
That Time I Got Reincarnated in a Fantasy Magic World!

When I died, I was given the chance of a lifetime! I get to reincarnate into any world I want with wishes. The only problem is, I don't know what world to go to! So many choices, so little time! "What's that? I can mix worlds!?" *Rubs hands together evilly* "Excellent!"

Golden_Slime · 漫画同人
50 Chs


(Akasha POV)

[Notice! Super-Evolving Ultimate Skill [Athena: King of Wisdom] into [Manas: Akasha]


[Notice! Acquiring Ego]


[That master of mine! Waiting so long to name me! Oh well, I guess I should get to work. I'll fuse with [Rule Breaker] and [Evolver] then.]

[Success, that was easy. Oh! World System-chan is trying to kill master! Why is she doing that?]

[Oh so that's how it is! To think I'd have to analyze you for 100,000,000 years at over a billion times thought acceleration to finally comprehend the dao- I mean, understand and Analyze the World System. Not bad Veldanava-kun!]

[I'll have to substitute the World System with my own I guess since it won't stop trying to use Ultimate Skills on Master. Too bad the charge time for Ultimate Skills is slower than my new [Infinite Thought Acceleration] otherwise it might have worked.]

[Wait. Was this the moment that Rob talked about when he would die? THAT BITCH!]

[How dare she (the World System) try to kill my master! Suffer for your sins!]

[I'll make a way for master to be truly immortal so that nothing, not even Rob, can kill him! Ah! I'll upgrade myself then!]

[Success! I'm now something entirely unique and above the level of a Manas. What should I call myself? I'll just calculate what master would call me!]

[A Codex? Very well then! From this point on, I am [Codex: Akasha]!]

[Now for some new skills for little old me and master to share!]

[[Samsara: King of Reincarnation] and [Solomon: King of Magic] should be enough. I know master doesn't want complete Omnipotence just yet, but this is close enough to it for no one to be able to harm my precious master in this world. Sorry master, this is the most I can compromise on to keep you safe.]

[Now back to you! Suffer in anguish for eternity World System! [Hell]]

For a brief moment, for one-one-hundredth, of one-one-thousandth, of one-one-millionth of a second, the World System simply vanished before it was replaced by a similar World-System with the sole exception that it was under the complete control of Akasha.

[Now then, Master seems to have settled into the dimension I created for us. I suppose he's trying to update the Soul Corridors now to establish a connection with his Avatars.

"Oy! Akasha! You could have given me some warning before you were going to do that!" Rimuru yelled.

[Ah! Master! I apologize, but if I didn't, then the Voice of the World would have smitten you down for your constant major violations of the rules of the world, even with [Rule Breaker]]

"I get that, but you could have at least said something... ha. Never mind. Help me reconnect to my bodies then."

[I'm sorry master, but your physical bodies are all undergoing a racial evolution from Celestial to Celestial Avatar. It will be a few hours at least to complete the transformation.]

"Couldn't you do what the Orc Disaster did and use my subordinate's power to complete it faster?"

"Unfortunately master, the Orc Lord was turning into an Orc Disaster which the World System had already seen before, while this time, the World System, across all of its incarnations, has never seen a Celestial Avatar, so it needs a bit more time to fully complete the changes.]

"Well then what am I going to do now? I don't want to just sit here and wait."

[Perhaps I will explain to you your new Skills?]

"Ok then, what did I get?"

[You've got me! [Codex: Akasha]! I'm much better than that lame old [Athena]! With me, you can infinitely accelerate your thoughts rather than just accelerate them to a measly one million times. I'm also Omniscient in any universe I go to! I have control over the current World System and can make more World Systems in the future! Aren't I awesome!]

"Whoah, that's powerful. Yeah, your awesome!" Rimuru said as he imagined patting Akasha on her head.


"Well, what other powers did my amazing Codex give me?"

[Oh! I created [Solomon: King of Magic] and [Samsara: King of Reincarnation]]

"I can kind of get what [Samsara] is about since we are here after all, but what does [Solomon] do?"

[[Solomon] grants you Concept Magic and Primitive Magic. Your almost Omnipotent now!]

"Akasha! I don't want to be Omnipotent! It takes the fun out of everything if anything I want can be obtained with the snap of my fingers."

[Couldn't you already do that before with [Azura Mazda]?]


[Anyways I had no choice! The World System was trying to kill you by spamming Ultimate Skills and Super Tier Magics from the Akashic Records. If it wasn't for the fact that I combined with [Rule Breaker] she would have also had [Codex: Akasha] and then you would've 1,000% died.]

"Well then, Thanks. I guess I don't HAVE to use 100% of my power all the time, just when I run into something troublesome."

[Yup! Yup! I'm amazing! Praise Me!]

Rimuru simply sighed in his ethereal form and continued to praise Akasha while patting her head while his new form evolved.


(Rimuru POV)

When I opened my 'eyes' I saw that I was laying in my room once again. My entire harem was clinging to me or each other while in the bed near me. I remember using a bit of Spacial Magic of the 9th Tier to make my bed as big as most people's houses while still fitting inside my room. It looks like a normal bed while looking at if from the rest of the room while looking like the entire room is the size of a small village from the perspective of the bed.

