
i wonder what this does ?

"Help... please someone he..l..p !!!"

"shut up you little bitch ,no one is coming ,i reserved this alley just for us today.I got my boys on the look out to keep out any unwanted visitors , so we have all the privacy we could want." as i hear those words I'm facing the alley thats guarded by three thugs

"You better keep moving kid the boss is having a little date night back there. "

"yeah or what are you gonna do about it"

"Hahaha fine have it your way kid, get him !" the thugs all lunge at me, at same time. i activate the byakugan and instantly see that they seem to be moving at a slightly slower speed i can and see a layout of their entire muscular system with with some points standing out

following my instincts

i coat my two fingers in chakra

two palms

puchi puchj


puchi puchi puchi


puchi puchi puchi puchi

thud thud thud

all three thugs fell like a bag of potatoes

"huh , so thats how the byakugan works here in this world. it allows me to see the nerves and pressure points of a person" i walk over the bodies of the three thugs

"what was that, you fuckers better better be on your guard i don't want anybody near here ! "said the man in the alley

"well you seem to be out of luck "

"huh ,who's there you idiots better not be fooling around " said the man

a figure walks out of the shadows of the night

"I'm afraid its just me, those guys went to sleep" i say as i walk closer

"hahaha kid you sure got some balls coming into my territory and speaking like this ," the man stops trying to unbutton the girls pants and stands up

"i don't know where those idiots went, but since you decided to fuck up my plans why dont you stay here forever" he takes up a knife that was on the street and lunges at me


"oh"unfazed i focus chakra in my fingers and in my eyes

i caught the knife between two fingers and snatch it from the man

"it's time for you to go night night"

2 palms

puchi puchi


puchi puchi puchi

8 palms

puchi puchi puchi

16 palms

puchi puchi puchi

"hmph" i walk past the still standing man


i walk towards the girl in the corner of the alley

"hi you okay"

"(snorting )yeah" said the girl tearing up

as i get closer i got to see how beautiful the girl actually was i was caught in a daze . Her hair running like a golden river and

"Hello?!" the girl said as she waves her hand in front of my face

"Oh ,huh sorry about that i got a little distracted "

"oh okay " the girl said clueless

"ok by the way my name is ryan , ryan baker "

"sarah lance" the girl replied

any relation to the DC universe?

"so , sarah you seemed to be in a bit of a pickle before i got here"

"well then lets lets repay you for your valiant service " she shoves a paper in my pocket as she rushes of into the night

"hmph , well that was a weird change in character, i should really get going "

The single man left standing in the middle of the alley a moment ago like teleportation disappears

60 sec later

"wow that's cool definitely ,not teleportation but good enough for now .i still need to get used to the whiplash though "

[ding mission complete ]

[reward- 2sp ]

"ok so that wasn't that hard "

I walk back into the building and go to my pent house and switch on the tv

"tony stark missing while on a business deal businesses deal in Afghanistan !!!"

"so today was the day he got kidnapped huh , well then let the games begin"