

"A young man found himself in a world he believed was fiction. Although at first everything seemed like a fairy tale in his life, it quickly fell apart. However, he did not give up and made his way through the adversities." Fanfiction of The 100, the chapters are somewhat short but made with effort. I hope you enjoy them.

DaoistMrYOP5 · 电视同人
6 Chs

chapter 5

I arrived at dusk once more. Unlike before, the bonfire was bustling with activity around it. Everyone was busy with various tasks as I approached unnoticed.

I dropped the three bodies of the giant felines to the ground. The noise caught everyone's attention, and they abandoned their tasks to locate the source of the sound.

With a smile, I picked up two panther bodies from the ground and tossed them toward the group. "Whoever accomplished something useful today deserves this dinner," I announced. After a few seconds of astonishment, the camp erupted in celebration with a loud "Whoaaaaa!"

While the others cooked the panthers on the main bonfire, I lit my own fire to prepare my food. Remembering that Clarke had fainted, I hung the meat to roast and headed towards the ship.

After searching for a bit, I found Clarke sleeping on a makeshift cot.

I approached her and sat down beside her, admiring her face. "Beautiful," I whispered as I caressed her cheek, brushing her hair away from her face.

"Mhm," Clarke seemed to wake up at my gentle touch. "Logan?" she said, looking at me drowsily. Suddenly, her expression changed to one of desperation, and as she grabbed me by the shoulders, she asked, "And Finn, where is he? It was a dream, right?".

"Clarke..." I said, looking at her with a hint of sadness. "I'm sorry, Finn died, and I couldn't bring his body back; one of the grounders took his body," I told her after hesitating a bit about whether to tell her the truth or not.

Clarke didn't know how to react and was in shock, though this time she didn't faint. I couldn't bear to see her so downcast; I ran my hand over her cheek and said softly, "Hey," as she lifted her gaze to meet mine.

"I understand you're sad, but I can't stand to see you like this; it hurts me to see you like this," I told her as I stroked her cheek. Clarke didn't respond but placed her hand over mine and looked at me intently.

Slowly, I leaned towards her, and seeing that she didn't pull away and didn't take her eyes off mine, I decided and gave her a loving kiss. "Mmhm," after a few seconds, I pulled away from her, and she looked at me with a smile on her face. I returned the smile, but my smile faded when I saw someone running out of the ship behind me.

"What's wrong?" Clarke asked me when she noticed I had suddenly stopped smiling. "Nothing, don't worry, I'll be right back; I'm going to get some food for the both of us," I told Clarke, smiling at her and giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Mm," she replied, nodding.

Once I was out of Clarke's sight, I ran to find Octavia. Not seeing her nearby, I approached Wells and asked him to bring food to Clarke and tell her I had to take care of something important.

I spent some time looking for Octavia; it took me a while to find her, but after a while of searching near the camp, I saw someone sitting, watching the glowing butterflies.

"Octavia!" I shouted, and she turned to look at me, then turned back to the butterflies and yelled, "GO AWAY!"

Ignoring her shout, I approached her. When she heard me getting closer, she stood up and yelled at me to leave: "GET AWAY..."

But as she stood up, she tripped over a root and fell towards me. I smiled as I watched her fall, thinking of something that might work. When she fell into my arms, I let myself fall backward. "LOGAN, ARE YOU OKAY?" Octavia asked, worried, on top of me.

"NO," I said with fake pain in my voice, "where does it hurt?" she asked me. "Here," I said, pointing to my heart. She rolled her eyes, and I said, "It hurts so much that Octavia is ignoring me."

"It hurts that you're being ignored but not that you didn't get a kiss from the doctor, right?" Octavia responded with jealousy in her voice. "Octavia," I said softly as I ran my hand through her hair and tucked it behind her ear.

"I like you a lot," I said affectionately, "but you also like Clarke, playboy."

"Yes, I like Clarke, and I like you too. I like both of you; each of you has your qualities. But you must understand that loving Clarke doesn't mean I love you any less, Octavia," I told her gently.

