
The 12 eyes Within The Cultivation World

Everyone knows of the 6 eyes, powerful eyes which turn one mind into a super computer, giving them a nearly unlimited amount of energy due to how little energy they waste compared to the amount of energy they regain, the power to be pretty much all-seeing, and the list goes on... so the fuck is the 12 eyes? well, its my creations.

itachi1010 · 漫画同人
65 Chs


"It's Diamond rank talent..." The Fleeting Cloud sect master was in shock looking at the orb before him. Before looking at the white-haired kid with the blindfold, they were in shock, such talent was heard off but never seen.

Now, one might question if what I was doing was considered dumb. the former host of this body just had his talent stolen, so what did I think? Simple, techniques that still talent are considered rare. they were even considered demonic, honestly, that technique the princess used was something that was from a powerful expert not of thing kingdom or universe. 

"Thats right, I'm from higher up. my family wanted me to come down here to train and temper myself, I was supposed to use a treasure to hide my treasure... but honestly, I can't bring myself to play trash." I said with a cocky smile while taking a seat, the sect leader froze at my words not daring to believe what he just heard.

"Haha, old ancestor he might get greedy and try to steal my trash... it seems like you have no choice but the scare him," I said while looking at the ceiling, currently, we were within the sect leader's office. since the sect elder skipped every village and city on the way, it alerted many people, but he quickly gave me to the sect leader, so that he could personally see my talent in secret.

"Brat... this is your training, this should be your tempering!" An annoyed voice filled the voice, the voice was that of an elder, filled with wisdom from how long she had lived. it held an air of pride, and power, which caused the sect leader to freeze as he found himself unable to move

"Why waste my time in a sect that doesn't even have anyone at Martial Lord? On that note, this kingdom barely has someone in the Martial King realm, just those half-step experts. is it not too embarrassing for me to come here and try and take it seriously?" I asked with a shrug, the old woman sighed in annoyance and said nothing else. shrugging, I turned to look at the sect leader who was frozen

"No need to be so shocked, you help me leak this weak kingdom and I will reward you. I could even help you break into the Martial Lord realm, although the Martial King realm might be something hard even for my clan with how trashy your talent is." I said cocky, thats right, I was playing the role of a cocky young master sent to a lower region to temper himself.

the sect leader was at level 3 Xiantian, powerful, but he was someone who I could kill. one step, and a punch and he would explode. I didn't want to start having the illusion that I was One Punch Man or something, that might make me cocky. You're saying I was already cocky? what do you know? I could have just walked up to the royal family seeking answers, yet here I was making sure I was capable.

"R-really?" The sect leader's eyes widened in shock at my words, to which I nodded lazily. He looked at me for a moment before falling to his knees, lowering his head. I was not shocked, upon seeing this guy I saw him as one of those sect leaders who would suppress another talent for the sake of one talent. Pretty much, this is the sect leader the MC of those stories would become enemies with. I took pride in the fact I tamed him.

With that done, I had him stand up and give me some resources as I wished to start cultivating my body. So, I was given a few pills, and I went to my mansion which was given to me. Oh, the sect was large, it was a whole city that the sect had pretty much absolute control of.

Anyway, I went to sit down and begin cultivating, all while Shi Yang was waiting to take the exam to enter the sect. She didn't need me as her grandmother would keep an eye on her more than me, so I popped a pill into my mouth and began cultivating a technique that I got from the old woman.

the old woman had a scroll in between her breasts, that scroll held the Shi clan's famous technique, the Yang Body Physique. this technique cultivated the body to make my flesh harder than diamond, more flexible than rubber, allowed a person to enlarge their body, have a higher healing capability, and even regrow lost body parts before reaching the Martial Emperor

It was a cool technique, and I have been waiting to cultivate it, it was graded a Gold rank technique, which in her words made it equal to the Martial Emperor realm technique. As I began to start cultivating, my eyes shook rejecting it, causing me to fall to the ground while holding my eyes in pain.

"The fuck!" I said through gritted teeth seeing I was bleeding through my eyes, my face grew dark sensing the pills I just eat having all its energy sucked away, used for something else, which I realized my improving my body and mind.

'Okay, body cultivation is also rejected... now let's see if soul cultivation is rejected... maybe these eyes need something else, a technique which suits it. I would have to create it, this is a bit annoying... At least these eyes seemed to speed up my rate my law strength me, my body and soul seem to have gotten stronger.' I thought before slowly removing my blindfold, my beautiful blue eyes glowed as I simply looked at the air in front of me, looking at the slightest movement in the air.

'I should try and find a way to create a technique that allows me the slight movements in the air. I should also work on mastering the second level of the law of space.' I thought calmly while a 3D map of the sect formed in my head, of course, the further away things were, the harder it was for my mind to map it out. this map was made thanks to my reading the slight movement in the Qi around me, with the mind of a supercomputer, it was easy for me to read it.

