
132: Ability; a damning thing or two

Beta'd by SnowyEgrett

Two months, two whole months was the time it took for him to understand and get used to the strange — new — 'ability' of the Mark of Death with the help of the Church of Temperance.

Admittedly, it was far from an easy thing to get used to, much less master. Lin FenXiang — to his credit — did not give up, not even once.

No matter how hard things became, he gritted his teeth and forced ahead, determined to not let the hardships get the best of him. He refused to admit defeat and step back.

Now, back to the present time.

Lin FenXiang stood in silence, with one hand tucked inside his trousers' pocket and the other holding a phone as he stared at the screen. His slightly longer, wavy raven fringes hung in front of his eyes as he pushed the tinted sunglasses up while tapping his foot on the cobblestoned ground in an unknown rhythm.