
Flying Visit

28th April 2156, 3:45 AM

"Locked. Of course locked," Bellamy said, slightly annoyed when he and Madi stood in front of the closed door leading to Clarke's room. He really had forgotten to ask Echo for the entrance code. A quick evaluation of his options led to the most obvious one: Banging on the door until he got Echo's attention. Fortunately, it didn't take Echo long to unlock the door and welcome them back inside.

When he saw that Echo's face, which had been straight and serious at first, immediately became relieved, he began to wonder. "Were you expecting someone else?" He asked her, trying to be humorous, but Echo cut him off with a soft "Hey" as she continued and gave him a quick kiss. She then looked at Madi who was looking past her. Then Bellamy took a look as well, and to both of their surprise, they found a much more animated Clarke than when they left. She even smiled at them when they returned, so Madi dropped her load and - of course - jumped back to Clarke, while Echo helped Bellamy bring in their 'supplies'. Since Clarke was shot, Madi had been very affectionate. And Clarke liked this new state of things. It felt like they were even more connected now. Something Clarke didn't think was even possible.

"Hey," Clarke greeted her as she barely managed to pull her arm back before it would got buried under Madi. Not that she ever minded, but this time she wanted to hold her as well. As soon as Madi was lying next to her, Clarke wrapped her arm around her. "How are you?" Madi asked Clarke after resting her head on Clarke's left shoulder. "I'm okay," Clarke said, trying to play down her pain. It was as intense as ever. "Echo took good care of me," Clarke wanted to praise Echo's efforts. After all, it wasn't too bad, it was actually pleasant. "We had our talk," Echo revealed to Bellamy "Thanks to Octavia".

"What?" He asked her incredulously. "Long story," But Echo cut him off before he could dig any deeper. Still, it was good news for him. Very good news indeed. Despite this, just the mention of Octavia caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand up. But for him, the circle was complete: Octavia had obviously been here, or at least tried to be, before heading to his quarters. "Then you are not the only ones," he said and looked at Madi while he put the food bag on the small table next to the couch. It wasn't until now that he realized how much food Madi had stuffed into it. "She's definitely planning on staying here for a while," Bellamy thought as he couldn't help but smirk. Madi had already been a great asset. Especially humanly.

"Do you want something to eat?" He asked in Clarke's and Madi's direction as he fumbled in the bag. Clarke's expression told Madi that she should be the first to choose a snack. Madi hesitantly stood up, but Bellamy was already on his way to join them, offering a closer look at the bag. Her eyes quickly scanned the contents, then she grabbed some of the sandwiches she had made, as well as some bags of chips and other junk food from Eligius' storage. Most of the food they brought seemed to be from before the destruction of civilization. They must be more than a hundred years old by now, and thanks to the food storage systems, they still seemed to be in perfect condition, just like the humans who could sleep in the cryo chambers. Clarke watched Madi, actually curious about what Madi and Bellamy had brought for them. And Clarke couldn't deny that she was hungry, too. Not as hungry as she should have been, but hungry enough not to resist any kind of food offer. Madi decided not to waste any time and had already started to unwrap one of the sloppily wrapped breads. She sat comfortably cross-legged, occupying almost half of the bed since Clarke had moved further to the right side of the bed, willingly giving her the extra space.

After Clarke and Madi had served themselves, Bellamy took the bag and offered Echo a snack as well. There were still a few sandwiches left and he grabbed one for each of them before putting the bag on the table. "It's actually really good," he explained to her skeptical face "Madi ate one already on the way back, and insisted that I take a bite." Since her time on the Ring and being exposed to Monty's algae creations, Echo in particular had developed a distrustful attitude toward any kind of food. He pressed a sandwich into her hand while looking at Clarke, who, like Echo, hesitantly began to unwrap her sandwich. Madi devoured her sandwich in just a few bites. She hadn't eaten in almost two days. In fact, Clarke remembered never seeing her this hungry. She almost inhaled her sandwich and then picked up what Clarke identified as a 100-year-old chocolate bar. For a moment she wanted to express her concern about eating century-old chocolate, but at the same time she remembered that the bread she had just taken the first bite of and was now chewing on was also a hundred years old. At least chronologically. So she could do nothing but watch as Madi began to work on the large piece of chocolate. Almost as if she had done this once before, she broke the bar and took a first bite. The corners of her mouth lifted as the chocolate worked its magic in her mouth. Madi's eyes widened and she looked up to Clarke. 

