
That time I got reincarnated as an Oni

TheKhorne · 漫画同人
29 Chs

Chapter 20 New Visitors

Two days went past from the day few ogres became kijins. Ogre Tribe began to rebuild their home just about 20 minute walk from the Cave of the Seal, they would do it closer but there wasn't enough space to do so. At first Shiva was concerned that they have no skilled carpenters, stone cutters and general builders that could build those things.

Fortunately he later was informed that few young ogres were from families that specialized in that. They weren't the best but with time they will become artists in their job. As of now, ogres still sleep in tents while they build more useful at the moment buildings.

One of the first of those buildings was a two floor pantry where all previously taken and now gathered food is be storage. It was build to not only protect it from wild animals but also to prevent other races as goblins to steal from them.

Second building that was already build was an open kitchen. One of the sides had a big, wide window without a glass in it. There were few shelves with wooden bowls and cutlery. Many ogre women knew how to cook but by a vote among the tribe, it was decided that Princess will be the Head Cook. Many loved food made by her and so many ogre women were determined to join her and learn few tricks from her.

Unfortunately for Shion, she was banned from this kitchen. A wooden board outside the doors informed her that she was not allowed into the kitchen. She wasn't angry at anyone by any means as she knew no one liked her food, besides Shiva that is. But she was sad that she won't be able to cook anymore stew for her Shiva.

After few seconds of being sad she became determined to cook in secrecy but of course it didn't work. Thanks to her clumsiness and how she does everything with her full strength, other ogres found out almost immidetly. But seeing that the food she makes isn't going to trash but is eaten by Shiva, they let it slide as long as she doesn't waste too much food.

And the third building that is close to being finished is a blacksmith. He is needed to make more tools, nails and weapons. Fortunately nearby caves and the lone mountain are rich in both simple iron ores and magical ones too.

Now, Shiva sits under a tree, playing on a shamisen. While he doesn't have any talent in carpentry, he can play some music to make work a little bit more enjoyable to nearby ogres. As he plays he notices that someone came to him. He looks up and sees that it's Benimaru.

"And what does bring the Ogre Chief to me?"

Said Shiva jokingly while smiling. Benimaru shook his head and sat down next to him, looking over the humble beginnings that is the New Ogre Village.

"Not a chief...yet. We need to build a small chapel where ceremony can be commenced."

"A chapel? I can imagine that it would be honored to Velodra?"

"Yes, you are right."

Shiva frowned while scratching his horn.

"And what does religion comes into your rule?"

Benimaru looks back at Shiva and shrugs.

"For me it's stupid but our ancestors believe that our right to rule comes from both our strength and gods. So as a part of ceremony I will need to fight those who want to take over title of a chief and then be blessed by a priest...will not be that easy."

Shiva took in everything and smiled while budging Benimaru.

"Hey, maybe I will challenge you and become the next chief!"

Benimaru laughed as a response and nodded.

"If you want then do it. I will be glad to give this rule into your hands."

Shiva's smiled disappeared and he frowned.

"You...don't want it? Why?"

Benimaru sat there for few seconds before sighing. He leaned on the tree behind him and looked up at the leaves.

"Well, it's quite simple. I love to fight, I love to just let loose sometimes! But as a chief...I can't do that because I can be killed. And in extreme chances leave village without mine heir."

"So you are just a fight fanatic?"

"Yeah. But I don't want to give this rule to just some random ogre. I still care about mine people, but I also want to live a happy life."

"So what are you planning?"

"Well...once I become chief I want to...give it over to mine sister."

Shiva's eyes widen as Benimaru said it.

"Wait wait wait. Is that even allowed? Can female ogre be a chief?"

"Why not? As long as she is strong enough to hold her title and has support of other ogres. And that won't be problem, she is very capable with her magic and every ogre around here treats here like their own sister."

Shiva nodded but then his gaze landed on someone that was back in the camp.

"And what about him? What if he doesn't agree and starts infighting?"

"Then we take care of him. I want to do it either way after we deal with the Orc Lord. Will you help me?"

Benimaru extends his hand towards Shiva and Shiva immediately grabs it.

"Of course. I will always stand with you."


Benimaru smiles at Shiva's loyalty but then remembers the other thing that he wanted to talk about with Shiva. Benimaru sits up straight and turns more towards Shiva.

"There is also something I wanted to ask."

Shiva raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?"

"Do you have any feelings for...mine sister?"

Shiva didn't respond for few seconds and continued to blink until a small blush made it to his pale face.

"E-Eh?! What?"

"Oh don't be stupid! Well, I know at least that mine sister loves you. But what about you because you must have seen how she looks at you, right?"

Shiva calms down and sighs, he places his upper right arm on his nape and scratches it.

"I...Listen, I noticed how she behaves next to me and there is a possibility that she loves me but...I am with Shion, I can't be with Princess too because that's cheating."


Shiva froze as he saw one of the most deadpan faces he saw in his life.


"Don't tell me...you don't know about it?"

"About what?"

Benimaru sighed and shook his head.

"It's normal in ogre culture to have multiple wives. Mine father even had two, he was few years with his first one before he married mine mother."

Shiva's eyes widen as he heard that.

"What?! How come I never saw her?"

Benimaru frowned sadly and sighed again.

"It's because...she died when being on a mission."

