
To speak things out...

"Bellamy!" Kane's voice greeted him as he and Octavia entered the bridge. A quick glance around told him that everyone except for Charmaine Diyoza had answered his call for this unscheduled meeting.

"Where is Diyoza?"

"She said she would be here in a few minutes... But that was a few minutes ago..." Shaw quickly informed him. Bellamy nervously looked at his watch.

"What are they doing here?" Octavia asked agitatedly, obviously referring to the presence of Shaw and Kane.

"O'!" Bellamy cut her off in an annoyed voice, as he wasn't in the mood for another round of her post-Bloodreina mood.

"Okay Bell, sorry. I got it. Go on..." She said with artificially raised hands.

Bellamy turned his head and rolled his eyes. They then rested on Abby, who was sitting at the table with Jackson and Niylah, and quickly returned his gaze when she noticed him looking. "So what do we do next?" Shaw asked after the room fell silent for a moment.

"Learn to count..." Octavia couldn't resist giving Shaw this tip. The template was just too good. But even before she finished, she realized that she should have kept those words to herself, as Bellamy immediately turned to her, ready to vent his frustration into words.

"Is this how you gonna act for the rest of eternity? I tried to give you a second chance and you choose to remain bitter and..." Bellamy suddenly stopped his angry timpani stand when he couldn't believe his eyes. The bridge door had just opened and a trio he least expected had just stepped onto the bridge. Diyoza, followed by Clarke and Madi, stood in the entrance and looked directly at him.

"CLARKE!" Abby shouted once she had realized who had joined them, and immediately jumped up from her seat, followed by Niylah and Jackson. Madi, on the other hand, not at all surprised by this outcome, managed to look at Clarke quickly to give her the "I told you so" look.

"What are you doing here?" Jackson asked, beating Abby and several others to the punch with this obvious question.

"What does it look like? I'm going to do whatever you're doing here," Clarke tossed in sarcastically, ready to stand her ground in this debate, as she walked past Diyoza further inside the bridge.

"Clarke! You can't be here," Echo shouted and manifested in front of Clarke, desperately but gently trying to stop her from going any further. Without success. Clarke, again, was on a mission, not willing to back down so easily. Or, better yet, to back down at all.

"I tried to stop her," Madi muttered in her own defense, but she was overheard as Bellamy was the next trying to talk some sense into Clarke.

"Clarke, you should go back..." Bellamy tried to sound as soft and careful as possible, not wanting her to take this the wrong way.

"Why? So you can make decisions behind my back?" Clarke replied indignantly, knowing that this was the easiest way to soften him and his objections. For that reason, and because the pain in her chest was actually driving her to this slightly uncontrolled outburst.

"No, Clarke. It's not like..." He tried to defend himself, not ready to see her belligerent side again so soon. It should have been obvious that her head hadn't been the brightest a few hours ago, as she was definitely under the strong influence of Abby's sedatives. But now Clarke's head seemed much clearer. On the one hand, this was a good thing, because it indicated that the strong leader inside her was still there and therefore the best friend he had known six years ago. But on the other hand, it also meant that her stubborn and determined traits were back in full force. And so was the growing fear inside him, of how much she really forgave him. Her face was tense and her blue eyes focused on him, almost strangling his thoughts.

"Good. Then go on. What were you talking about?" Clarke said as she walked past a stunned Echo, caught in her inner conflict between sending her straight to her sickbed and allowing her stay as part of their fresh and still fragile friendship. But Clarke then stopped immediately when she saw Octavia and Niylah. Their eyes met for a brief moment before she quickly looked away and focused on Kane, who also looked at her in disbelief. And it was he who decided to defuse the situation.

"Clarke!" he greeted her with a smile, taking the initiative to defuse the situation, "How are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"It's getting better. Thanks to Abby..." He explained before giving her a gentle hug. Clarke nodded at him a relieved smile. 

"We didn't start so far. We waited for Diyoza to come..."

"And you didn't tell us?" Clarke asked, turning to look at Bellamy and the others in disbelief, "We waited three hours for a sign. A message... something...:"

"That's true" Madi suddenly intervened in Clarke's support, "We were worried that something had happened to you..:"

"I know... We're sorry, but..." Bellamy tried to explain. He honestly thought it was the best thing to do. "How could I have been so naive..." He shouted at himself. He knew he had to prove himself to Clarke and he just gave her another reason to distrust him. His heart dropped slightly.

"We thought you two might need some more time off. You've been through a lot..." Echo took over from Bellamy, "We didn't want to leave you out..."

"I'm sick of this hospital bed. Anything is better than lying around all day doing nothing," Clarke explained, "I need to function..."

"You've been functioning a lot lately. Not just lately. You do it all the time. I thought you might need some time to recharge. You've been shot. I don't want you to feel like the whole world is on your shoulders. I'm sorry, Clarke," Bellamy apologized to her, taking a few steps toward her until he could gently touch her right forearm. "I didn't mean to hurt you..."