"Clarke!," she shouted and smacked at the same time. "You MUST try this right now," she let out euphorically. It sounded more like an order than a simple invitation. And promptly, Madi's hand was already holding a piece right in front of Clarke's mouth - almost force-feeding her. Clarke quickly swallowed her bite of the sandwich, which actually taste pleasant, though she didn't knew any of the ingredients Madi had choosen but seemingly tested and found good enough for Clarke. She willingly allowed Madi to place the piece of chocolate in her now empty mouth. Cautiously, Clarke began to eat the chocolate. She had read a lot about it. It was a sweet that was often served as a dessert, a snack between meals, or even used to cheer someone up. "Oh my God," Clarke let out almost uncontrollably. Madi wasn't lying. This tasted amazing. She couldn't help but smile, much to Madi's satisfaction. Madi had every reason to be excited. It tasted great. In fact, there was nothing that came close. Maybe the berries from the valley, especially when additionally sweetened. But even pure they were very delicious. Over the years, Clarke and especially Madi had experimented to find ways and recipes to use the berries. Their new discovery had attracted the attention of Bellamy and Echo, who were having a conversation of their own while eating their meal on the nearby sofa. This way, they could allow Madi and Clarke to be undisturbed while they ate and have their own brief moment of togetherness. Madi gave Clarke another piece before taking two at once. She didn't even think about how this mixture might affect her stomach, especially after not having eaten much in the last days. If at all.

"You two found something tasty?" Bellamy asked when his and Clarke's eyes met. He didn't want to interrupt their moment together, but not only was his curiosity piqued, he saw it as a perfect opportunity to reconnect with Clarke while starting another conversation. This time with simpler topics and conversations. Like small talk, not discussing their problems for once. Madi turned her head to him and reached him a bigger piece of the chocolate bar so that he and Echo could try it on their own. Bellamy gratefully took it before breaking it and handing the slightly larger piece to Echo, who smiled briefly and accepted it. Then they took a bite together. Once the chocolate was in their mouths, the amount of sugar even made their mouths tingle. While Echo silently enjoyed the taste of the chocolate, she looked at Madi. She couldn't deny that Madi had just found something very special. Although Monty's algae had probably damaged her taste buds and they were only slowly regaining their ability to discriminate tastes, she was still able to identify chocolate as a very tasty food.

"This is really good," Bellamy said after clearing his mouth and throat. "Could use this as a little mood lifter from time to time."

"Or as a reward," Echo meant. "We definitely deserve this little reward."

"I think Madi and Clarke deserve it the most," Bellamy said with a laugh as he looked at Madi, who by now had eaten almost half of the bar all by herself.

"There is enough for everyone. They have a couple of machines cabinets full of it," Madi told Clarke and Echo, "Bellamy opened it up for me and I took a few. But now I think I didn't take enough."

"And we haven't even checked the other storage rooms," he reminded her with a smile as he watched Madi's attention wander to another bag of candy.

"Go ahead, Bellamy. What is it?" Clarke said when she noticed Bellamy's strained face after he remained on his own for a few moments. It took him a while to look at her and explain. "We need to discuss the flight to the ground quickly," he said to Clarke, "Do you feel well enough to discuss this? Could really use your help." He said, not without casting a quick glance at Echo and Madi before adding, "And yours, of course." 

Before he could even start his small talk plan, Clarke beat him to it. There was no point in trying to change the subject now. Not with Clarke. At least this way they could get the uncomfortable part over with right away. Unbeknownst to himself, he crossed his fingers, hoping that this wouldn't cause too much stress or tension. He rose and waited for Echo while she just took a sip of water because the chocolate caused her mouth to dry up. "We can't do this just because Murphy and Shaw are lonely..." Echo replied as she finished her drink and got up to walk with him closer to Clarke and Madi. It was unusual for her not to be the driving force behind something. He had no doubt that she wanted to lie down. Maybe she was also exhausted, even if she did not want to admit it. Like always. She never admitted when she had reached her limit. He, on the other hand, was certainly exhausted. In fact, he wanted to go straight to bed, just to sleep for a few more hours. Because this time, and knowing that everything seemed to be fixed somehow, he would certainly sleep much better. Especially with Echo by his side. Just to spend some time close to her. But he knew, since he had been the driving force in their efforts to save Wonkru, that this was his responsibility, not Clarke's and Madi's. Not even Echo's, to be exact, but he knew she would follow him anyway.