Shiva nodded and cursed himself that he went into a sensitive topic. He placed his hand on Benimaru's shoulder and patted it.

"Sorry about that."

"Don't worry about that. Oh, she and mine father even had a son. But he disappeared few years ago while looking for cure for mine sister's diesese. No trace left so we assumed he is dead..."

Silence went between the two, only sounds of ogres talking while working in the background. Benimaru then shook off Shiva's hand and locked back at him.

"Okay, back to the main topic. Do you love mine sister?"

Shiva sighed again while shrugging.

"I-I don't know. She is very important to me but I do not feel the same way like for Shion."

"I see. Well, no worries. Remember that when something happens and that love sparkles, you have mine blessing. She really loves you..."

Shiva sighed again and in frustration ruffled his hair. He then send a weak punch to Benimaru's shoulder that made him buckle a little.

"You are not making it any easier, you know?!"

As a response Benimaru simply chuckled. Suddenly Souei fell down from the tree and bowed down in front of them.

"Big group of goblins is heading this way."

Both Benimaru and Shiva stood up.

"How many?"

"About 50, I didn't saw any weapons on them and felt no malicious intent. But they have wounded, they seem to be ruining away from something."

Both Shiva's and Benimaru's eyes widen as they heard that. After asking from which direction they will come, Benimaru gathers few ogres as guards while Souei and Shiva stand there waiting for visitors.

They might look like running for their lives, but they are goblins. There are few peaceful tribes but there are many who resort to various techniques to kill and steal from their opponents. But if they are really in need to dire help, ogres will help them as they promised to themselves. No one wanted to help them, so they will help. So no one else has to be homeless.

Group of 10 Ogres stood at the south border of the New Ogre Village, Shiva, Souei and Shiva present. After few minutes of waiting they see big group of goblins run from the woods into the clearing that ogres cut down trees from. They all stop confused and slight frighten as they see all of those ogres.

At the front are two goblins, one younger one that wears grey shirt and a red banana on his head while the other one is a old goblin that is on the back of the young one. Young goblin slowly places down the old one, who was wounded on his left side, before running towards Shiva and the rest. When he was close, he falls down to his knees and begs.

"Please! Help us! Help mine family!"

Benimaru took step forward and leaned down to the goblin.

"What happen?"

"Dire Wolves! Few months ago they began to enter The Jura Forest, at first nothing big. They took away few of our prey and so. But now they launched a full blown invasion on the southern border! Many villages were destroyed, mine and two other managed to run away and we decided to come here. Please you must-!"

Young goblin lift his head up ready to scream to beg but is med with Benimaru's hand on his shoulder.

"It's alright. Take your people further into the camp and we will take care of you. But remember, you are on our lands now so you must listen to our rules."

Tears appear on the corners of Young Goblin's eyes as he nods, happy that ogres will help them. Suddenly there is something he remembers.

"Y-You must look out! We were chased by quite a group of Dire Wolves! You must tell your ogres to look out!"

"Calm down, it's okay. Now go!"

Benimaru stood up and nodded back to Shiva who ordered few ogres to take wounded goblins to the camp so they can treat their wounds. As goblins were going in into he campsite, Shiva, Benimaru and Souei had a little talk.

"How strong are Dire Wolves?"

Shiva asked as he never heard of them. He remembers him killing some big wolves before he went to the Ogre Village but he cannot remember if it those were those wolves.

"Strong. A pack of 3 wolves can manage to kill an ogre if they are cleaver enough. And they are, the have a mind of normal human while their bodies are made for slaughter. There were many instances where those Dire Wolves made all trade impossible as they began to control major trade roads. That is where we usually came in..."

Shiva nodded as he listened to Benimaru's story about the wolves.

"Is anyone far into the woods?"

"I believe it was Princess and few kids who went to gather some edible berries and roots. But from what I know Young Master ordered Shion to go with them."

"That's right I did. And can you stop calling me that, Souei? I have a name."

"I know, but you are next chief and so I cannot call you by your name but must use your title."

Benimaru sighed while Shiva chuckled at Souei's response but all that stopped when they heard this.

"Thanks for the help, Shion. Those logs are heavy as heck."

"No problem! Ask for help any time you need!"

Three kijin friends turned slowly towards the building site of blacksmith where they saw Shion carrying few, long logs. Quickly they made their way towards her and confronted her. When she noticed them she placed down the logs and waved while smiling.


Benimaru jumped behind her and placed his fists on the opposite side of her head and began to twirl them, making Shion wince in pain.

"Ow! Ow! OW!"

"Where the hell is mine sister?!"

"She is gathering food in the forest! Ow!"

"And why are you not here?!"

"Because Kurobe asked me to help the build the blacksmith while he helps that healer girl!"

Benimaru growled again while Shiva and Souei watched in both amusement and slight concern.

"And why the hell did you agree?! Your task was to protect them while they gather food! Now tell me what happens if something attacks them?!"

Shion suddenly stopped wincing in pain and had shock on her face, showing that she didn't really feel any pain from this.

"Oh no..."

Benimaru lets go of her and sighs, his anger flowing out from him. He then begins to run towards the forest, others following him without a word. Shiva and Souei were at the front as they were one of he quickest in the tribe, only second to Hakurou.

"Time for some wolf meat!"