At the same time, Echo's worried eyes tried to stare her down from behind. To silently make her change her mind and go back to her bed and gather her strength.

But behind her, Abby couldn't wait. She stormed over to her daughter, almost pushing Bellamy aside in the process to get her hand on Clarke's head.

"Your hot, Clarke," she said urgently, "did you take the medicine?"

"Mom, please...", Clarke begged her mother, experiencing a déjà vu from just a few moments ago when she had played the exact same trick on Madi.

"But she's right. I can't bear to see you on the floor again..." Bellamy jumped to Abby's aid.

"We are here. So let's discuss whatever there is to discuss. The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can all get some rest" Madi suggested, and to her surprise, she got everyone's attention. "I know you all listen to me, but I listen to Clarke. And if she says she's okay, I'm okay with it. Because I trust her..." Madi added after a short pause, feeling that this had to be said.

"You're falling for the oldest trick of all. And you should know better..." Abby snapped at her, "But I can't force you to leave. But if you don't leave right now, Clarke, and take it easy with your injury, you have no right to decide what's best for me..."

"That's not fair, Mom!" Clarke shouted back at her, outraged.

"It is..." Abby confirmed, making sure her daughter understood that she was serious, "It's in your best interest..."

"Stop it!" Madi shouted, loud enough to make some of the people around her flinch. Under any other circumstances it would even be funny to see Clarke's role reversed and herself the one arguing with her mother, but right now Madi knew that only a quick conclusion to this discussion could get her back to her bed. Clarke was too determined and too stubborn, even though deep down she knew better.

"Yeah…" Octavia agreed.

"Okay..." Bellamy sighed resignedly, "But..."

"Then let's all sit down," Kane deliberately cut him off after realizing what Bellamy was trying to accomplish. For the sake of this meeting and for the sake of peace, even if only for the moment, it was better not to let him continue. Despite his best intentions. It took a while for everyone to comply with his request, but soon most had found a place on the bridges.

Bellamy and Shaw both decided to wait patiently, giving everyone else a chance to sit at the rather small planning table.

"The prisoner?" Clarke wasted no time in asking the most pressing question after everyone had settled down.

"So far, we searched almost the entire ship. With the exception of all of the air vents and some possible hidden passages…" Bellamy informed her.

"But that's hardly where an adult person would fit in..." Shaw pointed out, "None greater than her," he nodded toward Madi.

"I don't think there's a person here at all..." Octavia said.

"But there was one person too many. I counted correctly," Shaw vehemently defended himself.

"Thanks for staying alert anyway," Clarke thanked him surprisingly, which he appreciated with a curt, almost unrecognizable nod.

"We should keep our eyes open until we know for sure..." She added, glancing around the table. Although he felt uncomfortable seeing her back on her feet so soon, Bellamy couldn't deny that seeing Clarke back in charge was exactly what he had hoped for. The ultimate sign that she was back on her feet. Physically and mentally.

"I agree. Let's be cautious, just in case," Kane jumped to her support.

"If we don't know what the person looks like, it's hopeless anyway. Or what gender..." Dyoza thought out loud.

"Did you notice anyone or anything out of the ordinary?" Clarke asked.

"No," Echo said, "we were a little tired when we got back..."

"Great..." Octavia interrupted her.

"We did ask around a little though. But no one remembers for sure…" Shaw explained, trying his best to ignore Octavia's provocation.

"But at least we know it's an adult..." Madi said suddenly.

"Yeah, she's right. We would have noticed a child…" Bellamy said while throwing a gaze at Shaw.

"Definitely. No, there were only adults with us..." Shaw agreed.

"Anyway, how are things in the bunker, Bellamy?" Clarke changed the subject.

"Yeah, they're good for now. They'll be fine. The storm is hitting the valley now..." Bellamy explained.

"So what do we do when we go down again?" Shaw asked after a short pause, "I mean... what is our plan? What are we going to do when the storm is over..."

"Survive," Octavia said curtly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"That wouldn't be a problem if you hadn't destroyed the hydrofarm..." Echo reminded her caustically.

"Shut up!" Octavia hissed at Echo from her side of the table as she pounded her fists on the table, "And besides, you told me that Monty and Raven could fix it..."

"IF they manage to fix it..." Echo corrected her immediately, staring intently into her green, tense, sparkling eyes.

"We live..." Madi interrupted their steaming conversation with a raised voice, especially to Clarke's surprise, "Living is more than just surviving. It should be more. That's what Clarke taught me."

"So what are we going to do with the prisoners?" Bellamy asked, knowing that this matter was still on the table.

 "They belong to our people now as well, I suppose," Kane wasted no time in answering his question, but his eyes wandered to Madi, who he knew had the final say in the matter. 

"Except for McCreary, they can live with us as long as they obey our rules and fit in..." Clarke explained.