"I know," he agreed and took her hand. Meanwhile, Madi felt sluggish after eating her meal. She was slowly getting tired and started to fight against her fatigue. Her tired eyes focused on him and Echo as they came closer and sat down on the chairs next to the bed, while she snuggled at Clarke's side, the food spread across the blanket.

"I just mean... It should have some use for us..." Echo threw in her concern. In Clarke's opinion, she was right. "Oh yeah, of course. We have to talk to Raven. And I was thinking about taking Indra with us. I think she could help keep things... running smoothly down there. Just in case," Bellamy replied quickly. This seemed to convince Echo only slightly. Meanwhile, Clarke was also thinking about the matter. A few moments ago she almost wanted to get up to help Echo with Octavia, but she had to accept that the power couldn't be forced back into her body. Some thinking couldn't hurt her though, as it helped her function and distracted her from some things. It also made her a little nostalgic, bringing back good and bad memories. But she didn't want to think about them.

"How's the situation inside the bunker?" Clarke asked them. "So far, so quiet. Raven is doing the best she can, along with Monty, Harper, Miller and some others. They are working together very all. At least that was the case when we left them, but we are talking about Raven. She'll manage to keep order. The prisoners have been brought to the lower levels. For now limited access to the other areas, and equipped with food and medicine" Bellamy reported to her "This way everyone can get used to one another".

"We need a doctor down there," Madi threw in immediately when she heard the word 'medicine'. She remembered her conversation with Abby and her mention of some shortages regarding this. Something worthy and important enough to be written down on some kind of to-do list for them, so that they would always be reminded of the urgency of the matter.

"We only have Abby and Jackson minus Clarke. I'm sorry, but you can't do the job. Not in your current state," Bellamy interjected, emphasizing his answer to Clarke in particular, causing her to roll her eyes. He could see in her eyes that she was thinking about taking matters into her own hands. But he also wanted to make a point. On behalf of Madi and Abby, and on behalf of Clarke, his best friend. The last thing she needed was constant reminders of her condition. The pain was reminder enough. "I know..." Clarke murmured "Jackson..." It was the first name, after her mother's of course, that came to Clarke's mind. "But he's also needed here… As is my mom…" She immediately changed her mind. "That's true," Echo confirmed. "The infirmary is still full of wounded." It didn't take Echo long to realize that Abby wasn't going to be happy about Murphy going down while still wounded. So she told them about that as well. "Well, I guess that's why he's so impatient right now," Bellamy remarked with an amused face, "If you want to change his mind, go ahead, but it won't change Shaw's, I'm afraid"

"Echo is right. We need to take advantage of this opportunity," Clarke reminded him, "That goes for Shaw and Murphy, too. We also have healers. And by now I guess the learned a few things from Mom or Jackson. You should take at least one of them with you" Clarke suggested. She also wanted them to stay focused, so she was eager to get them back on topic. "Allright. Might be a good idea since we took all of them with us when we divided Wonkru," Bellamy informed her. "We actually needed them all, but fortunately most of the wounded are already up and running again. At least in one way or another. And I'll ask Indra if she can come with us. She's a good backup."

"You should take Indra with you," Madi encouraged him. For a moment she even wanted to order it, since Lexa agreed with Bellamy's suggestion. Especially since she didn't know anyone else. "All right," Bellamy confirmed. Then he turned to Clarke, "I need to talk to Raven and Monty. We need to make sure there are no loose ends. We left them in a bit of a hurry yesterday..."

