
The 2 Prince

Owen_Yau · LGBT+
26 Chs

Chapter 17 (Home)

*Disclaimer: The language here is all made up, i was lazy to translate other languages*

The rides were bumpy and storms hit along the way, but it was worth it. 8 days had already passed since Prince Lux' funeral.

No one cared, they were there. Home. Ciaran told Lux to wake up while Delia was riding the horse and leading the village.

"Look!" Ciaran told Lux.

Delia sped up the horse a bit more as Lux took off his blindfold to see. His eyes woke up from pure darkness. The blazing sunrise was eye-catching.

There were long lines of mountains, it looked like the dead end up ahead.

"How are we going to go across that?" Lux asked.

"You don't need to worry now. You only need to worry about my parents." Delia shuted as the wind blew.

Lux looked at Ciaran, Ciaran looked at him.

"Your eyes are beautiful." Ciaran told Lux.

Lux realised and touched his face, he wasn't wearing his blindfold.

"Where's my blindfold?" Lux asked.

"No idea, you were the one who last touched it. It probably flew away since it was a thin cloth. I'll get you a new one." Ciaran replied, looking back at mountains getting closer and closer.

"Alright, put back on the blindfold. I can't risk my home being torn again." Ciaran continued.

Lux listened to Ciaran and put on the blindfold once again.

Not long later, they reach a stop. Ciaran put a hand on Lux's head.

"Don't do anything." Ciaran whispered.

Lux heard Ciaran get off the cart and talk to someone with Delia, but the language wasn't in English.

Soon the cart started moving again. A hand touched Lux, it was Ciaran's hand.

"You can take off the blindfold now." CIaran said.

Lux took it off, the place they were in was 4 times bigger than Inshilux.

There were waterfalls coming from the mountains, and the water fell down to a river surrounding the kingdom and flowing into the kingdom. The villages were filled with creatures and people, it was like a fantasy world.

The place was clean, everyone was free. Kids playing on the streets, they were selling things on the side of the streets. Lux could barely see anyone homeless there it was beautifu loving place. Mortals and immortals living side by side.

Everyone split up, they were going back to their homes and families while Delia and Ciaran were still going straight.

"Where do you both live?" Lux asked. "Is it further away from this place?"

"No, just one more turn and we are going to be there." Delia walked onto the cart as Ciaran rode the horse.

"WOW!!" Delia screeched. "Your eyes are as beautiful as your hair!"

"What?" Lux questioned.

"Your eyes are yellow! Your hair is black, our kingdom only has 13% black hairs. But I've never seen a human with yellow eyes before." Delia replied.

"My eyes are yel-" The cart came to a sudden stop.

Ciaran sat up, there were 4 guards and griffins standing outside a gate.

They were talking in another language too.

"We'll handle it." Delia stood up.

Lux didn't understand anything they had said, but he was let in.

"Alright, we are here. Let's get our things inside." Ciaran said as he grabbed a bunch of things and walked off.

"Oh yea," Delia said "Please don't mind our parents."

'Don't mind your parents? You both are supposed to be my enemies and you are literally the prince and princess of this kingdom.' Lux thought.

The 3 walk into the castle with full hands. The palace was almost the same size as the one in Inshilux, but smaller and made of marble.

Lux heard footsteps, it was the King and Queen. Ciaran and Delia dropped their things and ran to their parents to hug them.

After the hug, the king and queen looked at Lux. He put down his things and bowed.

"Whewo a'si ke?" the queen said.

"Ke a'si nga eilu" Ciaran said in a reply.

"Lux come here," Delia called out. Lux walked towards Ciaran to hide behind him.

"Hello child," the queen said to Lux. He was surprised, "You are friends my son and daughter?"

"Soon to be Ciaran's boyfriend." Delia added.

"Shut up," Ciaran hit Delia's arm.

"Yes, I am their friend." Lux replied.

"Why did you come to us? Where's your family? Your kingdom?" The queen continued.

"I was pronounced dead by the king of Inshilux, I had died in the war. I was part of the royal family, but because of my past of accusations and family problems, I am no longer prince by the king." Lux looked down.

The queen looked back to her children, "A'si ket'is ture?"

Delia nodded, "Yeah" Ciaran said.

"Ke a'si ngan Inshilux!" The queen said.

"Ma no'eh, bat ke ahad bene ehe us fore paes mat'hu"

"Hathor, Pathor. How about we speak English for a while, until Lux has more knowledge on our language." Delia suggested.

The king and queen looked at each other for a second, "Alright," the queen said.

"Boy," the king called out. "My children will teach you our language and rules here, there is no need to worry about your past anymore. You will live here."

"Thank you, your highness." Lux bowed down.

"Anyways, pick up your things and get to your rooms." The queen spoke.

They did as they're told. Ciaran and Delia headed to their room while Lux helped unpack in Ciaran's room.

"Hey," Lux said. "What is the name of your language?"

"Well, if you want to try finding it in the history books, it won't help." Ciaran sat on his bed. "We never really told anyone about our language, technically no one actually knows it unless you're born here or married or any other reason that you're here."

"Uhmm, do you guys not teach the outside people?"

"No, there was a rule to never tell a soul about the language unless necessary, but now my father had made the rule not that strict and we just can't tell much about our language to anyone or they would learn everything." Ciaran lied in his bed.

"Learn everything?"

"You will understand that later."