
The Academy's Librarian

In a world of swords, magic and modern fantasy, he was here in a library. Being a mob inside the novel which he had read in his past life. Gaining a mysterious book, and the events which happen afterwards, would he be able to change his fate and destiny?

The_King09 · 奇幻
30 Chs


The chatter subsided as the lights turned off as the lights focused on the speaker at the podium prompting everyone to direct their attention toward the person who started to speak with a microphone. 

"Attention here please"

The hushed murmurs settled into a hallowed silence as all eyes turned toward the stage. Standing at the podium was a scholarly-looking male professor, donned in the distinctive teacher's outfit of the academy which was just the male student uniform with gold trims and more props making it look more noticeable.

"Many of you may have questions, and hopefully, this orientation will provide answers to most of them. Now, the question arises: Why the sudden changes in everything? If we had initiated these alterations a year earlier, we might have caught up with other academic institutions that have embraced such changes. However, we were hesitant, weighing the potential effects. It appears we should have taken the risk, but it's not too late. We can still catch up, and whether Solara Haven soars or not depends on our students."

"If we had let this year progress without making these changes, we would be a year behind, losing even more time. Since the resources were ready, we decided to implement these changes now."

"Consequently, the exams for these courses will commence in a month."

There were surprised gasps from the students.

"The shift to this new system comes with benefits for both the school and the students, and these advantages will become apparent over time—provided you maintain your grades after the exam."

"Of course for now, before this exam, there wouldn't be much yet" 

"That concludes my part. Now, I would like to invite the first-year president of the student council to deliver a speech."

The professor concluded his introduction, and the atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the lights dimmed, revealing a figure on the stage. The first-year president of the student council stepped forward, capturing the attention of the assembly. Though most should have known her by now due to recent votes, her appearance still sparked surprise. 

The president, a girl with short, dark blue hair and ocean blue eyes, exuded confidence. Her radiant smile adorned a face that showcased both beauty and charisma. The academy suit she wore accentuated her stunning figure, and she carried herself with the natural authority befitting a leader. 

Theron couldn't help but notice a specific detail—the president's lack of ample chest, a trait that reminded him of someone. Inadvertently, he found himself comparing the sizes of the three girls seated beside him. 

'Seraphina > Elysia > Aria' 

His fleeting thoughts were interrupted as he realized something 

'Wait why is she the president' 

His focus shifted back to the president's face but what he saw was that everyone was looking at him. 

"You there" 

She inquired, her tone carrying a slight edge. 

"Since you seem to be so engaged, could you enlighten us about the key points I've just covered in my speech?" 

"Of course, President. You were discussing the transition to the new educational system, how the student council will help the students throughout this transition, the challenges the academy faces, and the upcoming exams for first-year students"

The president though taken aback by the answer had a slight irritation in her mind as she said "Very well" and continued on with her speech.

 __ __ __

Her name was Amelia Sinclair, first year student council president. She was giving a speech on the podium, she was nervous a bit but she was able to keep her calm. 

'You got this Amelia, if you can't even do this how would you surpass him' 

As the professor finished his speech, she continued. 

"Thank you, Professor," Amelia began. "I'm sure many of you have mixed feelings about the changes happening this year. It's only natural. Change can be daunting, but it also brings opportunities for growth and discovery."

"As the first-year president, I want to assure you that the student council is here to support and guide you through this transition. We're working hard to make sure your concerns are heard, and we'll strive to create an inclusive and supportive environment for everyone." 

"As you embark on this new journey, remember that your success is not only important to you but also to the academy as a whole. We believe in the potential of each student here, and we're committed to helping you realize that potential." 

Throughout her speech, she couldn't help but see this person who looked so unfocused on her speech unlike all the other people. She was trying not to mind it but her eyes would always end up at the person afterwards since he stood up like a sore thumb to her after seeing him. She couldn't help but feel a slight irritation in her mind as she saw him and couldn't help but pose a question towards this person who was clearly interested in what she was saying, definitely. 

"You there" 

"Since you seem to be so engaged, could you enlighten us about the key points I've just covered in my speech?" 

"Of course, President. You were discussing the transition to the new educational system, how the student council will help the students throughout this transition, the challenges the academy faces, and the upcoming exams for first-year students" 

She was a bit taken aback by the answer, though it didn't contain all, it was short and direct making her feeling a bit still irritated but she kept her clam as she continued. 

"Very well" 

"In the weeks after the exams, there will be various activities to help you acclimate to the changes. Embrace the challenges, seize the opportunities, and let's make Solara Haven a beacon of excellence together!" 

The applause echoed through the hall as the student council president stepped back, leaving the students with a mix of thoughts and expectations for the upcoming changes.

 __ __ __

As Theron arrived at the new lecture room with the other three and sat at a desk. Theron sat beside Aria since he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable if there was a stranger sitting beside her. Even though Seraphina and Elysia could be strangers for Aria, at least Theron trusted them.

Theron thought back to the orientation. The reason why he was so taken aback was not because of the slightly irritated student council president but because she was not supposed to be the student council president. He tried to remember what had happened before and suddenly remembered the voting which had happened before. He had heard that the votings were very close and he accidently voted whatever. Thinking back at that time, he thought that even if he voted what could one singular vote change was the thing he thought.

Though he didn't mind Ameila being the student council president. She was indeed bright and fit to be the president though he didn't know what she would think of him after the slight encounter they had he thought as he remembered her slightly irritated face. Other than that, she was also a heroine.

As the classes commenced, Theron anticipated a better learning experience compared to the previous system, even though the real substance of teaching would be unveiled once grades were formally determined. However, he felt bored after a couple of moments as it was though better, it was still nothing new to him.

Though he didn't want to have the same problem as with Amelia again, the teachers wouldn't mind since whether the student got it or not depended on themselves. So acting like he was taking notes with his pen on his book, he started cultivating. He didn't want to become like the person from the description of the item, Shadow Veil Shroud, so he took breaks in between his cultivation, trying to make progress in his personal development.



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