"Because of you..." Echo revealed to Clarke, finishing the sentence for him. She threw a glance at Bellamy. 'A bit of a hurry' was an understatement, in Echo's opinion. While they were under time pressure, trying to save the valley and especially the people of Wonkru from the storm, Madi and Bellamy were at least partially distracted from Clarke. But as soon as they were nearly done, their fears and worries returned, leaving Echo in particular to deal with a dissolved Bellamy and an even more dissolved Madi. Echo tried to ignore this fact as best she could. She knew that she couldn't do anything for Clarke and that she couldn't alter this situation anyway. The only thing she really hoped for was that Clarke would survive, because even now she hadn't figured out how to deal with this potential situation, being confronted with Bellamy's and Madi's grief.

Though she and the others had been able to comfort and distract Bellamy from the loss of Clarke once, it was far from certain that it would work a second time, especially after learning the truth behind everything. It had taken them months to find a way to accept Clarke's death, especially for Bellamy. But taking care of Bellamy was Echo's job. She always found a way to comfort him. A task she wasn't prepared for at first. For a long time she believed that emotions were treacherous and weak. Even though Lexa wasn't her favorite commander, and even worked against her, Lexa ruled and lived under this concept. Until she met Clarke. So, ironically, it was Clarke who partially caused Echo's change of heart and actually helped her to become a better person. It was Bellamy's love and grief that started this process of change in Echo. So Clarke not only caused Echo's change, but also made them fall in love with each other, even if unintentionally. At the moment, Echo's mind was flooded with such thoughts about their past and current situation, but she decided not to dwell on them. There were many tasks to be done and there was no room for distracting thoughts. No matter how important they might be. Madi, however, was a completely different matter. If Clarke would die, Echo had no idea how to deal with Madi. Sure, there were Abby and Kane, much more empathic and capable caretakers, but Madi seemed to trust her and Bellamy. She seemed to feel comfortable around them, especially because Clarke told her everything about them, so her friends were also Madi's friends. Because of that, Echo still felt responsible for Madi, since Clarke had trusted her to take care of Madi. A promise she felt was still active. Suddenly, Echo realized something else. That Raven and the others still didn't know about Clarke's improved condition. They, too, were concerned about not knowing Clarke's condition and wanted to be informed immediately if anything changed. Be it for the better or for the worse.

"I just wanted to come back to you," Madi said quietly in the meantime. She grabbed Clarke's hand, just because she wanted to, and Clarke gently squeezed her back.

"Talking to Raven and Monty in person though seems to be the better option for us as long as the radio isn't working properly," Echo tried to change the subject. She wanted to find the balance, and above all to avoid Bellamy getting caught up in topics that would upset or distract him again. The last three weeks had been one big trauma for him. Bellamy was close to his breaking point. She knew she had to keep an eye on him, just as she had the entire last day while Clarke was fighting death.But spending time with Clarke was actually pleasant. 

"Yes, communication is lousy. Don't expect too much small talk with them for the next few days..." Bellamy warned Clarke. "Okay. What else do you wanna discuss with them?" Clarke asked him. She was getting curious.

"First of all, the prisoners. They are definitely our biggest concern right now, next to making sure we all survive down there. We need to make sure they stay calm..." Bellamy announced his plan while Clarke listened carefully. At the word prisoners, Madi's eyes flashed sharply. There was no need for her to tell him that the prisoners he wanted to spare were now his concern, for Madi still had a clear opinion on the matter. Despite the vehement interventions of Lexa and Bellamy.

"I may have a plan for them. But for now, just make sure they stay where they are." Clarke told him. "Yeah, definitely," he agreed, "and I need to talk to Monty about the hydrofarm. By now he, Harper and Raven may have figured out if we can save it, and if so, in what time frame."

"After all we learned from the Ark and the dropship days... it's better to have reserves for everything... and" But before Bellamy couldn't finish, as he was distracted by Clarke, who was contorting her face in pain. " Everything okay?" He asked her, causing her to nod while she tried to control her pain with controlled breaths. Suddenly, her pain had increased significantly. It felt like something was going to burst out of her chest at any moment. A sharp, intense, almost indescribable pain. This was certainly an 11 out of 10 on her scale. "Should I?" Bellamy asked, but Clarke shook her head with a moan. 

