
Chp-16 Clash Of Titans

*The Day Before Bael's Arrival in Gemmera*

Bael's Pov

Tomorrow was the day I would visit Gemmera. To be honest, I am a little excited to meet the people of this world. The 'ordinary people' that is.

After Walpurgis ended, I decided to complete the promise I made with Guy about our Spar. We decided to fight in the demon realm. The demon realm was chosen because we both knew that if we fought in the Cardinal World then our fight migh distrupt the peace of the world. More like destroy it to extinction which goes against his job description.

According to him, the Demon Realm is an infinite plane of spritual energy so fighting there will have little effect to the general stability of the realm.

At its mentioning I had a thought about the possibility that the demon realm is connected to other worlds.

{Not Directly. The Demon Realm of the Cardinal World is one of the Main Branch of the much larger and Dangerous Abyss. Demons being summoned from other worlds originate from the branches of this Main Branch.

This is also true for the Heaven Realm. But unlike the Demon's, The angels that resides in the many different realms of heaven are a copy of the original, these copies are devoid of their own ego, and are merely shells embodying the beliefs of the humans of that universe. They contain only basic instinct of protecting Justice and Upholding it.

The Original Angels are in the Origin Heaven, from where they are restricted from movements outside their realms.}

[A/n Just keep this explanation in the back of your mind. It does not relate to what will happen in the near future and is just me trying to make a plot point for a future plot]

So basically Gabriel meant that I could 'Theoritically Access Other worlds from the Demon Realm, or atleast that realm has the highest chance of World Travel than the Cardinal or Heaven Realm.

If this is true, then do you think that I could travel to my Original World Gabriel?

{From the data received from VOTW, it is possible to connect with Earth 2138's Universe but access and travel is heavily restricted and require multiple conditions to be met and yes, it is nearer.}

So that's why I got transmigrated here instead of to the New World. Then what about my Original Original World?

{Insufficient Information.. Evolution Required}

I see.... leave it then. I have plenty of time anyways.

Hey Gabriel, what's the possibility of me winning against Guy and killing him right now?

{86%, If Half of the WIs are sacrificed.}

I see, i honestly expected less but that's a relief knowing I still have atleast another Evolution, by that what should be the probability?

{Insufficient Data}


Anyways while chatting with Gabriel I Entered The Demon Realm through the coordinates Guy Sent me.

I brought Roku and Gaia with me for the chance of Any unforeseen circumstances occuring .

Roku has a job class called Tanker which allows him to tank any attacks of his enemy 20 levels above him for only 5 times.

This could come in handy for a tactical retreat.

And Gaia has a job class of Barrier Lord

Which itself explains it. This also have a function similar to Unlimited Imprisonment.


As i entered the Realm I could see Guy and Rain with him.

I then approached them with Roku and Gaia in tow. As we got nearer, I saw that Guy looked excited for the fight, looking at the huge grin he is giving.

Guy: About time Bael, I have been itching to have a go with you.

Bael: Me too Guy, I also wanted to test my powers against a formidable opponent.

And so we first started by releasing our own Auras.

Seeing this our Subordinates made the wise choice of Distancing 10 km away from us.

As our Auras almost matched with him having the upper hand due to him having Larger reserves and his copied cheat Magicule Breeder.

Guy: Not Bad, for an Outsider you are the most formidable one I have met so far.

Bael: Outsider? You know who i truly am?

Guy: Naturally. It's my job to look after this world so I would know many things that noone even will think about.

Bael: I see, well let's talk later for now.

Guy: Rig-

Before he could finish speaking I interrupted him with a punch in his face by lunging at the speed of sound, giving him a punch in his face.

Without any effort he blocked it and while deflecting it gave a punch of his own to my abdomen.

To which i promptly maneuvered to let it pass by me while retaliating.

This short but fun hand to hand combat went on for a few minutes. After feeling bored we both jumped backwards.

Guy: That was a good warmup.

Bael: Indeed...now the nex-

Before I could finish he decided to turn the tables on me by giving me a flying kick which I soon avoided with ease and then started our second round of combat but much more fierce and intense. This started to throw stray winds and explosions occasionally all around us.

This went on for a few hours with round 3 4 and 5 more intense and destructive than the previous one.

After the 6th round we stopped and I decided to test my Magic skills.

