
Prologue: 1

It was late at night. Walking through the empty streets at a slow pace with raven shoulder length hair, wearing a black jacket over his white shirt, his tie hung loosely around his neck, navy blue jeans and normal looking shoes was our protagonist, Arata Takeba was a perfectly ordinary high school student living a perfectly ordinary life.

"I wonder what Aika made for dinner today, probably ramen.


I knew I shouldn't have let her watch too much Naruto, she's addicted to the damn thing."

Grumbling about stupid anime, he made his way to his house.

"I'm home." he said, removing his shoes.

"Took you long enough, I thought you weren't even gonna come home today given how late you are." A voice came from the kitchen.

"Late? What time is it anyway?" he asked, entering his room.

"It's almost 11pm, what took you so long?" the voice demanded

"I already told you, I was at Ryuuji's!" He exclaimed.

Arata emerged from his room, wearing a white sleeveless tee and black shorts and entered the living room, getting comfy on the sofa, he took the remote and was about to switch on the T.V. when,

"You did but you told me you would be back by nine, why are you so late!"

The voice emerged from the kitchen, revealing itself. With long, orange-brownish chestnut hair cascading down to her waist and hazel eyes, a figure that could give any model a run for her money, Aika Takeba was a beautiful young woman (imagine Asuna Yuuki from SAO).

"Jeez, why are you always shouting? Relax a bit will you. I'm sorry I was late. There, happy?" he asked, already tired of the situation.

"I don't want an apology, I want to know why you were late, you weren't watching Naruto the entire time were you?" Aika asked suspiciously,

"Or did you finally manage to get a girlfriend" I opened my mouth to counter that statement when she continued.

"Actually, one second thought, nobody would ever date you." she said smugly.

Arata's eyebrow twitched, "I'll have you know that the only reason that I don't have a girlfriend is because I don't want one!" he exclaimed,

"Sureeeee, whatever you say" she said mockingly

"Tch, whatever"

"That reminds me, what do we have for dinner?" he asked

"For tonight's dinner, I have made the food of the gods, kami himself has blessed this food and given it to us as his divine blessing! Behold, the super amazing Ichiraku style Miso Ramen!!!" she proclaimed, clearly proud of herself.

"You mean the pathetic excuse of cup noodles you make cuz you can't cook shit." He deadpanned.

"How dare you! It isn't some measly cup noodles, its ramen blessed by kami himself, its greatness surpasses any other food…"

"Yeah, yeah whatever. I'm hungry so I'd appreciate it if you cut the crap and gave me the damn noodles." Arata interrupted.

"It's not noodles, its ramen! Get it right!!"

15 minutes later

"Well, what do you think? Is it good?" Aika asked, hope filled in her voice.

*Are you kidding me! What's with the sudden mood swing, just a few minutes ago she was pissed at me, now she's suddenly acting all cutesy!!*. Arata thought.

Arata wanted to tell her that it was just normal cup noodles and she made the same thing every day but took one look at her hopeful face and clicked his tongue, "Yeah, it's really good. You're getting better every time."

"Awesome! I've been practicing every day! At this rate I might even decide to open my own shop someday!" Aika shouted excitedly, pumping her fist in the air.

Arata looked on amused, *it's good to see her being so carefree. Ever since Mom was taken, she's been isolating herself more and more, it'll take a while but I'm sure I can get her out of her shell eventually.*

That's right, it had been 7 years since their parents had divorced, their parents had been fighting for a long time. He had been 11 years old when it happened while Aika was 10.

His father didn't want anything to do with the 2 of them so their mother got custody. His mother didn't really like him a lot since he reminded her so much of their father so he usually had to take care of himself and was much more mature that other kids his age. He only had a handful of friends but he was happy with that.

When he turned 13, he got into a fight with his mother resulting in him leaving the house altogether. All of a sudden, his father decided that he wanted in on his life again. He gifted him a two-storey apartment and paid for any essentials he needed.