"I'm fine," she breathed heavily once the wave had subsided to a more acceptable level. Her pain tolerance had already shifted since she first woke up. Madi looked worriedly at Clarke. She realized that Clarke would have to go back on her medication very soon. Feeling guilty, Madi rolled over to get her back on her medication. But before she could roll out of bed, Clarke's hand grabbed her back. "It's okay, Madi. Please wait," Clarke said as she realized what Madi was doing. She knew that the medicine wasn't flowing as it should and that Madi was the reason. And she wasn't mad at her - how could she be? - because the last thing she wanted was to lie there all day like a numb zombie, smiling and nodding to everything that was said to her. She wanted to stay conscious in spite of the pain. To be alive.

Bellamy watched them carefully. He paused for a moment. This made him reluctant to leave. Yes, Clarke was awake, but her condition was far from good. Stable at best. But he knew that she might not be safe yet. That her condition could get worse, even though he knew she was in the best possible hands. But he didn't want to give in to his constant worries. He had almost lost Clarke a second time, this time almost forever. Mistakes had been made, wounds had been inflicted. Now it was time to move on. But he knew that he could only move on if he knew that Clarke and also Octavia would get back to their normal selves. And at the same time he didn't make an exception for himself or Echo. The future was now. He repeated this mantra over and over again, but finally he managed to concentrate on Clarke and their upcoming journey.

"So we make a plan with Raven, make sure the prisoners stay calm and hopefully fix the hydrofarm and the radio," Bellamy summarized the finalized plan. Madi looked at Clarke who nodded at her, so she nodded in agreement as well. "Good, glad we got that done." Bellamy added afterwards. Actually, this had gone much better than he had thought. Of course, this was also a good way to get Clarke back on track and also get warm with her again. He leaned back a little to make himself more comfortable. The smile on his face was the most genuine he had worn in the last six years. If it weren't for Echo's tense face. But before Bellamy could figure out what was going on behind those hazel eyes, she took the initiative. Heavy-heartedly, because she didn't want to burden this beautiful moment with another unspoken problem.

"There's something you need to know, Clarke," Echo opened her. Sentences starting with that usually never contained anything positive. Neutral at best. Being used to bad news, Clarke didn't find it too difficult to prepare herself for what was to come. Bellamy was nervous because he did not know what Echo wanted to tell Clarke. Since Echo this time took the seat closer to Clarke, he became more of a spectator than a participant. Paying no attention to Bellamy, not even his irritated look, Echo focused entirely on Clarke. "McCreary is alive. Just in case you didn't know," she revealed the news without further ado. For Bellamy it was more like dropping a bomb. The M-word in front of Clarke and especially Madi. His fears were more than justified."We decide his fate later" Bellamy quickly tried to change the topic, but he made his equation without Madi. 

"As long as I am the commander, I decide what happens to him. I alone. He and his men hurt Clarke. And they will pay for it..." Madi immediately came to life. She had risen from Clarke's comfortable shoulder and slipped out of her embrace. She wasn't as tired as they had assumed. Bellamy looked at her and then quickly at Clarke, as if he wanted her to have a say in the matter. But no word left her mouth. She remained silent. He wasn't sure if she was thinking or just letting Madi speak on her behalf. But since she was staring back at him, he knew that she seemed to have understood him.

"You expect me to say something?" Clarke then asked Bellamy challengingly, "You made her commander, Bellamy. Forgotten? Besides, what would you do with him instead? Keep him prisoner until he turns good?" Bellamy looked at her disarmed. Despite their rekindled friendship, Clarke was still hurt by his actions. And they knew they had to have another discussion under four eyes. It almost felt like a stab in the back, but he knew she was right. After all, he did not know Madi's personality, nor had he taken their mutual bond into account when he played Kingsmaker. Just as he had underestimated Clarke's reaction to it. "I don't see any other way," Clarke told him, while she sided with Madi. "Neither do I, Bellamy," Echo said with a serious face, as she also seemed to have made her choice. "It has to be done. And rather sooner than later. He's too dangerous. It only needs a few who are still loyal to him and we have another..." But Echo didn't get any further when Bellamy interrupted her. "And should we do the same to Octavia?" He asked her angrily. "No, Bellamy. It's not the same with Octavia..." Echo said, trying to calm him down. "How can you be so sure? If we punish McCreary then…" He replied, still upset.

