
Chapter 1 : Restart

♥️ Chapter 1 ♥️

" I love you"

"I want you "

"I need you.."

If only I could hear those words while repeating this life to only have your love, for over 9,999 times attached with so many gruesome deaths and now in this old celler again..

" Your highness please! Let me go from here"

But his highness only gave cold eyes to her

" You know if Charlotte was here she'd die!-"

"What about me- your fiancé"

" Ex- Fiancé"

And his highness left the jail cell with no word but stopped to look at his ex-fiance and spited at the floor

" I tried to warn you Melody, your useless and know your head will be on my door "

It's over- it's over with my hope and dream to be with you, your highness. I swear on my 10,000 life I'll leave you first and live far away from here on that same Afternoon Melody in the house of The Dragon lord was executed.

In a beautiful and dazzling room with large and glorious windows a little girl in the age of 3 woke up slowly until she suddenly bonced of the bed to a large mirror " is it possible I'm finally in my 10,000 th life?" Melody clenched her small squishy hands to her chubby cheeks " I must be 3 years old this year" while looking at the room she spotted a silver bell and remember about a time when the maids would ignore her so many times to the point she had to make her own food

" those lazy witches always being a dukey brain, good thing you maids are still useful"

Then Melody rang the bell , not a moment later her nanny Ms. Acindina came into the room with a warm and bright smile

"Ms. Acindia!" Melody rushed into her arms in joy since in all 9,999 reincarnation she would die at 35 trying to defend Melody from the grand duke of the Dragones but was executed due to her speaking out of place " my lady why are you crying?" " I just had a bad dream Acindina" after the hugging and tears Ms. Acindina picked up Melody who was in front of the mirror and took her to the bathroom to bathe.

" My lady-"

" Melody , i want you to call me Melody Ms. Acindina"

" Alright then, Melody today is a lovely day to go watch the knights"

Ah.. I remember I wanted to become a knight for so long and watch the knights of this dukedom, until I was banned since Beatrice came and everyone fell in love with her.

" Melody…?"

Melody snapped back to reality " oh yes?"

"I just wanted to know what dress you wanted to wear.."

When on earth did we already get to my closet …. " I want that one please" Melody was pointing to a summery pink dress that was above knee length with prints of strawberry and flowers attached to it in the middle was a large white lace bow.

" Melody was an amazing choose"

And Melody smiled at Ms. Acindina but couldn't get her eyes off the window. Noah is going to come in here and make a ruckus as usual in 3..2..

" All one Melody~"


A large bang opened the doors in Melody bedroom and a little boy with Brown and a little bit of light brown hair bursted into the room with his eyes wide open in anger

" Melody! You useless pip" Noah walked right in front of Melody's face and gave her a look " what on earth are you doing in this part of the Dukedom quarter" Noah was looking at Melody hoping that she would start crying and apologizing.

" I live here, what are you doing in MY room" Noah stepped back in surprise and in anger snapped back at her " well.. I don't want you here!"

" Then go.."

"Fine I'm leaving" and Noah left the room but when he went out the door he realized he just left without being able to bully Melody .

Ms. Acindian was shocked by what had happened between the 2 siblings " Melody do you know Noah was?"

" yes.. He's my older brother by 4 years is the 3rd born son so what he needs to know that it's not polite to barge into a lady's room"

" My lady you're always growing day by day"

No Ms. Acindian I've just relieved this scene so many times

Outside in the Rose garden Melody had collected many roses from different colors and was on the ground making flower crowns while looking at the butterflies .

Seriously.. I could be doing something important with the melody , but while she was thinking 4 knights were so light headed from the sigh of melody trying to be mad with her chubby cheeks " My lady!" one of the knights called while rushing to her, " you look lonely would you like me to play with you?" Melody made room for the knight but the other 3 knights were giving him death stares behind his back " Sir Knight, do your friends want to play with us as well?" and in a blink of an eye they sat right next to the melody.

" umm My lady do you know who I am" the 3rd knight asked

Well of course I do, did you really think I'd sit with strangers and have pretend tea with them? Melody thought.

Melody gave off a cute smile and replied " of course you're the brave knights of this dukedom Sir. Meliodas, Sir Aelius and last but not least, Sir Raven! "

All four of knights were bashful in what Melody said " awww My lady" Sir Aelious said " you know who we are?"

Heheh. he fall for my cuteness, you weak knights and became my SLAVES!