Shaking my head, I ate another pill and just sensed as the body and mind grew stronger. the stronger these two things got, the longer I would be able to use my abilities, plus the stronger my eyes would be, which in return shall enhance my law.

After all the pills were gone, I took the time to rest for a moment, before clearing my mind and began to try and master the law of Space 2nd level to perfection, I also went back to my understanding of the first level, where I search for mistakes I could have in my understanding

Like this, I stayed locked away in my mansion for days. I didn't need to eat, and all I needed was to rest my mind from time to time due to how much I overused it. I found I went 10 days before I felt hungry, which wasn't bad since my body was still growing stronger. but the amount of energy I needed in return when I was hungry was huge, 

It took me 25 days until my understanding of the way space reached perfection in level 2, at which point I had gone through everything, simplifying my understanding of the law of space to greater degrees. this was good, cutlivtors found the simple in the complex, and the complex in the simple.

to take the most complex of things and simplify it to a point where even a child could understand showed true understanding. those teachers in college whose classes are hard to pass? they couldn't simplify their teaching, showing a lack of understanding, which in turn made it harder for others to comprehend their classes,

The sect entrance exam would be held in five days, I spent those 5 days understanding the law of space to the 3rd level, just enough that I could use the Limitless to its 3rd level. The law of space 3rd level is called Space Slash, a level in which i person can cut space, open gates in space, and so on.

The 3rd level of the limitless was called, Red. Red is the Cursed Technique Reversal of the Limitless, which reverses the effect of the strengthened technique and brings the divergence of infinity into reality, generating the power to repel. This is achieved by flowing reverse cursed energy into the power of the Limitless, creating a repelling effect rather than a magnetic one. This technique manifests as a small red orb that can unleash immense explosive force in an instant. The energy output of Red is at least twice as much as the output of Blue.

Generating the reverse cursed energy needed for Red is extremely difficult. It requires an even more complex manipulation of cursed energy than usual, making pulling off Cursed Technique Reversal even more sophisticated than using Cursed Technique Lapse. The user must multiply their negative energy by negative energy to create positive energy, a simple concept that proves to be extremely difficult in practice. Being able to use a reverse cursed technique is extremely complicated for any sorcerer, even the most gifted of the most powerful of Families.

But this world was not the Jujutsu Kaisen world, Qi was not a negative energy like cursed energy. instead, Qi was a neutral energy, not good or bad. this allowed people to use Qi for healing, attacking, supporting, and so on. this meant I didn't need a super high understanding of Qi to use Red, I just needed a good understanding of the technique, and I already died.

'Once I reach level 4 understanding of the law of space, I would be able to start using the Limitless for teleportations... it sucks that purple would only come to me once I reach level 6 understanding of the law of space.' I thought calmly while looking at the red orb on his fingertip,

'I should try and master all of my ability. What if I can use the Infiitnity Step and The Wall Of Infinity? if I could use it in a way where I could increase my Momentum to its limit, then would I not be almost unstoppable? but even I know that combining two opposites like that would be beyond me. instead, I should try and start mastering Blue to a point where I could fly.' I thought calmly while spending the remaining time I had to learn this, which was a bit tricky as for some reason it being used on myself was harder, but I managed to do this,

on the 30th day after entering the sect, the sect leader personally came to see me and was shocked to see me just floating in the air, as if floating on water, I lazily swam around the air.

"what up?" I asked with a smile, seeing the sect leader shocked, but honestly, his shock was reasonable as only those Qi cultivators at the Martial Lord realm could fly.  although what I was doing wasn't flight, I was using Blue to push me, giving the illusion of light.

"Y-you're a martial lord?" He asked in shock, to which I shook my head

"I don't have cultivation... so what's up?" I asked calmly, shocking the sect leader once more. how could someone not have cultivation yet pull something like this off? but he didn't dare to ask questions and went on to explain about the exam, but gave me the option of just skipping to the final exam, the tournament where I could fight in the finals.

I agreed as I knew that although the sect master was the master of the sect, many people were eyeing his position, so he was able to pull the strings to do many things, but couldn't just ignore the rules completely.

So, with everything he needed to say done, he left leaving me to work on seeing my limits. I found that I could keep the Limitless for 1 hour, and I should be able to use the Limitless to cross 100,000 miles. 

Was that everything? no, as the old woman told me I should be able to uproot mountains with Blue, giving me at least level 1 Martial Emperor level strength. and thats Blue and not Red, so while sitting back and waiting for the finals to start, I worked on mastering everything I had... and this took another month, after which I went on to go take part in the finals.