

Currently Rimuru was in a group of elf girls surrounding him.

I could only sigh at this, I never had interest in things like these. Though the elf girls were pretty, I wasn't interested as I focused on floating around and talk with the bartender.

And we had forgotten Gobta in the cell too, oh well he can probably get out by himself.

「 You're with the slime over there? 」(Bartender)

「 Yep, though I feel quite shamed to be with him at times, embarrassments. 」(Shinju)

「 Oi Shinju! What're you saying over there? *slime pout* 」(Rimuru)

「 Nothing, go back to getting squished by the elf girl's melons. 」(Shinju)

「 ...*silence*... 」(Rimuru)

That's what I thought.

「 So, what's your name orb? 」(Bartender)

「 Shouldn't you tell your own name first bartender-san? 」(Shinju)

「 Mm that's true, I'm Cynthia. Cynthia the bartender. 」(Cynthia)

「 Cynthia the bartender, not bad. Though I'm quite surprised not a lot of customers come talk to you, you're quite pretty. 」(Shinju)

「 Probably it's because it's illegal to do anything with the bartender. 」(Cynthia)

「 That makes sense. I'm Shinju the floating orb. 」(Shinju)

「You're quite a big orb... 」(Cynthia)

「 Ara.....huh big? 」(Shinju)

Then my perspective changed again revealing my bigger than normal form. I was literally a bright blue orb, a tiny bit smaller than a head! Was it because of the magicules that have been entering me?

「 Haha...it's just my form. 」(Shinju)

「 I see, it's my first time seeing a floating orb too. 」(Cynthia)

If I could look away, I really would but I'm in this form of an orb.

「 Hoh? It seems like there's something interesting going on. 」(Shinju)

「 Nani? 」(Cynthia)

I floated over while the brown elf girl was doing a few hand movements over a crystal ball.

「 What's this? 」(Shinju)

「 Hoh Shinju! We're seeing my soulmate or the person I'm destined with. 」(Rimuru)

「 Interesting, let's see then. 」(Shinju)

After finishing the hand movements, the crystal ball started to change and revealed a black hair girl with 3 red stripes near her eye.

「 That's one pretty girl. 」(Kaijin)

「 Y-yeah she is...」(Rimuru)

「 Is the middle brother blushing? 」(Shinju)

「 U-urusai! Let's see your soulmate then! Elf-san if you don't mind. 」(Rimuru)

「 Of course, I don't. 」(Elf)

The elf proceeded to repeat the hand movements but this time it took longer than usual.

I'd say it took about 4 minutes, she explained when it's longer it means that my soulmate is further away from me.

I'm glad, I'd rather not have my soulmate see me in this orb of a form of mine.

Suddenly, the crystal ball changed and revealed a girl with blue and red eyes along with silver hair, she had a fierce look on her fierce. Then dissipated, I must say she looks pretty.

I'm a female and she's a female too, but it's not like I really mind. It's just the form of love isn't really to my understanding, after all I've only been fighting nonstop during the times in my past life.

I looked back to the elves and dwarves and they had a nervous look.

「 What's wrong? 」(Shinju)

「 Why're you all so tense suddenly? 」(Rimuru)

「 Her soulmate is the demon lord-」(Elf)

「 It's better if they find out themselves. 」(Kaijin)

They both looked at each other and nodded.

The tension was broken by someone that looked like a scum.

「 Should you really be wasting time in a place like this, Kaijin? 」(Minister)

From the looks of what he's wearing, I'm guessing he's the minister we're talking about.

「 It's Minister Vesta. 」(Kaijin)

「 He certainly looks like a minister all right. 」(Rimuru)

「 If only he didn't have a scum like personality or impression. 」(Shinju)

「 Now now, let's relax Shinju. 」(Rimuru)

「 Is this really a good time to be playing around? I believe the deadline for the longswords...」(Vesta)

「 I just turned them in. 」(Kaijin)

「 If you don't get it finished in time- Wait you turned them in? 」(Vesta)

Ha, the reaction was funny. The reaction of someone so high strung is hilarious.

「 Yep, all twenty of them. 」(Kaijin)

「 B-but that's... 」(Vesta)

Given away, he never expected Kaijin to finish, perhaps he was going against Kaijin and something was happening behind his back. Though I do really want to know what plans the minister has.

「 Want to see the invoice? 」(Kaijin)

「 *cough cough* Is that so? Well, finishing your work on time is is to be allotted as expected. 」(Vesta)

This minister had no shame at all, even giving him an impossible order ; plus they don't look like they're on good terms either.

「 Though I'm more concerned with those two. 」(Vesta)

「 「 Us? 」」(Shinju and Rimuru)

「You shouldn't bring such weak monsters into an high brow establishment like this. It's making me ill. 」(Vesta)

When I get my physical body, I'll definitely cut him up.

