
The 5 Hearts and the Sword in the Sky

Long ago there was a large battle known as the Grand War which lasted for years on end. Legend states that the Grand War was ended by just 5 bright lights. The story takes place in medieval times however it seems like the land is filled with magical abilities! But there is one thing everyone fears and respects greatly is the 5 Legendary Heroes and a mythical sword they wielded. However, nobody can recall the sacred location of it's resting spot. Book Cover Art by @crocy_art on Instagram Follow and Support her please!

MekkiMixies · 奇幻言情
119 Chs

The Slight Hiccup

It's almost been five decades since the Tribe War ended. It was a fierce battle between the Demon, God, and the Beast Tribe. The only race that was passive during that era was the Human Race. Since birth, they had never had any magic ability or had the will to fight as the other tribes did. There once was a time when all tribes lived happily but once the Demon and God Tribe leaders had passed on, their successors had gone astray for trivial reasons like hierarchy. Demons had kidnapped humans for food, while the Gods had forced the Beasts to fight alongside them. After what seemed like years the last battle of the Grand War had started. Blood was shed everywhere But at the top of a nearby cliff, 5 different elegant colored lights had raced down the mountain ending the battle in an instant.

"Thank you for listening to this ancient fairytale." Said a public speaker

"I hope I've given even a small bit of inspiration to you. Please remember that this is just a book and that it's all fiction, there's nothing to worry about."

As he had said that, a young, brown-haired girl wearing a short pink dress and a red-colored heart tattoo on her left leg, had smirked and left the crowd surrounding the speaker.

The young girl had walked around the surrounding plaza for quite a bit while browsing at nearby shops or taverns. As she was looking around, she was stopped by a middle-aged man.

"You lost little girl?" the man said most rudely and creepily "Follow me over there and I can help you greatly." said the man while pointing to a dark alley

With a forced smile, the young girl said politely, "I'll pass, perhaps another time." and walked around him.

When she had then tried to leave, the man had stopped her and what seemed like explosive condensed energy appeared in his hand before he repeated himself, "Follow me over there." he had said in a more threatening tone.

The young girl rolled her eyes before saying with another forced smile, "Lead the way."

The two walked into the alleyway but within a few minutes, the young girl had walked out by herself, unharmed and yawning. She then continued to walk along the plaza, the surrounding people looked into the alley only to see the man beaten and bruised.

The young girl let out a long sigh, "After all I've done I should at least gain some respect.." she mumbled to herself while stretching her arms. Before she knew it the sun was starting to set. A sudden wave of hatred and fear rushed throughout her body. The young girl took deep breaths as she clutched her chest and recomposed herself, "Finally time, huh?"

With a few more deep breaths, she calmed herself and glanced at the setting sun,

[The sun went down quicker than I thought, I should go to an inn.] She thought to herself, "It's getting a bit lonely...maybe I should find the others soon.."

In the distance, she saw an elderly man pinning a flyer on a billboard. "Hey!" The young lady shouted while walking to the old man, "What are you advertising?"

The old man had given her a flyer before saying, "You don't look like your around here are you?" He pointed to the flyer before continuing, "Almost every month, the people of Coastwood get attacked by those monsters, so they decided to make it a tourist attraction."

The young girl had a confused look "Those monsters?"

The man had a small laugh, "Have you been sheltered for your whole life? If animals or people with a rare sickness go untreated for a long time they become those weird monsters, otherwise known as, Demon Soldiers."

The young girl pondered for a bit before looking at the flyer once more and noticing something. She pointed down at the flyer and asked, "It says here that there's a newcomer, what's that about?"

The man replied, "Who knows! That mysterious man arrived in Coastwood a few weeks ago claiming he wanted to fight in the next attack. I feel bad for the man though, he looks injured."

"Injured?" The girl asked.

"Yeah." The man replied, "The upper left of his arm seems completely bandaged."

The girl thought for a bit and in an instant, her face lit up. "Which direction is Coastwood!" She said most eagerly.

The man pointed along the path, "If you go straight from here you should see a forest but if you go through there it's a large clearing and you should see Coastwood easily."

The girl thanked the old man and started to walk along the path. "What's your name anyway?" The old man called out to her. The young girl then ran a bit further before turning around.

"My name is Lily! Lily Lochin!" She said with a smile, "Thanks again for your help!" She added before running off.

The old man had continued to post flyers before talking to himself with a low tone, "There's no way she's who she says she is."