

You just woke up in another world where magic and martial arts exist. You become well known in every kingdom as someone with great potential, so you become a threat to everyone. But great power consists of continuous danger and foes. So you decided to become a side character instead and act like a lowkey on the side of the bigshot. Chaotic wars begin, and killing can only satisfy you. But after the war, you suddenly become the greatest villain of all. You want revenge, but darkness envelopes you until you vanish.  

Noname_Nightmare · 都市
2 Chs

Chapter I

"Our 99th undefeated youngster! You successfully enter the final stage, Ash Stone!" *cheers! *

"Ash Stone!"

"Ash Stone!"

"Ash Stone!"

"Ash Stone!"

Amidst the applause, there's a man in the center of the arena, covered in blood and with scars all over his body. He appears to be a lifeless body standing straight in the arena, but his icy, bloodshot eyes give everyone a dangerous feeling that looks like he is looking for his prey.

He is Ash Stone, 12 years old, with ash gray hair. Although he is just 12 years old, his body is thin but fully built, and he has a strong physical body. No one will think that he defeated a hundred martial artists because he looks baby-faced and harmless.

Ash Stone is breathing heavily, and no matter how much blood he lost because of injury, he is still standing like a king, looking down at all the dead bodies in front of him like nothing.

*thud* *thud* *thud*

The cheering and noisy environment became quiet all of a sudden. *Gasps*


"Ahhhh! Lexus!"

"Beat him, Lexus!"

"Let's all welcome, Lexus Night! Our undefeated champion youth!"


A big and heavy footstep can be heard.

and a big man suddenly shows up.

His body is full of muscles, big, tall, and dark, but he has a baby face, which can easily tell that even though his body looks like an adult, he is still a child, a 16-year-old young man!

"Kill 'em!"



"Ash Stone!"


"Ash Stone!"


"Everyone! Lexus, our undefeated champion, can finally fight again to fight for his position! Can Lexus still maintain to be the champion? or can he now be defeated by this strong and unyielding youth, Ash Stone?"

"Ahhhh! Go Lexus!"

"Ash Stone!"


"Ash Stone!"

Lexus was slowly walking in the middle of the arena, walking like a king.

"I don't want to talk much since soon you will like these piles of corpses." sounding arrogant, everyone cheered.

He is walking while observing Ash Stone. When he sees him being heavily injured and bloody, he sneers. He didn't take him seriously at all because he knew that he was already exhausted, so he looked at him like he was already dead.

He stopped walking and started to stretch his body before jumping like a kangaroo.

*sigh* "I'm afraid I can't give anyone a good fight because I might finish this fight as soon as possible." *laugh*

He threw a punch before speedily throwing a punch in the air.

"Wow! Look at that! It looks like Lexus became stronger again after 6 months! The afterimage of that punch gives me goosebumps. If I'm going to receive that punch, I might die in one punch!"

"I can't even follow his punch! I can't see clearly! The speed is incredible!"

"Look! Look! Even though Lexus is big like a giant, his speed is so good and also his punches are so powerful. Look at the direction of his punches; although he is just punching in the air, even in the far distance, we can still feel the pressure! So awesome!"

"It's a pity. I want to see more Ash Stone One Punch, but Hey! Ash Stone! Give up already! There's still next year!"

"Pfft! If he can still be alive after this!" *laugh*

Everyone is praising Lexus, while some of them give a sympathy look to Ash Stone, and some are also happy because of his misfortune.

Hearing all the praise, Lexus feels satisfied. He looks at Ash Stone while feeling smug, but Ash Stone just stands there while looking at him without expression. He was shocked because the cold eyes of this kid didn't match his looks or age at all. But it is also acceptable. In this world, if you reveal your weaknesses, you will die easily. Strong people are respected, while weak people die.

In one breath, he ran like lightning before jumping into the position of Ash Stone, who swiftly dodged, jumping backwards.

*boogsh! * It's obviously how heavy-footed Lexus is! If Ash Stone didn't leave, he may be stamped upon now.

*laugh* "Good! Good speed! But not enough!" Lexus positions himself in the position where Ash Stone's standing.

"Mountain Wind Punch!" a long-distance punch was threw by Lexus.

Anything that the mountain wind punched through got destroyed.

Ash Stone pointed to his acupuncture points to stop his bleeding. He is feeling weak at the moment because of the blood loss, but he never lets down his guard. This is the moment that he is waiting for. He mustn't die before him. So he needs to give his everything.

Ash Stone jumps to dodge, but before he can land his feet, Lexus is already throwing another mountain wind punch. So he rolled, but he still got injured in his left arm.

Just as he stands, Lexus is already standing in front of him, throwing a spinning back fist and then a spinning back elbow, which gave him a blow.


"I knew it! I saw it's coming! Ash Stone will die before he fights back!"

Ash Stone threw blood. He felt dizzy, and his vision was spinning, but he still maintained his standing.

"You sure have the strength to still stay alive for this long. But not too long; I'm done playing." Lexus grabs his hair and readily attacks his neck, but he points to the acupuncture points in his arm to numb his arm, but he knows that it will not take long before he undoes it. He just needs a space. He needs to run as far as he can. So when his hair got free, he ran until he stood at the end of the arena.

"He! You sure have gots, but you are just pissing me off." Lexus is surely angry. His face has no expression anymore, and his fist has an aura on it.

"Ash Stone will surely be dead! It's over! How many people are still alive after Lexus delivers his mighty fist?! It's none! Lexus's punch is already strong! But if he uses his Qi, his punch will be more powerful!"

"But Ash Stone is also strong."

"No matter how strong he is, he is still fully injured. Look at the difference between the two of them. Ash Stone is already full of blood, and he hasn't stopped fighting since day 1, but Lexus is full of energy! No matter how strong Ash Stone is, it will take time before he is exhausted to death!"



Ash Stone positioned himself and defended himself readily, waiting to receive his punch.

"Pfft, what is he doing?!"

I am a new author who wants to try writing a martial arts book. So please, if you have any comments, suggestions, or criticisms, they are always welcome! I want to improve myself, so please, if this chapter one is quite boring, let me know what I should change. Thank you!

Noname_Nightmarecreators' thoughts