"Bellamy. Listen..." Clarke had to raise her voice to make him listen, "I don't know what to do about Octavia. I haven't seen her since... you know. First I have to find a way to deal with her myself. But I'm not ready to deal with it right now. Give me time to think about her. We're certainly not going to give Octavia to anyone, if that's what you're worried about. Monsters are rarely born. In most cases, they are made. And Octavia wasn't born a monster, as you well know. Remember, we have to find out what happened in the bunker... together. "

"Together" Bellamy repeated. "Together" Echo repeated as well. "And Dyoza?" He asked her when his mood had settled, "What about her?"

"She saved Clarke's life. Along with Raven and the other guy..." Madi interrupted. She knew that she hadn't thanked them both, and especially Jackson. They had all played a big part in saving Clarke's life.

"Shaw..:" Echo corrected her.

"Shaw and her helped save Clarke's life. They can live with us..." Madi corrected herself.

"And what about the prisoners?" He asked her

"I told you I think I know how to deal with them" Clarke remembered him

 "I know, but I want to hear it from Madi..." Bellamy told her. He didn't want to sound harsh towards her, he just wanted to hear it from Madi since she was definitely still out for revenge.

"For now they stay in the bunker..." Madi told him and then looked at Clarke, "Until Clarke and I make a decision. They came to our home and attacked us. So it's our decision first."

"That sounds just fair..." Echo signaled her agreement to Madi.

"So it's just McCreary?" Bellamy asked her, "And how do we do that? Execute him? Like..."

"Wamplei kom thauz kodon" ("Death by a thousand cuts"), Echo almost whispered, because she had already realized what Madi's plan for him was. She herself supported Madi's plan and felt reassured that Clarke felt the same way. As much as Bellamy wanted to start this new chapter without any more blood, she knew that blood had to be shed at least one last time. And Madi, in her opinion, had every right to do it, even though she would much rather see someone else do it, just so Madi wouldn't have to. Killing someone in combat, in defense, was one thing. But to kill a defenseless person was something else. Something that could change someone's mind forever, sometimes leaving scars that would never heal. And the last thing Echo wanted was an overprotective Madi torturing and killing anyone who happened to stumble across Clarke. As sweet and protective as she might be. Madi was hurt and traumatized. She needed time to heal and to forget this nightmare. And the sooner McCreary was gone, the better for her, the better for everyone.

"You want to let him get cut up? We're better than that," Bellamy tried to persuade her to abandon her plan, but Madi had now reached operating temperature as she almost crawled across the entire bed - even over Clarke's legs - to make her point straight to his face. Her eyes didn't just sparkled, they danced, glancing at him. Focussing on any just so slight move he was making from now on. 

"He's my kill," Madi hissed back at him. "As soon as the storm is over and I'm back on the ground, he's dead." Her eyes looked at him. For some disturbing reason, she had the exact same expression as Clarke when she was both: Angry and determined at the same time. It was the same frightening face that really scared him. 

At this point, he came to the realization that it was not a good idea to push her any further, as much as he wanted to stop her from making this mistake. He was still convinced that there was another and hopefully better and more elegant way to get rid of McCreary. His hopes now rested with Raven and the others who might have their own opinions on the matter. Deep down, Madi was still angry with him, and even though she had forgiven him, her patience and goodwill shouldn't be tested. Definitely not at the moment...

"Hey, are you reading?" A voice over the radio interrupted their tense argument. Although they hadn't known him long, they could already tell it was Shaw's voice. Echo quickly unbuckled the radio from her belt and handed it to Bellamy. He took a quick breath of relief before taking the radio device from Echo and answering the call. Though not wanting to tellhim later, Bellamy had to aknowledge to himself that he owed Shaw just for the perfect timing of his call. 

"Yeah, this is Bellamy, we copy" He answered the call from Shaw.

"Good. Listen, the storm is not going to stop for us. That means if we want to fly, we'd better leave now. I just looked at the situation. It is seven hours at best before flying will be impossible. Before it gets too dangerous to land or take off. Maybe only five or six, but in seven hours it will be really uncomfortable," the radio told him in a rustling voice.