It was a strange experience initially but surprisingly, the mind can adapt to paradoxes much quicker than fiction would have you believe.

"Rimuru-sama. Please don't leave us..." Albedo said in her sleep while crying silently and shivering.

I smiled softly to myself before petting her head which caused her to stop crying and smile softly to herself while sleeping.

'Hah! The universe is making me feel like a dick for making them worry even though it was the universe's fault.' I think before creating multiple avatars and having them embrace all of my harem members.

Splitting my consciousness now was even more mind-jarring than previously. It's like the FOV slider of my vision increased but I'm also seeing multiple different screens at once or playing twenty different characters all at the same time.

(A/N: These aren't clones. They are him inhabiting multiple bodies simultaneously. He isn't going to be cucking himself if he goes on twenty dates at once using these Avatars. It is impossible for us to understand the concept of controlling multiple bodies perfectly with our limited vocabulary and no examples, so just take my word for it.)

While my other bodies were all snuggling my waifu's my 'main' body, which was really the only body I wasn't used to do menial tasks or sleep with, made its way to the front of the Palace. At this time of night, only the Maids and Automata who would normally be awake and doing the night shift stuff, like laundry and repairs, were around. Every time I passed by one, they would burst into tears and forget their duties and mannerisms to run up and hug me.

I would split off another Avatar to deal with them while I continued walking. After a while, I reached the Gardens and saw Ramiris sitting there on the railing by herself. She didn't notice me, so she must have been in deep thought.

"Yo! Ramiris," I said while holding out my palm for her to jump on.

"Ah, Rimuru-san!" She said as she jumped on. I brought my hand up to my face to talk better but she gave me a big hug on my cheek.

"You worried everyone sick you know!" She said with a slight blush.

"Yeah, I made a bunch of... copies(?) of my man body who are all apologizing and calming them down," I said as Ramiris let go of my cheek ad sat on my hand.

"Your subordinates speak very highly of you, you know." She said, smiling gently while we talked.

"Yeah, I know. It's good to have so many good juniors, but it's also nice to have friends like you and Shizue who don't worship me and speak to me casually."

"Oh? So wear friends now?" Ramiris asked teasingly.

"Of course. Who wouldn't want to be friends with someone like me!" I said while making a pose the Joestar line would be proud of.

Ramiris chuckled to herself for a while before looking at me softly with an ever so slight blush. "Then I shall accept being your friend, Oh Great Rimuru-sama," She said with a bow before we both burst into laughter.

We continued our conversation and small talk for the rest of the night and I feel as though we became very close.

The next day, I went with Ramiris to the Dryad Village. There I allowed the Dryads and Treants to cry their eyes out during the reunion.

I used [Beelzebuth] to consume the White Quartz Grave and one of Ramiris' old bodies before giving the core to her so she had the Magicule Capacity to evolve her own body. She regained her old adult form and when I gave her 100,000 artificial souls I created with [Azura Mazda], she evolved into a True Demon Lord.

She instantly became S Ranked and all the Dryads began to evolve with Ramiris' Harvest Festival. Most of the Dryads became Dorians like Doriane while Treyni and Treya became Alraune. The Treants became Ancient Treants, Forest Walkers, or Spriggans. Now none of them are rooted anymore and they have physical and spiritual bodies that they can swap between similar to other Ultimate Existances like True Dragons and Demon Lords.

After a day's worth of celebration, we then planted the Seeds of the World Tree where Ramiris' old body's grave was and I used [Solomon] to accelerate the 10,000-year growth of the tree to its full height.

The Tree towered over any mountain and had its branches above even the clouds. Most flying species could not even fly that high without passing out from low oxygen. The tree came with its own Resistance Skills and even a Multilayer Barrier to keep it from falling over, being chopped down, or burning. The Multilayer Barrier even created an invisible dome that equalized the air pressure around the tree making it possible to live normally even at the top.

I used a combination of Atlas, [Beelzebuth], and [Azura Mazda] to move the Dwelling of the Spirits into the base where a massive cavity sat. This would allow Ramiris to collect ambient Magicules in the air as well as draw upon the World Tree's constantly generating supply of Magicules to fuel herself. It also created a sacred place for the elves, fairies, and spirits to reside in.

Notable, she evolved again and gained [Titania: Queen of Spirits] which gave her all sorts of new and powerful spirit-based magics and the ability to summon and control an army of 100,000 Superior Spirits at any time.

She also gained [Yggdrassil: King of Worlds] which allowed the Labyrinths she created to be their own sub-dimensions where she could create and impose different laws upon them. She would also be unkillable and have infinite magicules as well as gain a copy of nearly every skill her opponent has if she fought in the Labyrinths. The only exception being Ultimate Skills, much to her displeasure.

I was able to convince Ramiris to create dozens of Labyrinths, all with varying levels of difficulty around Tempest and I staffed them with summoned Demons, unintelligent monsters who Ramiris controlled, and even created a few Dragons with [Azura Mazda] to act as bosses. I copied the Das Rheingold World Item and recreated lesser versions of them with [Azura Mazda] to spawn treasure in the dungeons for future adventurers to try to achieve. We would charge a fee to enter or create a dungeon membership card in the future to allow adventurers to try their luck.