Throwing a large magicule bomb at him the size of a Car which as expected did nothing to him. This was followed by a large elemental abomination of fire, Earth, ice, lightning, wind and air in a giant fused ball thrown at him. [A multi-elemental giant Rasen-shuriken ball if you would]

Seeing the incoming attack, Guy couldn't help but grin in excitement. It's been millennia for him to have met a truly powerful sparring partner other than Velzard and Milim.

As the attack collided with the target a huge explosion happened which did an excellent job of flattening a large radius of 6 km. The wind blew hard on Roku, Gaia and Rain.

Gaia and Rain decided to put on a barrier to contain our fight seeing the destruction we or in this case I caused with my warmup.

After the explosion, i could see Guy completely unharmed with a barrier covering him.

Bael: As expected of you, this didn't even scratch you.

Guy: Of Course, but i wonder....*grins* Is this all you got?

Bael: Obviously No...the Party hasn't even started yet.

I don't know why but I am starting to enjoy this fight. Like someone put a large amount of dopamine in my blood. Is this what they call Battle Maniac? Am I a Battle Maniac? I don't know but heck I am loving this.

Guy hearing my proclamation left no hesitation to strike with a Nuclear Magic of his, the size of that spell was quite impressive. But that was as easy to deflect as a football would.

Now time for the real Fight.

Charging up my Magicule I first used gravity magic to create a similar attack' to what Jubidara did in the Naruto anime.

Creating multiple black balls that seemed to suck life in filled with the explosive powers of a small nuclear bomb, I threw them at him.

Seen the onslaught of dark black destructive balls, Guy became slightly wary. He knew touching even one of them could lead to severing limbs in the best case scenario.

But the balls each were a little apart enough for him to dodge and weave through them.

Guy: I am Impressed, that attack could have injured me ya know?

Bael: That was the intention, what a good fight it would be if there was no risk of injuries?

Guy: If you insist then...

Guy started releasing his magicules, a dark crimson cloak of Magicules forming on his body, then he pounced towards me at the speed mere sight couldn't see.

Even I had trouble registering his movements but with Gabriel I soon got accustomed to it.

With jabs, punches and kicks thrown and occasional magic blasts in between our fight it became a seemingly choreographed dance .

It was awe inspiring and beautiful in a twisted sense of fighting for any onlookers.


3rd Pov

While Guy and Bael were having fun. Rain and the guardians stood 15km away on a small hill overlooking the fight.

The intensity of the fight was so impactful that they had to retreat 5km more form their original place.

To say they were surprised of the other's Master was an Understatement. Both sides knew their Masters best and To see them fighting equally was a shock to them. But this was still their warming up fight. They have yet to even go a little serious.

The fight of Close combats and periodic magic attacks thrown in, created loud booming sounds along with the wind blowing at all directions. Each was enough to remove all the skin and muscle away from a human in seconds.

The fight went on for 3 hours and abruptly stoped as both combatants stood opposite to each other.

Bael: I think we should finish this now.

Guy: Yep, so a final attack huh?

Bael: Yes

As the words fell, both started charging up their Magicules to the maximum. Guy decided to use one of his powerful energy attack Giga Brand and Bael matching his, used an Attack derived from unique skill Bahamuth charged a Stellar Burst.

When the attacks reached its completion, both of them released the attack to one another which met at the middle...

As the attack made contact a momentary silence was created and suddenly a Deafening Explosion occured which almost reached Rain and The Guardians.

The winds swept furiously, blowing off any demon Daring enough to spectate the scene from the peripheral area. The sound of the explosion seemed to resonate all around the realm, alerting the residents of a massive fight which they already knew by the amount of Magicules constantly released from the beginning.

But the Demons were used to it, this realm was a place where constant fights occurred so they thought some high powered demons were brawling in the distance and as long as their own interests were not harmed they won't intervene.

As the Explosion Concluded, the fight was simultaneously announced to be over.

Neither of the combatants seemed harmed, ignoring the slight burn marks on their body and clothes which began rapidly healing.

Both grinning from ear to ear, the adrenaline of the fight still running in their body.


That's it, the end of another chapter.

This one , was a fight scene.

I am a novice in such kinds of parts so I tried my best and channeled all the fight scenes I read from fanfics.

Hope it was adequate in showing the power balance of Guy and Bael. Well this was just a light hearted spar anyways so it doesn't count.

Okay see ya in the next chapter.