"Okay, we'll go to the dropship right away. I'm going to find some people to come with us. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes... hopefully. You can make yourself useful in the meantime and get some spare parts for the radio on the ground if possible. Over," Bellamy told him, putting the radio down, only half listening to Shaw's fuzzy reply.

"That's the signal, I guess," Bellamy said to Clarke and Madi. "I don't want to go down. But I have to." Bellamy gave them a forced smile. He really didn't want to leave them. It felt so cozy until Echo had to change the subject to McCreary, of course she meant well and it was better that this elephant in the room was addressed now, even if this was the worst possible time for it. Not that there was really a good time at all. His only hope now was that Madi would calm down in the next few days and evolve her point of view. And hopefully they would all have a few comfortable and relaxed days before the real work began. Before they had to start this discussion all over again.

"We have to," Echo reminded him. He looked up at her, feeling a little silly for forgetting this rather obvious aspect, but she continued, "Clarke is in good hands. As is the ship."

"I know," Bellamy said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

He switched his attention to Clarke and stared at her. And then he just did it. He hugged her again, tight and passionately. "I'm glad you're alive, I couldn't lose you again. I just couldn't. I was wrong. I'm sorry," he said into her hair-covered ear. He could feel Clarke grasping him with her weak hands as well. "Me too, Bellamy. Don't ever betray me again," she said in his ear with her warm breath. He could feel from her touching cheeks that she was slightly hot. A little too hot, in fact. But since she wasn't sweating, it wasn't a fever yet. And Abby was watching her carefully. Her body was working hard, trying to recover from her wound. Probably it was just right that he and Echo left her alone for a few hours, to let her rest and to spare her from rather difficult topics like deciding the fate of McCreary and the prisoners. It still had to be done, but maybe playing on time was the right decision for now.

"I won't, Clarke. I promise," he said to her as he let her go. "You have my word as well," Echo said behind him. Clarke nodded at her before saying "Thank you" with a smile. "Let's keep it that way," he said with a smile before catching Echo's and Madi's eyes, "That goes for all of us," he added firmly.

"Tell the others I miss them," Clarke told him as he slowly moved away from the bed. But then he stopped, because he wanted to make sure of one thing.

"I will," he promised her with a smile. "I'm sure they can't wait to hear the news."

Bellamy looked at Madi hesitantly, unsure how she would react. But she had calmed down considerably and looked at him expectantly. He moved closer to the bed again and opened his arms to see if she was willing to give him a goodbye hug despite their disagreement. To his delight, she accepted his invitation for a quick hug. Fortunately, Madi was rather forgiving and seemed to have a good heart. That was all that mattered to him at the moment.

"Shall I tell the others something for you, Madi?" Bellamy asked her, while Echo followed his example and also exchanged short hugs with Clarke and Madi before she went to the door and waited for him there. 

"Tell everyone to be nice to each other. That's an order," Madi replied. It sounded heartwarming and sad at the same time. Sad because a twelve year old girl had to remind the adults to be nice to each other. Something that not only Clarke had thought of long ago, that should be common sense.

"Okay," Bellamy said with a laugh. Then he finally retreated from the bed and joined Echo at the door, "We'll make sure everything is taken care of. We'll be back in no time. I promise."

"Fly safe," Clarke told them, smiling at them together with Madi before he and Echo left the quarters.

When the door closed behind them with a hiss, Clarke and Madi were alone again. Madi and Clarke looked at each other as they made themselves more comfortable. She had so many things to say, she didn't know where to start. But she felt tired again, ready for a few more hours of sleep. It didn't help that Clarke was slowly stroking her with her left hand - a thing she always did when they cuddled in bed, usually just before falling asleep. So she was left in this rather pleasant conflict of letting her continue or telling her to stop so she could talk to her. Her head was full to bursting. It had to be let out. But talking also exhausted her. When Clarke laid his head next to hers, Madi understood the signal the universe was giving her.

"I love you Clarke," Madi said as she enjoyed her constant petting. For a few moments she stayed in this cozy near-trance. Clarke stretched just enough to give Madi a soft kiss on the forehead. It hurt, but it was worth the effort. Clarke then leaned slightly over Madi to let her know how much she loved her as well. "I love you even more, Madi. You're the reason I'm still alive. I have been alive for the last six years."

