
That time I got reincarnated as a Fenrir (Restarted on AO3, hiatus)

In this world there are seven Virtue series skills Sariel Raguel Uriel Gabriel Raphael Michael Metaton And seven Sin series skills Lucifer Mammon Leviathan Satanael Belphegor Beelzebub Asmodeus But there are four Ultimate Skills that do not belong to any specific side, but are a complete third party to this world, the Apocalypse series skills, the ones that possess these skills are harbingers of change, to welcome a new world, skills made just in case that the world is going to disappear, to bring about a "Reset" upon the space and time before there is nothing left... I appreciate criticism, but that doesn't mean I will change stuff, and if you don't like it, then just go read something else, don't make hate comments just because you don't have anything better to do ps: I do not own Tensura and this is a non profit fanfic, please support the official release, such as buying/donating to the manga and/or anime and/or light/web novel pps: credit to Dark_Light and his "That time I got reincarnated as an Abyssal Phoenix" for inspiration to make this fanfic, it's a great fanfic go check it out, I took a great amount of inspiration from it https://www.pinterest.de/pin/132645151509661091/ this is the link for my cover, if the author isn't ôk with me using it I will take it down

nameless_author · 奇幻
45 Chs

Chapter No.26 The Cult

(AN-l tried to get in hot water with a cult, by replacing the virgin blood in one of their goblets with my own, it didn't change much)

"Life and Freedom, it can always be limited Huh"

I said as I looked at the barrier and the wall

"But life always finds a way"

I look to the town being built by all the races

"I was expecting some racial profiling, but in peril even race doesn't matter to these people, it seems like I've got some good people"

"Isn't that right Cal?"

I could quietly hear her trying to sneak away

"You know that no matter what you do, you can't hide from <Magicule Area> you know that?"

I could sense her suddenly tensen up against a wall

I teleported over to where she was, I was right in front of her

I also noticed that she was even shorter than me

"You know even if I allowed you to observe me, stalking is a bit too..."

(No... there's no way)

"Oh? Are you blushing?"

"I-I'm not blushing! Idiot!"

she looked away

let me take a moment to remind you, that I was wearing ripped kimono, I had an oversized black prosthetic armor like arm, a black horn was sticking out of my head, not to mention my heterochromia and my wolf ears and tail

and I was towering over Cal who was approximately one head shorter then me with such detailed clothes that I can't even begin to describe it, as far as I can say she has a bunch of metal accessories adorning her red dress

(AN - I feel like I'm making my characters look like edgelords)

a honest smile grew on my face without me noticing

"Well let's go, I've still got stuff to do"

I said as I began walking away thinking of what I had to do

meanwhile she stood there blushing extremely before running to me

(Well we originally had the problem of food but there was a lot of fairly preserved food in the basements but that's not gonna last long, so we only have the treant idea Cal had to go off of)

(Then the people we had rescued need to recover mentally but that depends on them, then dealing with the cult but the walls have yet to have been attacked so we're probably being underestimated)

(And increasing our manpower, but I really don't want to go back to naming hell now)

(Then there's... I'm drawing a blank)

I quickly recounted if that was all there was

(there really is only food and monsters left huh)

And I quickly realised that both led to naming hell as when I was granting souls I had to name the creature to link the soul and body together

I stopped walking right when I realised it

"Why did you stop? I thought you had stuff to do"

Cal caught up to me

I looked up into the sky if you could call it one

"Well... I realised that the only things that I could do would involve me stepping into naming hell"

"What do you mean?"

she asked, without the slightest bit of embarrassment as if denying what happened


"Well, I can either use your treant idea to make plant monsters to grow stuff, but I would need to make some artificial souls which isn't too much trouble, but then I would need to put it in the plants or seeds and name them, resulting in naming hell!"

"The other one is making more soldiers and manpower, for which I need to make armours or dolls, insert souls and name them"

"Sounds like a pain"

"Wait you can create souls!?"

She exclaimed as loudly as one possibly could

"Yeah, I can! Although it can't really become useful without naming, as naming it is what creates the astral body, without naming, it can stay in a body for about a day before dispersing"

I started ranting

"Infact, Auric was very lucky when being created to evolve further than everyone else as creating monsters with my artificial souls needs a very precise amount of magicules both in naming and soul making as with too much the body won't be able to handle it, and with too little it won't be able to live without dying in a few days"

Now I started to vent

"And every time I have to make an original soul that doesn't have an exact duplicate, and I have to account for whatever other world that uses magicules that have billions of different souls that I have to avoid making a copy of otherwise it will explode in my face"

"And at first I had to make a completely original soul, from the analysis of a single soul, meanwhile I had to make countless assumptions to remove skills from the Nucleic Heart and the memories from the Ego"

"Uhh yeah..."

she was shocked at what I said

"Ummm... since when did you start researching souls?"

"Since I came here, why do you ask?"

left speechless she started twitching slightly

She looked like she was about to yell out something, but she suddenly passed out

I picked her up in and began thinking again

(Well doing nothing is worse than doing something monotonous so I better do something, I might as well solve the food problem as that is higher priority)

--------------------------Switching PoV--------------------------

In a room far away

"Why did enemies appear in the middle of our cult ground! There should be no-one able to detect us!"

The man who seemed to have the highest authority here yelled in anger

"This one doesn't know the reason or how they got inside the disappearance time barrier, but it appears to be living armours and dolls under the control of a Fenrir"

said the cultist bowing in front of the supposed cult leader

"Anything Else?"

he spoke again, only flinching at the notion of Fenrir

"This subordinate was informed that they have built a large wall reaching the top of the disappearance time barrier after taking control of the stronghold where Ozymandias was held, it appears that Ozymandias' life-force is not being detected, it is best to presume him dead"


"that bastard still had usess even if he wasn't a potential vessel

"Still, as long as this branch of the Six Eyed Cult is under my control no-one who intruded ever survived"


Name: Feru Akairashi Tempest

Race: Tempest Fenrir

Title: The last Fenrir, Street Magician, Bearer Of Pestilence, Drunkard

Disaster rank human form: S rank

Disaster rank true form: special S rank

Class: None

Blessing: Tempest blessing


Auric: Tesla Armour

Sor: Possessed doll(Lightning Elemental)

2530 Lightning Armour/s

1756 Possessed dolls



Throwing sword

Night's Edge

Sun and Moon Chain

Healing potions (Regeneration class)

Special Skills:

Unbreakable Concentration

Eyes Of Hate

Multilayered Barrier (Evolution gained skill)

Black Lightning (Evolution gained skill)

Impenetrable Skin

Unbreakable Bones

Air Walk

Gravitational Pressure

Instant Teleportation

War Rage

Complete presence Erasure



Intention reading


War Lord

Demon Summoning Magic

Transform (race intrinsic skill)

Bite (race intrinsic skill)

Slash (race intrinsic skill)

Long Ranged Slash (Lerned Skill)

Fire Magic (Lerned Skill)

Earth Magic (Lerned Skill)

Wind Magic (race intrinsic skill)

Lighting Magic (race intrinsic skill) (Evolution gained skill)

Unique Skills:

Memory Carving

Magicule Area

Air Control

Parallel Existence


Exhaustion Resistance

Soul attack resistance

Bodily Effect Nullification

Ultimate Skills:

Horseman of the Apocalypse, Goliath the Pestilence


(AN - My friend got into hot water with a cult of mimes, They committed unspeakable acts of violence against him)