"But you can't have two women; that's not right," she responded with clear mixed feelings in her voice. It seemed her jealousy and love for me confused her.

"Who told you that?" I asked her. "In the history books, it says that on Earth, couples were made up of one man and one woman, and the same is true on the Ark," she responded.

"But we're not in the past, nor are we on the Ark; we're on our Earth, our new home, where we're allowed to have the partners we want," I said with a smile on my face as I brought her face closer to mine and, before kissing her, said, "and we can also have as many children as we want."

"Mmmm," as we kissed, I could feel Octavia's lustful gaze. It seemed that what I had just said clicked in her mind and excited her, which was not surprising since her mother was criticized for having more than one child; she probably wanted a big family.

As we shared a passionate kiss, Octavia tried to undress me, but I stopped her and said, "not here, naughty, let's go to a more comfortable place," and I got up, taking her hand and leading her to another place.

While Octavia looked at our hands together with a smile, I said, "we're here" and bent down to open the small bunker that Finn had originally found. "Go ahead."

"What is this place?" Octavia asked me, and with a smile, I said, "our love nest" and kissed her. After breaking apart from our kiss with a pout, she said, "It won't be YOUR love nest, since I won't be the only one coming here, right?"

With a cheeky smile, I didn't respond and instead kissed her again as we moved towards a mattress on the floor.

As we kissed, we began to undress. "Mhmm," the only sound was Octavia's moans.

After a few minutes of kissing, I went from kissing her mouth to kissing her neck, then her breasts, and slowly moved down until I reached her vagina.

"AHHHH L-LOGAN~" Octavia moaned my name, and I continued to please her.

Noting that she was wet enough, I aimed the tip of my large penis at her entrance. Octavia, with a somewhat worried look, asked me, "will it fit?"

I smiled at her cute worried face and, while stroking her hair, said, "relax, oh, it will only hurt for a moment; let me know if it hurts too much."

"Mhm," Octavia nodded shyly. I guided my penis with my hand to her opening and slowly began to insert it.

"AAAHHHH" Octavia moaned in pain. To reduce her pain, I quickly inserted the rest. "LOGAN," she shouted my name.

"I'm here, O, don't worry, tell me when you're ready for me to move," I said affectionately.

After a few minutes and many kisses, Octavia told me I could continue. I didn't hesitate for a second, as I couldn't stand it any longer, and I began to thrust as if there were no tomorrow.

"aaahhh Logan mhmmm" Octavia moaned, and I kept penetrating her. After a while, Octavia felt more liberated, and we tried more positions. We kept going until Octavia was about to faint from exhaustion and satisfaction. Though I wasn't entirely satisfied, I embraced her, and we fell into a deep sleep.


--- Clarke's POV --- (A bit earlier than the previous, exactly when they reached the mini-bunker)

While waiting for Logan, I heard footsteps approaching, thinking it was Logan, I quickly turned around. "You came back so quickly for..." but seeing who it was, I realized it wasn't Logan; it was Wells, and he brought some food.

"Where is Logan?" I asked him, and Wells responded, "I don't know where he went, but he told me to bring you food and tell you he went to take care of something important."

"Oh, I see," I felt a bit disappointed that it wasn't Logan who brought me the food. Thinking about where he might have gone, one person came to mind, 'Octavia.'

"Hey Wells, have you seen Octavia?" I asked him, hoping he would say yes, but that wasn't the case. "No, Bellamy and the others are looking for her in the forest; maybe Logan is looking for her too, or maybe..."

I understood what Wells was implying, and I couldn't be more confused about my feelings. "Clarke, you know, don't..." Wells tried to comfort me seeing me a bit disoriented, but I took the food he brought and said, "thanks for the food, please leave me alone."

Though reluctantly, Wells left me alone. 'Maybe he's just looking for her, maybe that's it, yes, maybe,' I thought, trying to convince myself of that, but deep down, I knew I was wrong, and it was most likely that Logan and Octavia were together right now...

I thought and thought about what they might be doing, and the last thought I had before falling asleep from exhaustion and the stress of this situation was 'maybe having a sister'