Author: Don't worry, you will soon and hello readers! Hope you forgive me for my intrusion, I hope you have a good day!


「 Oi, did you allow such lowly monsters to be in here? 」(Vesta)

「 They may be monsters but they're harmless. 」(Cynthia)

「Ha? They're monsters are they not? Are you trying to say an orb and a slime aren't monsters? 」(Vesta)

Monsters really are discriminated against here, though I'd understand why.

Though I'm an orb, is that really considered a monster?

The nature of humans would never understand, as long as we aren't humans, they wouldn't care about us and would throw us out without any hesitation.


「No, not in the least. How about a drink Minister? Please help yourself. 」(Cynthia)

Please let this distract him, I hate his presence already, it's making my soul shake in disgust.

「This is what should be done to monsters. 」(Vesta)

Vesta grabbed the drink and poured on us. Though the drink went right through me not affecting me at all and Rimuru didn't get wet since he was a slime, he could just absorb the beer.

「Are you both okay? 」(Elf)

「It's not like anything physical can affect me.. 」(Shinju)

「Un. I can just absorb the liquid, is your dress okay? 」(Rimuru)

「I'm fine. 」(Elf)

I was pretty annoyed, I really wanted to kill this guy now.

「S-shinju calm down, there's a dark aura forming. He's the minister, don't let your temper get to you. 」(Rimuru)

「Tsk, fine. 」(Shinju)

As much as I hate it, Rimuru was right. This guy was a minister and my temper could potentially cause more trouble.


Out of nowhere, Kaijin swung his arm and his fist made contact with Vesta's face.

「His form's pretty good. 」(Shinju)

「Shinju! That's not the problem right now. 」(Rimuru)

「Hai, hai. 」(Rimuru)

Thank goodness Kaijin punched him, it removed some of my stress.

「Vesta, I hope you're prepared for treating my guest like that. 」(Kaijin)

「Y-you! How dare you speak to me like that! 」(Vesta)

This guy...really no shame at all.

「Shut up! 」(Kaijin)


Kaijin threw a right hook and it hit Vesta right in the jaw, he sure has some skill for a blacksmith.

「Though won't this cause trouble for you? 」(Shinju)

「Hey Shinju and Rimuru, you guys said you were looking for artisans correct? 」(Kaijin)

「Un, though what does that have to do with this? 」(Shinju)

「Haha, won't you guys settle for me? 」(Kaijin)

「Eh? You mean it?! 」(Rimuru)

「If we have you then..I don't think we need to settle after all. 」(Shinju)

「We'd be thrilled to have your help! 」(Rimuru)

But not all things work out perfectly..

「Aniki...what were you thinking? 」(Kaido)

「Hmph, there was a moron that were rude to my buddies Shinju and Rimuru. 」(Kaijin)

「 Ora? I don't think we're close enough to be called buddies. 」(Shinju)

「 It's fine, you are Rimuru's little sister after all. 」(Kaijin)

That middle brother of mine is getting on my nerves quite a bit.

「*Sigh* You know you can't do that to the Minister. Don't hold it at me though, we'll have to keep you guys restrained until the trail. 」(Kaido)

Haha! I could make fun of Rimuru being chained up while I can just float, I could leave but I do want to see how a trail goes and what the king is like.


During the time we were in the cell, they talked while I floated around and listened. All 4 of them decided to join our village and we left Gobta in the cell again.

Now we were in the trial room.

「 His Majesty Gazel Dwargo will now enter! 」

The 4 blacksmiths bowed while I just floated, I was just an orb after all.

He looks quite fierce, I can tell he's good at swords from his hands, I really wanted to fight him.

Thus our trial started.

「 As we have seen, when Minister Vesta was enjoying a drink in said establishment. Kaijin and his gang stormed the place and assaulted him. Such behavior shouldn't be tolerated. 」(Trial Manager)

Tsk, this annoyed me.

「Let's get this over with. 」(Shinju)

Everyone turned their attention to me, the blue orb.

I was smart, really smart, too damn smart for my past life. I'll let my abilities shine a bit in this world.

「 First, why would we suddenly attack the Minister when he had requested 20 long swords, what's more it's said that you guys were going to war soon too. If he attacked you, wouldn't that be hindering the strengths for the country? They had no reason to attack him. From all those bandages, it was clearly exaggerated. The bandaging wasn't even right and his arm was clearly fine since the bandages that were twisting his arm didn't even make him wince. 」(Shinju)

Thus with my one sentence, the entire trial ended with the dwarves only being exiled from the country which was pretty lucky.

We had gained more benefits than losses, we started heading back to our village.

But in the corner of my vision, there was a figure spying on us.

I guess it's from the king, interesting.