic with a cape held on with a pin of Thor's hammer. I could see that even from a distance as I stared at him, and he started to edge closer to us so I did what felt right I got on all 4s and began to growl at him.

he didn't turn around but old bones looked up at him then at me and patted me on the back with his paw pushing me forward as he stood up and walked away.

Looking at old bones then at the man I could just tell that he wanted me to go with him but what about old bones? he's really old he'll die soon.

So I did what anyone else would do in my situation I looked at old bones and woofed at him and raised my head with pride. I could tell he was leaving me to be with other humans so I looked at the man and sat back down waiting for him to approach old bones had gone into the cave behind me.

Viking pov

As I stared at the child and wolf I had no idea what was going on he just walked away from the boy I thought he was his meal at first but seeing the kid reaction it was more like the kid was a wolf as well. When he turned to look at the wolf I caught sight of his back. Golden brown markings in the shape of a giant tree.

'Yggdrasil' was my first thought of the beautiful golden brown tree. Actually looking closer at the child he had shortish blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that reminded me of an old friend. As I took a few steps forward as he sat down never letting my axe leave my hand I looked at the boy and he was looking at me like he wanted to know something I just couldn't guess what. He seemed a couple of winters old 'I can't leave this kid here to die on his own'

So I walked a bit faster and put my axe through the loop on my belt as I got a few steps away from the child he was still just looking at me not aggressively or scared just looking at me directly in the eyes.

MC pov

'So he's a Viking so I'm somewhere between 700ad and 1000ad I've got a 1000 years to wait damn might as well go with him for a while after I'm an adult in their eyes I'll just leave and travel the world maybe find an entrance to the Pangaea dimension and wait it out'

As he approached and put his axe away I just stared at him, didn't want him to swing at me so I kept my face calm. He got a few steps in front of me and took off his cape and wrapped me in it, that's the first time since I arrived here That I wasn't naked he picked me up and started walking the way he came I started to fade into sleep in his cape as it's the warmest I've ever been.