"Just like you, Clarke," Madi replied as Clarke returned to her usual position. "Should I turn the medicine back on?" Madi asked her, looking into her eyes. Clarke hesitated before agreeing. "Yeah..." she puffed. Madi stood up quickly and let the painkillers flow into her body again with a click. Again it worked quickly as Clarke felt her head become dizzy. As she climbed back into bed, Madi made sure to position herself as close to Clarke as possible, giving her the best possible feeling as she felt her pain and her body diminish. 

Madi also felt her body become less heavy as she lowered her resistance to her fatigue. Both girls soon fell asleep.

20 Minutes later: 


Aboard the Gagarin

Bellamy and Echo were the last to board the Gagarin. They both took their seats on the bridge, directly behind Shaw's much more comfortable looking pilot's chair. Being back here confronted him with what had happened two days ago. There were still drops of Clarke's black blood on the floor, now dried and encrusted, a reminder of how his best and closest friend almost died right here. He remembered carrying her with Miller, Echo and Shaw while Jackson kept working on her and monitored her condition. Abby was too distraught and had to be fiercely dismissed by Jackson as he had to rebel against his former teacher and best friend. For the sake of her daughter, Clarke. Bellamy hadn't really thought about it while he was securing the valley. But now it came back to him. Like a horror movie he was forced to watch and couldn't turn off.

Sitting next to him was Indra, who wasn't very happy when Bellamy came to her and asked her to go and help him at the bunker. He knew she had her own concerns. About her daughter, even though Gaia was already recovering and mobile again. The last weeks had and forged them much closer, as much as Indra's usual distant and opaque attitude allowed him to judge. He could tell for sure that she was upset. She didn't look amused, not that that was anything new. But when he bumped into her on his way to see Abby, he saw a different side of her. A caring side of her, as if he had caught her in a moment when she was letting her guard down, a moment when she was alone and didn't expect him to run through the door as she was about to leave. She was a mother, after all, whose daughter had been shot.

And suddenly he wondered if that was something she and Abby had discussed. But on second thought it sounded absurd. But maybe that was just because he couldn't imagine that Abby and Indra were having deep conversations about their daughters. "It could be true though... A strange world this has become..."

Indra was far too smart, as she had already figured out his plan and realized that everyone but Madi was behind her sudden call to duty. Feeling a little guilty, Bellamy tried to have a quick talk with her while Shaw performed a quick check and threw a glance on each of his instruments before undocking from the Eligius and starting Gagarin's engines "I know it's unpleasant for you to come with us, but…"

"Don't worry about me," Indra replied short-temperedly before looking tense in another direction. "I really didn't want to separate you from Gaia," Bellamy felt the need to send this afterwards.

"Don't worry about me. Gaia needs to rest anyway. And she's the commander's flame-keeper. So her place is within reach of the Commander. Whether she's needed or not," Indra told him, before looking back out of the window.

"Thank you, by the way. I really mean it, Indra. I owe you one," Bellamy told her. In return, he received a barely perceptible nod from her. 

He looked back at Echo. When their eyes met, she smiled at him. She had been listening to his conversation with Indra, waiting for him to turn his attention to her. For the first time, his heart felt relieved. Clarke was alive and they had resolved their most important issues. With her back alive and reconciled, he felt that everything that lay ahead would be much easier. Even dealing with the bunker and the pressing question of McCreary's fate that was still in the air. Much more: Clarke and Echo were showing the first tender signs of bonding and friendship. Just like a few moments ago when they were sitting at Clarke's side, Echo's hand touched his knee and he instinctively grabbed it. He clung to her hand as he felt the engines ignite and the Gagarin gently undock from the mother ship - still not without a slight shudder as it broke free - and began to float down towards Earth. By this time - it was the fourth time in his life that he had traveled from space to Earth - he was beginning to get used to the procedure. More than 100 years ago, spaceflight had become an almost daily business and experience for a certain percentage of the Earth's population. Now this habit seems to be experiencing a very limited revival. He closed his eyes for a moment and leaned his head closer to Echo's. Gathering his strength might be a good strategy. After all, he knew that he had days of sleep and rest ahead of him. He could feel her doing the same, and so they stayed for the rest of the flight.