Two years later when he finally gets his life back on track, Aika shows up on his door telling him that she ran away and came to his place looking for a place to stay.

Just when he was about to tell her to get the hell out of his life, she hit him with a woman's ultimate jutsu, the 'puppy eyes no jutsu' and he was immediately defeated.

She was bored so he introduced her to anime and she immediately took a liking to Naruto. So, he asked his father if he could get some extra money to take care of his sister and the bastard told him he could deal with it himself.

I mean, seriously! What kind of father asks his 15-year teenager to pay for all the necessities of his 14-year old sister!!!

Regardless, he didn't really have a choice. So, he got himself a job as a background vocalist along with a part time job as a lifeguard in a pool. Did he mention that he dropped out of high school and decided not to pursue any further studies?

Cue 6 months later when they find out that their mother was sent to jail for stealing jewellery in broad daylight. He honestly did not have any idea what to say to that.

So, here he was, with a filthy rich bastard for a father and a thief for a mother. Yup, it was a good time to be Arata Takeba (note the sarcasm).

Now that he had explained his shitty life for no reason whatsoever, it was time to get on to the part that everyone has been waiting for!!

15 minutes later



"We're out of milk"


"I want you to go down and bring some milk"

"Do it yourself"

"No, you do it"

"Why should I"

"Cuz, I said so"














"NO! Wait what!!!"

"Heh, oldest trick in the book and you fell for it" he snickered

"But I don't want to" she whined.

"Well, neither do I so get to work."

She puffed her cheeks, "Hmph, Fine, but you have to come with me" she started of irritated but finished with a demanding tone"

"Eh, but then what's the point if I'll be going either way?" he asked

"I'm not listening to what you say anymore, that's my final offer, either you can go and do it yourself or I will come with you." She stated with finality

"Okay then, I'll just do it myself. See ya…."

"Oiii!!, wait up! I'm coming with you"

"Tch, what a waste of time, what made you change your mind?"

"Well, I figured that you would stop complaining if I came with you and gave you some company!" she said, holding her right hand up in a V-sign.

Arata looked on with a deadpan expression before giving up "Sigh, troublesome…Let's just get this over with"

So, the two siblings departed to buy some milk. How exciting…

5 minutes later

"Here are your items! Thank you for shopping!

*Sigh* "We hope to see you again!"

Leaving the store, Arata and Aika completed the grand quest of buying some milk. Hooray!!

Anyway, back to the protagonist, "Well, that's that, is there anything else we need to get? Its almost 12 now"

"Nope! I've got everything we need back home! Now all that's left is to get a good night's sleep!"

"Sleep. Yeah, I really need some sleep" And so they walked home on the quiet streets.

*It's quiet, too quiet* Arata thought to himself.

"I can't help but feel wary. It feels as if something bad is gonna happen."

"Aika, stay close to me"

"Eh? Why, what's wrong?"

"Don't ask too many questions. Just listen to what I say."


"And stay quiet, don't make a sound"

"Arata, is everything okay?" Aika asked, slightly worried.

"Everything's fine, I'm just on guard" he reassured her.

They finally reached the complex when, "Well, well. What do we have here?"

A voice called out, "Two brats. Haven't your parents taught you not to go out at night little girlie?"

Reacting instantly, Arata quickly grabbed Aika's hand and pulled her behind him. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves.

"Whose there? Show yourself" he demanded

"Hoh, is the brat trying to play hero?" Arata said nothing but prepared himself.

A shadow seemed to fall over him as the voice emerged from the dark revealing itself to be a man. No, calling him a man wouldn't do. The guy was a goddamn behemoth that towered over his own height of 6'1. He has muscles bulging from every single part of his body and looked like he could flatten him without even trying. He was wearing a gas mask on his face and was completely and utterly bald. Basically, he looked like Bane.

In this situation, Arata could only think of one word to say,