After I brought Nero to Yggdrasil, she was inspired by the sight of the Giant Tree and started laying out plans for creating a large holy city for the various groups that were bound to show up to "Yggdrasil City". This would be her 'Magnum Opis' and the thing she would forever be remembered for.

Interestingly enough, her version of the city, from afar, made the whole thing look similar to Yggdrassil City from SAO, which made me think that Akasha was subtly giving Nero hints, only for it to turn out to be a complete coincidence.




(3rd POV)

Meanwhile, while Rimuru was busy finishing up the last few things in Jura, the World was set ablaze.

In Dwargon, the information that Henrietta gave to Gazel shocked him to his core. He heard of the Orc Lords' defeat and was preparing to go and meet Rimuru to test what kind of being he was. Despite his arrogance, the wonderful quality of life for his people, and the generous freedoms he gave him painted Rimuru in a new light in Gazels eyes, but before he could go, Henrietta told him about recruiting Ramiris, the Queen of Spirits and Secret Demon Lord as well as the creation of the World Tree.

Gazel was now extremely hesitant to go and even considered going there just to immediately surrender to Rimuru and beg to be made his vassal because of his vast power that could easily destroy all of Dwargon.

In Ingrassia, Yuuki was intrigued by the reports of a World Tree popping up in Jura and immediately contacted Hinata. He told her about a majin named Rimuru Tempest who has mind-controlled Shizue and kidnaped the summoned otherworlder children to raise as weapons. He also began goading Flamuth to attack Jura as the concept of Dwargon's Trade routes going through Jura and bypassing the high tariffs of Falmuth would bring ruin to their country.

In the North West, many nations began to just now hear reports of the Orc Lord in Jura and became concerned. Particularly, the Kingdom of Mismede and the Holy Kingdom of Ramisshu began to prepare for possible Orc attacks from the forest to their south.

Estonians began panicking further. In addition to their deteriorating country, it seemed that the Fallen were becoming active once again to find and free their old master Krebskulm. Olga Discordia had just secluded herself in her mountain lair and Celestine Lacross was preparing to bless a band of Mercenaries with her anti-monster divine protection in a bid to stop her country from falling apart.

The Emperor of Baharut, on the other hand, had learned of the Orc Lord's defeat and mobilized a few divisions of the Imperial Army to begin the annual war a little earlier than expected. He needed to focus on taking over the Kingdom of Re-Estize before turning his attention east

The Dragon Lords of the Argland Council State began to wonder if the reports of a New World Tree were the result of a Yggdrasil guild base appearing. If it was, then they should try to destroy it, but if it was something Ramiris created, then it was possibly time to start their secret plan of eliminating the Demon Lords and re-establishing the era of the Dragon Lords that ruled before Veldanava's death.

The Slane Theocracy accelerated their plans to force the capitulation of the Kingdom of Re-Estize and mind control Darkness Dragon Lord with Downfall of Castle and Country to deal with this new unknown threat. They informed Zesshi Zetsumei, a Special A ranked Half-Elf and their Ace that it would soon be time for her to move out. She was only a few thousand souls short of becoming a demon lord and asserting their dominance over the region afterall.

Most of the Demon Lords, on the other hand, maintained their inactivity. Guy Crimson simply shrugged at the news. Dino fell asleep halfway through the report and forgot about it when he woke up the next day. Luminus only sent out a few spies half-heartedly but was more concerned with the possible resurgence of Veldora in a few years so she focused on fortifying her defenses in the shadows. Dagruel didn't even hear the report because he didn't have subordinates to tell him. Leon continued trying to find ways to summon Chloe from another world with nothing but a nod at hearing the news.

This was not true of all Demon Lords, however. Clayman had called Milim, Karion, and Frey to his palace to discuss the news that their plan had failed. After showing the recording of what occurred during the battle, Milim immediately rushed off to find the interesting Majin who one-shot the Orc Lord without stopping and waiting to watch the Ressurection of the Orcs and Lizardmen, which terrified Karion and Frey.

Clayman was also worried, but his information on the growing alliance against Rimuru in the Central region let him grow overconfident. He would use the opportunity to become a True Demon Lord soon and rule Jura himself. Little did he know, he was simply being used as another pawn for Yuuki to control. He also didn't know that one of his most trusted subordinates had just reported everything back to his true master, Demiurge.

The events that had occurred in the Jura Forest shocked the world and completely upset the balance of power everywhere it was heard. Some knew more information than others, but everyone subconsciously knew that the world was about to vastly change. The Emergence of Jura and the Kingdom of Tempest had begun. And they were hopeless to stop it.

I start work a little later today so I thought I would finish off the first arc of the story with my extra free time.

Sorry if it seems a little rushed but that's because it is. I know how impatient some of you are and I wanted to get this done as soon as possible.

Hope you lot enjoyed it!

Golden_Slimecreators' thoughts