
That time I got reincarnated as a Fenrir (Restarted on AO3, hiatus)

In this world there are seven Virtue series skills Sariel Raguel Uriel Gabriel Raphael Michael Metaton And seven Sin series skills Lucifer Mammon Leviathan Satanael Belphegor Beelzebub Asmodeus But there are four Ultimate Skills that do not belong to any specific side, but are a complete third party to this world, the Apocalypse series skills, the ones that possess these skills are harbingers of change, to welcome a new world, skills made just in case that the world is going to disappear, to bring about a "Reset" upon the space and time before there is nothing left... I appreciate criticism, but that doesn't mean I will change stuff, and if you don't like it, then just go read something else, don't make hate comments just because you don't have anything better to do ps: I do not own Tensura and this is a non profit fanfic, please support the official release, such as buying/donating to the manga and/or anime and/or light/web novel pps: credit to Dark_Light and his "That time I got reincarnated as an Abyssal Phoenix" for inspiration to make this fanfic, it's a great fanfic go check it out, I took a great amount of inspiration from it https://www.pinterest.de/pin/132645151509661091/ this is the link for my cover, if the author isn't ôk with me using it I will take it down

nameless_author · 奇幻
45 Chs

Answers to your questions no.2



Feru How do you feel about your dad

Feru: Well... I miss him.

Feru: he only feels like a father when he's not around, When I get back I'll tell him about how I missed him



Hey Feru how do you feel about getting a love interest

Feru: To be honest, it feels embarrassing, I feel like someone will tease me about it

*thinks of a certain someone



to feru again how do you feel about the fact that your entire life is being controlled by an omnipotent God that can be influenced by text sent through electronic devices

Feru: A feeling of powerlessness I guess?

Feru: it kinda makes me feel like nothing I really do has any meaning, it's like having an existential crisis

Feru: And once you've had one you can't really have another about being the plaything of a sadist

From afar Author: I'm not a sadist!

Feru: And how can you prove that



A question to Feru After you defeat the cultists (because of course you will) will this like become an independent country? If it will, what will it be called?

Feru: Well, I don't really know, right now, it's just a bunch of monsters fighting cultists



What exactly are "Apocalypse" skills

Author: Well technically not spoilers since, it's in the description, but they are skills that are to bring about the end of the world when they come together, so they aren't exactly a good thing



I noticed that Feru isn't exactly "stable" with how he lashed out at Gabil, And Rimuru mentioned that he was "Going Missing" occasionally in the middle of the day, so exactly how "Broken" is he

Author: Let's just say that some memories are better locked away



Thanks for the chapter.

Who's the love interest?

Author: shh... That's a secret...

Author: but you'll know soon, I think she's pretty good for one


Potential spoilers if you haven't read LN shit


How strong is feru going to be at he peak

Author: he is supposed to be number two/three in Tempest, no.1 being Rimuru, no.2 being Ciel(best waifu), no.3 being Feru